Bavaria, Germanymrtiger921 year ago

So, I just created the category: Category "Solo Mastery" SubCategory "Ragnarök (Glitchless/HC)"

All runs will be listed there, with the mastery being a non-obsoleting filter (meaning if a runner submits a run with warfare and one with defense, both will be shown on the same board).

While checking the so-far submitted videos, i can already see that there are some problems:

  1. the video last posted was a) dual-posted for 2 different names ("Manlak" form Rage and commentless , which normally means for themselves from "dagnonn6"), and b) it's already unavailable, making a verification impossible.
  2. The Stopping of the timer differs from the way we normally handle it here on the leaderboards. Usually in the speedrunning-community you stop the timer when reaching the credits, and so we also have it in our rules that the timers are stopped when you enter the portal after the boss that does (or used to) lead to the credits. For Ragnarök that would be the portal after talking to Wotan. I'd really like to have a unified set of base rules (and timer start/stop is a base rule), so it would be nice if you could adjust stopping the timer on the portal instead of on boss kill.
  3. Especially for Warfare and later Rune Mastery Runs: Please use female characters. There is a Glitch in the game that gives you additional movement speed when dual-wielding throwing-weapons on a male character. This glitch can always trigger if you switch away from the throwing weapons while running. This glitch is of course banned in Glitchless and it cannot happen when you play a female character. Since you played male characters, i have to check the whole video footage to make sure that this glitch is not triggered by accident, so it makes run verification alot more difficult.
Bavaria, Germanymrtiger921 year ago

Hey there, Interesting request. I'm currently getting some input from other members of the TQ community on how we can set them up. Just one question beforehand - Do you only plan one tournament per class or are you planning on doing more over a longer time period? Because technically the requested category is just a Glitchless Ragnarök with just some additional arbitrary challenges. And within the community we had the policy up to now that we don't add an extra leaderboard if it's just for one or two runs with an arbitrary ruleset. To get the category, we normally require at least the will to do runs and time improvements over a longer time period.

Bavaria, Germanymrtiger923 years ago

So my active running is a bit too long ago to give you details about the 7-7 cycles, but i do have some personal experience on the load times for you: I started running on WiiU/Disc and switched to WiiUVC later on. After the switch i did some comparisons and i estimated around 70-80seconds in total timesaves just from the switch. So yeah, it can safe a bunch of time. In theory you should be able to compare your loads to the ones in my PB. That should give you an estimate how much time you can safe on loads (WiiUVC should always have the same loading time since the consoles have the same specs, right?).

Leah bunu beğeniyor
Bavaria, Germanymrtiger924 years ago

No, We actually do it on the Very Fast speed setting. It's a regular feature of the game, so it's perfectly fine to use it.

Bavaria, Germanymrtiger925 years ago

So, I've made the leaderboard changes:

  • Created the "New Category submissions" thread
  • Deleted empty sub-categories in Glitchless and Coop
  • Moved the "Any% Legendary" to a Sub-Category (will do the adjustments for the rules there tonight after some testing on best version for Hades Legendary)
  • Created empty category "Current patch" with mention of the submission-thread in its rules
  • Adjusted some rules in the any% so that they now mention a recommandation to downpatch the game.

Feedback is appreciated of course ;)

Bavaria, Germanymrtiger925 years ago

There are already quite many categories on the leaderboard, and even more categories are possible for this game. Since I don't like flooding a leaderboard with empty categories, I made this thread so that everyone can request a new category when you start running it.

If you want to request a new category, please make sure that you provide the following points:

  1. A video of the run. This is important, since I won't add empty categories. Your run will be the first one in the category.
  2. Some short notes about the runs, which rules does it follow (e.g. no glitches, current patch etc.). If there is a similar category, please also point out where the differences are.
Bavaria, Germanymrtiger925 years ago

So, for now i've only tested on the 1.57 patch (the one i recommend for pre-Atlantis). Since the patch is from Before DX11 times, i obviously can only run it on DX9. I might check the recommanded Atlantis-patch this weekend, if i have the time for it. First i'd like to make the leaderboard adjustments ;)

Checked the Screenshots only on my PC (where i don't do any runs)... about 300Mb Screenshots :D

Bavaria, Germanymrtiger925 years ago

Nice timing on the searches. I'll look into the version and add it to the Guide.

I guess you just downloaded the depot and copied it over the existing TQ folder? Most of the time it works, but sometimes there can be a patch inconsistency between the files of the main game and the DLCs. The safer approach is loading a compatible version of all depots and merging them together before replacing the TQ folder. For now it might work when we only use the base depot, but in the future maybe not (also there could be the reason why you can't reproduce the glitch you mentioned).

Also, what do you think on the leaderboard adjustments? If there aren't any objections i'll update the boards at the end of the week.

Bavaria, Germanymrtiger925 years ago

So, simply uninstalling the DLC did not fix the problem. Also, in the latest version of the game the devs also fixed the Skillpoint-duplication glitch. So if we want to run against the older records, downpatching to a pre-Atlantis version is now required. I did some testing today and found a good version to run on. I've made a small Guide how to do the downpatching in the Guides section... if you have something more to add, just let me know.

For the Leaderboards i'd like to do the following changes in the next days:

  1. The current Any% Category will remain as it is with the current sub-categories.
  2. I will add an empty Leaderboard for "Any% (Current Patch)". So far i won't add any Sub-Categories, but
  3. I will add a Sticky topic here in the Forum to request new Categories in general. If anyone wants to run on the current patch, they can leave a video (and in best case a small description) of their run there and I'll add the category to the leaderboard. Same can apply to Legendary, Glitchless and Coop Categories (and ofc. Coop Current Patch, if that'll be a thing).

What do you guys think? So far the Any% is the most run category, and i think it's better leaving it as Any%, but splitting the leaderboards for current patches, if someone wants to run on it. Please give me some thoughts on that, either here or on discord.

Bavaria, Germanymrtiger925 years ago

So, I got asked a few times if there's a Discord server for Titan Quest. Up to now i mostly said "no, there is no server and i don't know how many people would use it anyway...". So I guess, let's find out how many people will use it: https://discord.gg/9s8Rck5

Bavaria, Germanymrtiger925 years ago

So, it looks like the Colossus Form Clips got fixed with the new Atlantis update. In my last attempt i did not get the clip in Memphis. While that is the more difficult one for me, it's also not possible to get into the corner for the clip in Chang'an.

Because of that we now have some problems on the leaderboard. There are currently three PBs that use the CFCs:

  1. RadioDesk's WR in Any% AE (Hades)
  2. His Coop WR with Curseduser in Hades Route
  3. My 2nd Place in Any% AE (Hades)

As of now, with the knowledge about the game that i have, these three runs cannot be beaten anymore with the latest version of the game.

So we now have some options to handle this situation:

  1. Do nothing, leave the runs as they are.
  2. Check if downpatching is an option (Could be problematic because I don't know how steam handles downpatches that don't include a bought DLC) and let the Hades Category be run on downpatched versions.
  3. Remove the 3 said runs from the current leaderboards so that there can be new times that include the Atlantis DLC 3.1 remove them entirely 3.2 move them to a misc category

Anyone wants to give his opinion on what to do here? If it just affected my own runs, i'd just take them from the leaderboards, but i don't want to remove the runs from other runners, especially when it changes who the WR-holder is (and especially in this case, the new/old WR holder would be me).

Bavaria, Germanymrtiger925 years ago

Hmm... honestly i think we have other points to work on currently. The skillpoint duplication is rather difficult to handle, since you need to not have a high-end-PC to get the duplication done. However, since the last patch the whole game needs a lot more PC power, so that especially the Ragnarök-areas tend to lag like hell. On my Notebook, which i used to run on, i went down to 10 or even 5 FPS in Ragnarök, so it's impossible to run.

Loadremovers are always nice for PC games, but there are not that many loading screens in the run, so i'd say we focus on fixing the other technical problems first before we add a loadremover.

Bavaria, Germanymrtiger925 years ago

Hi there! Sorry for the late reply, i usually don't get to the forums here during the GDQ Events.

Currently we don't have a dedicated Discord server for the Titan Quest community, since the community is quite small and there is not that much activity. We mainly use this Forum for communication.

Bavaria, Germanymrtiger925 years ago

So for the new Categories, i'd like to keep it as i've always done it: If someone comes up with a new Category, put a short presentation (including first run, general rules like "timer stop"-conditions etc) here in the forum, then i'll add it (if there are not REALLY strong arguments against it, like the category beiing utterly stupid). I just don't like adding empty categories because someone MIGHT be interested in running them. When someone definitely is interested, i'll be happy to add a leaderboard for it.

For the other changes, I also noticed that i'm now able to do some SkillPoint dupes on my PC (it was too strong before, so i always used my notebook for the actual runs). So yeah, i guess DX11 is helping a bit here :D

The new skills are interesting indeed, but i highly doubt they will have an impact on the speedrun routes. The most interesting skill for this would be the new LeftClick-Skill for the storm mastery, which is a Dash-Attack with 444% Movement-Speed (other dashes have max. 300%) and NO COOLDOWN! That sounds crazy in the first place, but you have to target an enemy in order to dash to it. Also choosing storm blocks some other possibilites, so in my opinion it was not really worth it.

The minefield also sounds good, but with Seal of Fate/Thunderstrike combo, the Rune already has some really strong bosskillers for the runs, so i kinda doubt it will be useful.

Anyways, i'm also interested what other findings we might get in the near future, the new updates opens some interesting possibilities :D

Bavaria, Germanymrtiger926 years ago

I never actually did anything in 2 player mode, but iirc it is not possible to do the time attack mode with 2 players or solo-Diddy. If i'm correct, the peanut gun cannot be an option.

The IL world record does a quite good strategy for the fight. Yes, it is difficult, but that's what the shiny golden medals are supposed to be. The game developers had some really crazy strats in their minds ehrn they set the shiny golden times (not on all levels, but e.g. 5-3 also guves a good example). So i could imagine that a strat similar to what we see in the wr is the intended way to go.

Bavaria, Germanymrtiger926 years ago

Submission-Status: Offen

Deadlines: Submissions schließen am 30.06.2018 Cuts und Schedule: Ende Juli/Anfang August 2018

Erläuterungen zum Submission-Formular sowie Link dazu findet ihr hier: https://germench.de/2018/05/15/zfm-2018-die-submissions-sind-offen/

Bavaria, Germanymrtiger926 years ago

Note for non-german-speakers: This event will be held in german langauge, so we'll keep this forum mostly in german aswell. We have a Topic for english-speaking attendees that you might want to check out.

[section=Allgemeine Informationen] Der Zocktoberfest-Marathon 2018 (kurz: ZFM18) ist ein Onsite-Marathon, der zwischen dem 06.10. und 14.10. 2018 im Deckensteiner Tennis Club in Köln stattfinden wird. Organisiert wird das Event vom Team von Germench. Das Event wird komplett auf deutsch gehalten werden.

[section=Submission/Schedule-Status] Bis zum 30.06. können noch Submissions für ZFM18 eingereicht werden. Genauere Informationen zu den Submissions sowie den Link zu dem Submission-Formular findet Ihr auf unserer Homepage: https://germench.de/2018/05/15/zfm-2018-die-submissions-sind-offen/

Weitere Infos folgen die nächsten Tage.

Bavaria, Germanymrtiger926 years ago

The Zocktoberfest 2018 is a charity Marathon that will take place between 2018-10-06 and 2018-10-14 in Cologne, Germany.

For this marathon we have the german speaking community as target audience, therefore the stream language will be German. So in order to submit you should be able to speak German fluently.

Of course, we are welcoming everyone to attend onsiteif you want to. Further information for attendees will be posted in the next days.

Bavaria, Germanymrtiger926 years ago

So far it's not forbidden i guess. I know that being unable to do the run when having a too good PC is not nice for the competition, so we should come up with a Standard procedure that works for everyone. I'll look into this when i have more time.

Bavaria, Germanymrtiger926 years ago

Yeah... The current skillpoint glitch is not really nice. Short answer is: your PC can be too good. If you're running a high end pc, it won't be affected by to many screenshots and the freeze won't happen.

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