It should be. Regardless, it doesn't really make a difference in my opinion. The general consensus so far has been that Rewritten takes priority over CPSC and any rulings should be made with Rewritten in mind.
Hey, I have a problem with the game Club Penguin Online. ( It's literally the same game as the Club Penguin Rewritten leaderboards that have been up for almost a year now. Me and everyone else who speedruns CPR is annoyed by this as this game shouldn't have been approved in the first place and could mislead potential runners into thinking this is where they should post their runs. On top of that, only one person has submitted their runs to this leaderboard, so nothing of value would be lost. We would really appreciate if you'd remove this leaderboard as soon as possible.
Hey all, nhaar has asked me to make a post stating that the redraw regions mode of the debug flash player is allowed.
Basically, the debug version of flash player has a mode which draws red rectangles over parts of the screen that are redrawn. This is useful for OOB runs of All missions because it allows you to see in the white space.
You can download the debug flash player here: (scroll down to the windows download).