This is the mobile board, so 1p2c is not possible for any submissions on this board, so everything is fair.
This topic has been brought up a lot and pretty much every runner agrees that it would be a low skill/boring category, not to mention there have been almost no runs ever done 1 player after this topic being brought up.
Message one of the LEGO series moderators directly through discord. They will know what's going and will be able to sort you out.
there are differences, main one being you cant call in player 2 which is vital part of the run.
The mods need to update the console list, they should do this pretty soon so just wait to submit it
This topic comes up every so often and is likely not going to change. Generally 1p1c runs are less interesting to most people, and there is little to no interest of people actually running it. You are more than welcome to run 1p1c, but an entirely new category for that is not needed. Pretty much every time this is brought up nobody does a run.
Here are some further details on this topic:
yeah I would say it's ok to use, any and all extras are allowed so I don't see why not
You will get a notice but it won’t take down the video, just means you won’t receive any ad revenue from it.
the program flashpoint, pretty sure the website doesnt even work anymore as it used flash
you need to have both players called in when you purchase the artifact, you also need to have less than double of what the artifact costs, as the game tries to spend both players money.
Link to the 50 Cent Speedrunning Discord
yeah sounds good to me, I think that would be quite fun