Play normal Bedrock Edition to run any%
Is there any way a change in the rules could be made to make it go under pc? i’m definitely not bias because i can never beat that time on touchscreen or anything… i don’t think touchscreen will ever get a record again if controller and pc additions are used
TheOriginalCreeper ve EmiCh321 bunu beğendi
ahhhhh i see. thanks for the response. was just curious because i saw it like a few weeks ago and now it’s gone.
Is there a cooperative any% glitchless random seed category for mobile? there is no spot to choose a platform if you select cooperative any% glitchless (random seed). The platform selection goes away once you choose that.
GoldGamer32 bunu beğeniyor
6 toplamın 1 ile 6 arasındaki gösteriliyor
trickshotkid46 Hakkında
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