No problem. Thank you for fixing your mistakes since some games have corrupt moderators or mods that don't even check to see if a run was spliced or not.
How would that be fair? He should be able to get WR even if he plays it on emulator. Maybe if you had a second section for emulated runs, this would be acceptable, but outright denying a WR run because of it being a WR because it was on an emulator? Don't you think that people using emulators should also be eligible to getting WR? I may be new to speedrunning in general, but I'm not new to how it works.
I would say yes, but then again I just joined this speedrunning community a few days ago, so I have no idea. It doesn’t say that you can’t in the rules.
So my runs were rejected by The_IL_Guy for the following reason: glitch not allowed. It doesn't say anywhere in the rules for level 1 & 2 that says that glitches aren't allowed except for the spacebar glitch. The glitch doesn't allow you to skip levels, but it allows you to end the level with a 0:00. Assuming that the spacebar glitch only allows you to skip levels, the two WR's shouldn't be rejected as it breaks no rules.
There's a version of on PC. It can be found below. Is it possible that we can get a high score lb for for PC?