konu: Leap
why link the srcom page if were already on the page
konu: ROBLOX: Jailbreak
Pretty sure the trick is broken now.
konu: Talk
konu: ROBLOX: Jailbreak
Don't argue.
It doesn't mean you think you submitted first that you deserve to be mod.
Locking this thread.
konu: ROBLOX: Jailbreak
"And it's all your fault ha" Actually it's yours. If you didn't act like a complete degenerate, you would still have mod.
why does this post even exist
I mainly use OBS, it's a pretty solid recorder imo.
Here is the link to the official discord server.
nice softlock
"Absolutly" nice spelling
cahnge the logo back to original or else you may lose mod :P
oh i dont have a time sorry i had no idea i was sure that i had a time
cause gamdin's pb is better than my nonexistant time
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kyo Hakkında
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