konu: Doom
jwel2 years ago

I had no idea about the existence of the DSDA website. I've also found there are other speedrunning communities out there with their own dedicated website. for example, the Megaman speedrunning community.

Data from these websites (who have their own established dedicated moderators) should be integrated into the speedrun.com database. I believe speedrun.com should find a way to accurately represent Doom speedrunning records. Out of the games most deserving of this venture, Doom is unmatched in my opinion.

The idea of speedrunning itself might owe thanks to this series. Not only that, but to have such a rich treasure trove of Doom speedrunning content on DSDA along with a community that is still active, how many more could be exposed to this community if only it were more accessible and properly represented on speedrun.com? I think speedrun.com should take steps toward making this a reality so people who visit this site can see just how BIG Doom speedrunning really is...

jwel Hakkında
2 years ago
2 years ago