Virginia, USAnarfman011 days ago


  1. in README the WIP builds link out to the other repo. Can you remove that to avoid confusion that that's allowed?

  2. The banner at the top of the README says punes. Can we remove the banner so there's less confusion.

  3. In releases, the filenames all say wip. Could we remove that (or add version) to avoid confusion.

I'll check the HLT specific diffs more thoroughly and/or get another community signal if it meets our bar for any%. Was that kabaudio who mentioned HLT not being observed properly in the first place? If the originator of the issue is satisfied, I would be satisfied.

Virginia, USAnarfman012 days ago

No, we need a pinned known version for traceability. You could fork it, pin it, and release it yourself. Make sure to give it a tiny project rename. E.g. punesrta

Rh4kor bunu beğeniyor
Virginia, USAnarfman02 months ago

mesenrta is here: https://github.com/threecreepio/mesenrta/releases

the executable is named "mesen.exe"

I'm not sure about invalid api code... you could upload a video and link it here or preferably on discord where more runners actively look. glhf!

Virginia, USAnarfman03 months ago

Pal is not your friend, buddy (it runs slower!)

Virginia, USAnarfman05 months ago

Submit it and see what happens! Usually as long as sound is present it's OK

Virginia, USAnarfman06 months ago

It would probably be rejected. Which site?

I recommend getting an emulator - nestopia or mesenrta are current favorites!

GLHF and welcome :D

Virginia, USAnarfman06 months ago

Due to emulation inaccuracy, the moderating team has amended rule #8 to disallow polystation and similar clone consoles. It now reads:

Banned consoles: RetroN 1 (at least but not limited to HD+AV), Polystation. (Note: All inaccurate clone console submissions will be rejected.)

I recommend using nestopia or mesenrta emulators instead. glhf!

Virginia, USAnarfman06 months ago

You might consider, as an easier/beginner strat, bonking the first koopaling, then bonking it on its left side so that he goes to the right to kill the bro. This is much easier, removes the danger of bro, builds pspeed easily, and only costs a second or two. glhf

Virginia, USAnarfman011 months ago

the smb3 mods have been reviewing clone consoles since some emulator quality/accuracy/fidelity discrepancies have been observed. as a result, we have decided to ban the clone console "RetroN 1", and consider this a warning if you are playing on or considering a low price clone console option.

the retron 1 does not accurately observe lag frames, even in lag frame heavy levels like 2-pyramid, 7-4, 8-tank1, and others. as a result, for longer runs, the retron could have a timing drift of several seconds. this makes it challenging and unfair to compare on a board in which competing runners could otherwise have different positions on the board.

we'd like to look for other clones and related issues (e.g. polystation), and also solicit feedback from other runners and technical folks about this. we don't own all clones, so other insight is welcome. please leave comments in smb3 discord so everyone can participate and learn. thanks all, glhf!

note: audio quality and palettes were not considered as criteria for ban, though anecdotally, they can be associated with lower accuracy underlying hardware.

Matepe, Pear ve 2 diğerleri bunu beğendi
Virginia, USAnarfman01 year ago
  • mesen is fine

  • emulators, usb, more importantly your display/monitor, all contribute to a small amount of input latency. the emulator and usb itself probably doesn't contribute much. usually it'd be your display. in many cases this is not noticable, but sometimes it can be quite bad and cause 1-2 frames of input latency.

  • you can play in any resolution, but i suggest you play in 4:3 aspect ratio and use integer scaling only.

  • down+right dpad directions can be simultaneously pressed, yes. the original controller allows this kind of motion. do you mean left+right? left+right is not allowed, since it is not possible on the original controller.

Virginia, USAnarfman01 year ago

The new styling on src probably includes underlying script updates, so you'll want to hard refresh your browser cache with shift-f5 so download the new assets. Otherwise, I'm not surprised stuff broke.

Also earlier today everything was going very slow. Exacerbating factors :narfmaLolsob:

GungeonLover bunu beğeniyor
Virginia, USAnarfman01 year ago

Legacy reasons, but I suppose it was like that because there is more error introduced by using 60fps over ~60.09fps. Significant digits. Not accurate enough to value caring.

Rh4kor bunu beğeniyor
Virginia, USAnarfman01 year ago

For posterity, for those interested, we discussed this in the official discord :)

Virginia, USAnarfman01 year ago

I'm trying not to be pedantic but I think that's the crux of this post, pardon!

We never defined "begins" and I think that's what you are concerned about. It's not the a press, its defined as x frames before some visual cue. This is expected to me; as long as the runs are consistent against the doc I don't care if it doesnt match the TAS.

I've added a more explicit note in the document, thanks! doc link: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1gVoljNjR3lagg9EgqONeQZ9FQVhtBEz5mkyPdmpXZy4/edit#heading=h.8lala6xubnmv

TheNoSwearGuy, yatokami9 ve 3 diğerleri bunu beğendi
Virginia, USAnarfman01 year ago

Usually it is fine. Sometimes emulator accuracy is sacrificed in favor of performance, especially on old consoles, so we need to know the specific emulator used.

What is the nes emulator? Name and version?

Virginia, USAnarfman01 year ago

preferable to leave milliseconds off of submissions

Yep! Mods will delete milliseconds anyways in most cases. It should save you some time to get more practice+attempts in too :)

MwdaShadow bunu beğeniyor
Virginia, USAnarfman01 year ago

Scroll to the bottom here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1gVoljNjR3lagg9EgqONeQZ9FQVhtBEz5mkyPdmpXZy4/edit#heading=h.m9yf2rct9jp4 there's a distinctive image with about 15% of the curtain up top with tan lower 85% or so. That frame is 54 frames after start at 60fps. More detail is in the doc.

yeabruh, Rh4kor ve 2 diğerleri bunu beğendi
Virginia, USAnarfman02 years ago

We default to permissive and enumerate the small ban list rather than a large allow list. EH manipulation is not mentioned and thus allowed, but we/i can add an explicit note saying eh manip is allowed on console and emulator.

We accept nes classic runs in general (beware: you'll have a harder time syncing with the different framerate!)

We allow flashcart soft resets in general

Pardon the confusion!

edit: I updated the src warpless rules to explicitly state it is allowed

ckellyspeedruns, Track1 ve 4 diğerleri bunu beğendi
Virginia, USAnarfman02 years ago

Here is TEEX's spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1j5MTbh14h6Rx1zXJpIop5negFPi6OvLts0KFJGJlh9k/edit#gid=677991048 EH+hands sounds useful. Several runners redundantly keep track of it themselves anyways. :D

Kyuvolka, yeabruh ve 2 diğerleri bunu beğendi
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