Should switchcing a console while still having the same save be allowed? like say i run any% on xbox series, and because of issues with last mission, if i saved the game before last mission and went on 360 with that same save and finished the run, would it be allowed? totally understand if not
wanna run this again, get my sub 6 in tutorial. i switched to xbox series s but there isnt a console under it, just xbox one, soooo...
I am aware of his video @R3GR3T (big syphrus fan myself) but that just opens a new world of problems, again we allow you to run on emulator, but they are hidden by default, also, if you where to look at syphrus' vid on speedrunning skate3, you would see he had switched from emu to xbox, since he had some weird problems whilst running on emulator. running on the original hardware is more consistent.
its aloud, but not shown on leaderboards by default (u have to go into the leaderboard settings and make it show). since this is a console exclusive, using emulation for easy WR's is kinda unfair, because of all the different hardware it's ran on. so while it is aloud, it wont show on default. if this had a released PC port, different story (bc's everyone would just be running on pc, and there would probably be a seperate tab for console run's and pcs run's) long story short, emu is aloud, but won't be shown by default, sorry not sorry ;)
you can look at some of the top 'all deathraces' runs on the boards to see all the proper shortcuts we use
also what do you mean not on console, its a speedgame on this website, and all the stores in that category are in the console versions, tho not online, just story
Career100% is basically Any%, which is main career until you reach the mega compound (if you want a shorter run, x-games% is just till you win gold in both events, which is just afk-ing for 10 minutes) GL on runs :)
yes you can, its basically x360 emulator but everyone just has it listed as x360 (same thing with 2 and 3) they should put a xb1/xsx tag but its w/e
ok wtf are you even saying now, this was an extra skip forum, not school
BRO SHUT UP, both are bad, and we don't need this on the forum
ill have to pull out my brothers pc but ill see lol