Midi-Pyrénées, Francejanorio7 years ago

Hey late answer here, maybe it's just about deceleration when you don't instantly jump after landing. since you are a bit faster i think when you jump it would be normal that there is a deceleration that doesn't happen instantly (so it looks smooth)

konu: Talk
Midi-Pyrénées, Francejanorio7 years ago

Well i can try and change GPU cables since i have another set. edit, nope kek, i don't know what i was thinking, the power cables are not switchables.

Yeah for the CPU i was thinking of switching for an intel since i only bought amd for the low price.

And for the OS reinstall i already did that some times ago when i had the same problem on a cracked Windows 7, but even with a legit reinstalled one it still continues so i don't think it comes from there, i already clean physically the pc a lot and applied so paste recently.

konu: Talk
Midi-Pyrénées, Francejanorio7 years ago

PS : Since i have a mechanical hard drive i litterally want to kill a dolphin everytime i crash, 'cause it means like 5 mins of startup.

coolestto bunu beğeniyor
konu: Talk
Midi-Pyrénées, Francejanorio7 years ago

Yes i know that this is probably not the best place to ask for this kind of things, but i already asked on a few forums dedicated to hardware and they could not give me any advice at all.

And since i love speedrunning i really need your help.

First of all, system setup :

8gb ram R9 270 gpu AMD FX 6300 cpu M5A78L-M/USB3 motherboard 1to western digital blue hardrive Zalman Z11 case

So to sum it up, my computer have random crashes, those are manifested by black or colored screens that pops up at any moment (the colored ones are vertically chopped into 2 shades of the same color that alternates) and also when the black/colored screen pops up almost everytime i have the time to say to my friends "I'm crashing" since the audio cuts like 5-15 seconds after.

I did memory test by having only one bar for a few hours, also did run memtest on each bar for 1hour and nothing.

So my guess is that it has something to do with :

  • The graphic card
  • The overheat of the cpu/motherboard

I did run some tests on overheat and it showed up that my cpu and mother board were having some trouble, so i did clean up the computer's inside and applied some paste on the cpu but i don't really know what to do more about it.

And im sceptical about the overheat problem since i recorded some crashes that happened 10 degrees lower than temps i had the habit to play on for hours.

And for the graphic card i don't have any "substition card" at disposition so idk.

I really sumed it up to the max, but if you need more info go and ask.

Midi-Pyrénées, Francejanorio8 years ago

I don't know what do you mean by specify rules, however : Y.V Starts with golden pistol and all the others with basic weapon.

Start timing when you click on play and stop when you sit on the throne, you also have to activate in-game timer to have without loads timer.

Like 1 char 6 char don't have char restriction i think.

You have to start barehead but you can take a crow at the vault if you want to.

I think it's allowed to play skeleton, for frog idk cause you have to start with a golden weapon.

For all the rest idk,

Hope i answered your question ^^ maybe you weren't asking for that at all but wathever x)

Midi-Pyrénées, Francejanorio9 years ago

@FruityEnLoops just edit the old post and change the link, like this there isn't any confusion

Midi-Pyrénées, Francejanorio9 years ago

And yeah we should create a google doc for the "Segmented Tas" Like for the hotline miami 1 segmented and do a sticky post with it.¤ Got a 9.133 with the slow-motion in down under, and i could really easily do a sub 8.5 but i don't go time right now. This is a bit tricky 'cause of the DPI that do not change but the game speed yes, but we can def' do cool things with this.

Midi-Pyrénées, Francejanorio9 years ago

@Linkcoeur i think he was sayin' that there isn't any tas that have run categories on the leaderboard, they always are in the ressources section or in the forums. But maybe im saying the obvious and you were askin another thing.

Midi-Pyrénées, Francejanorio9 years ago

The thing is that it have to be a community project. Not a one man run, because there will always be someone with better times on some levels. The more people share theyre times, the more accuracy we got.

Midi-Pyrénées, Francejanorio9 years ago

We can't TAS, or maybe just not right now.

But we can do a segmented, this could be great to discover new strats that we haven't think'd about before because we were running the full game and not only one level. It will give use an almost perfect SoB too.

Every seg could start at the moment where you choose your weapon/mask or when you take control of the character and finish at the loading of the next level (like this loading times and menuing are counted in), maybe the only level that will need to start at the loading is down under.

If anyone ever want to do it would be cool to create a google doc.

Midi-Pyrénées, Francejanorio9 years ago

Je sais que certainnes personne ont trouvés des trucs incomplets, genre ashmore.

Midi-Pyrénées, Francejanorio9 years ago

Il faudrait que tout les glitchs sur ce niveau et/ou possible moyens d'arriver a skip soient postés ici qu'on ais une idée globale de l'avancée et des choses possible. Car en examinant au cas par cas on vas surement rien trouver mais en mettant les bugs cote a cote on verra surement un truc obvious qu'on avais pas remarqué avant.

Midi-Pyrénées, Francejanorio9 years ago

I was asking the same question as jack, and yeah i understand.

Midi-Pyrénées, Francejanorio9 years ago

Tu peux gagner 5 seconde, mais toujours y a le probleme qu'un ennemis peux se cacher dans le coin a droite et du coup t'obligeant a remonter et a perdre du temps. Tandis que l'autre strat est justement faite pour n'avoir aucun probleme avec aucun ennemi, apres si des runners veulent la tenter c'est possible vu certaines strats total yolo, mais sa rajouterais une perte de temp possible pour quelques secondes de gagnée.

Mais en tout cas c'est cool que tu soit a fond dans le jeu comme sa ^^

Midi-Pyrénées, Francejanorio9 years ago

C'est faire la strat normale dans un autre ordre, sa save pas de temp, a part si c'est vraiment bien éxécuté et encore sa save que dalle, faut avoir de la chance avec le placement des ennemis, dans cette position tu peux te retrouver avec un ennemi qui est caché derrière un mur et du coup tu devras avancer pour le tuer , et donc perdre du temp ^^

Midi-Pyrénées, Francejanorio9 years ago

Quand tu parle de withdrawal si jamais le joueur meurt en essayant de finir l'étage que se passe-t-il ? Il doit refaire le niveau ?.

Midi-Pyrénées, Francejanorio9 years ago

Laisse tomber, il y a tout le temp deux shotguns et ils ne peuvent pas etre stun ni tués et les portes sur les cotés sont fermées, faudrait trouver un oob ou un timing de fou pour le shotgun.

Midi-Pyrénées, Francejanorio9 years ago

How do you achieve those rope boost ? I see that you get really fast after hitting some ropes and i can't manage to do it

Midi-Pyrénées, Francejanorio9 years ago

@FruityEnLoops , mais alors quel est ton niveau, je ne vois aucune run de hotline miami 2 de ta part, comprend que ce nouveau tuto devrais contenir toute les meilleurs strats possibles, sa serait un tuto pour apprendre toute les meilleures strats en même temp que les bases du jeux, apres si ton niveau est suffisant pourquoi pas, personellement je ne serait pas capable de faire ce tuto, que ce soit pour des moyens techniques et de skill.

C'est pour sa que j'avais pensé a jackintoshh pour faire ce tuto ou a dingo si l'envie lui prend.

Apres comme je dit je ne connais pas ton niveau donc ptetre que t'est un génie du game PogChamp .

konu: Teslagrad
Midi-Pyrénées, Francejanorio9 years ago

"when the middle of your head is at the middle pipe of the 3 in the background" Haven't understood this, i tried how you said but still can't get it :/

janorio Hakkında
9 years ago
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