frogyfro8 years ago

They would be a little more popular, but they would be considered a separate entity from 1P, which is not the goal. See Miror's original comment.

Sludgy, I don't mean to be an insensitive jerk, but so far we have one person with a good time on the game arguing for 1P and one person with a good time arguing for 2P. You're in the exact same boat my friend.

Laxxius, Awesomecuber, ve Fish bunu beğendi
frogyfro8 years ago

@obnoxious "Beat the game as fast as possible while only using one controller" The first part of this "Beat the game as fast as possible," is what's referred to as the objective. The second part, "while only using one controller," is what's referred to as the restriction. When you put the objective and the restriction together, you get the category.

Example: Any% No Wrong Warp Objective: "Beat the game as fast as possible," Restriction: "while avoiding using the wrong warp glitch"

Notice that this has the same objective as a regular Any% run even though it is defined as a different category.

Laxxius ve Awesomecuber bunu beğendi
frogyfro8 years ago

Lets clarify a few things here. I'm making this because the argument I see over and over again is "2P is very different from 1P," which simply isn't true.

  1. 2P does not drastically change the run. Several stars are exactly the same 2P as they are 1P. Off the top of my head, that includes Loopdeeloop, Space Junk 2, Beach Bowl 2, Ghostly 1, Sweet Sweet, Good Egg Luigi, Honeyhive Comet, Gusty Garden Comet, Freezeflame 1, Sea Slide 1, Sea Slide 2, Sea Slide Comet, Drip Drop, and Honeyhive Luigi. Beyond that, there's tons of stars that are barely affected by 2P usage at all, like Flipswitch that uses 2P once to save something like a half second.

  2. 2P does not save large amounts of time. Contrary to popular belief, 2P specific tricks that save large amounts of time are few and far between. Faster in this case does not equate to much faster. The reason Neg's run is so much better than everyone else is not entirely because he uses 2P, it's because he's actually just a whole lot better than everyone else. Neg's run had roughly 90 seconds of major mistakes, and his movement is spot on throughout almost the entire run. I'd be amazed if and RTA 2P run ever got below 2:32, and 1P runs are likely to approach 2:37 range in the near future. Kayareya's SoB is 2:34 at this point, and although I haven't been able to find Neg's SoB I'd be quite surprised if it was below 2:30.

Over the course of a 2 and a half hour speed run a 5 minute time save that only changes the route by one star and has several stars that are completely identical is simply not a large enough difference to warrant the creation of 5 new categories.

Laxxius, AprilSR ve 8 diğerleri bunu beğendi
frogyfro8 years ago

It's absurd for a game like SMG to have 10 categories simply because people can't agree on what should be and shouldn't be allowed. This is absolutely ridiculous.

grntsz, Laxxius ve 8 diğerleri bunu beğendi
frogyfro9 years ago


OmegaFallon bunu beğeniyor
frogyfro9 years ago

i think we'll decide at the speedrunning council in japan actually

Awesomecuber, Izraill ve 2 diğerleri bunu beğendi
frogyfro9 years ago



frogyfro9 years ago

I added the leaderboards but I don't have the ability to add you as a mod. I'll bug cuber about it

frogyfro9 years ago

Yeah gotta love that creative mode 10 second speedrun!!

Zenkie2080 ve ThatRaisinTho bunu beğendi
konu: The Site
frogyfro9 years ago


The mod of this minecraft map is currently the only person who has access to the leaderboards. We need to update a few things (namely, make the game abbreviation match the systematic way we're naming minecraft maps). I tried to contact him over twitter several weeks ago and asked him to open the game up to series mods, but got no response from him.

We just need this game open to the overall minecraft mods.

YUMmy_Bacon5 bunu beğeniyor
frogyfro9 years ago

I've updated the custom map portion of the rules.

Zenkie2080 bunu beğeniyor
frogyfro9 years ago

I really don't know which I prefer at this point.

"No Major Skips" is clunky, yet highly descriptive. "33 Stars" is a good name, yet it is minimally descriptive.

I recommend naming the category on the leaderboard "No Major Skips" as the leaderboard should strive to use the most descriptive name it can. However, I think we should use the names somewhat interchangeably when talking about the category. If you prefer to call it one thing or another I see no reason to stop you.

frogyfro9 years ago

I doubt this will ever get added because most of the run would be boring star bit grinding / boring coin collecting, but if you're interested I think cyber score has a coin high score page for SMG1

frogyfro9 years ago

English patch is taken off the leaderboard along with WR for the potential of it being faster it's been confirmed slower both current mods do not have a submitted run for the game and appear from an outward perspective to have no/poor relation with the X7 community one mod is not active and the other mod is blatantly rude It's been 3 weeks and this hasn't been sorted out yet

What is taking so long to change the moderation?

AndreaRovenski ve PeterAfro bunu beğendi
konu: The Site
frogyfro9 years ago

It seems like time and time again this thread leads to drama when someone asks for mod here. I understand that you admins simply do not have the time to research every request, but that's no excuse for adding almost anyone that asks for mod. A better system needs to be made so that these problems don't happen on a weekly basis.

Maybe before someone is added as mod the current mods on the leaderboard are sent a notification over email which they have one week to respond to?

YUMmy_Bacon5 bunu beğeniyor
konu: The Site
frogyfro9 years ago

[quote=Lighnat0r]Not sure what you mean, isn't that exactly what was implemented 2 days ago?[/quote]

My post was in reference to the problem MLSTRM had with the SMG LB. I'm not a mod there so I didn't know there was an issue with deleting the variable; I just saw the front-end issue of having double variables.

konu: The Site
frogyfro9 years ago

It'd be nice if variables can be toggled per leaderboard, because some variables might not apply to all categories.

frogyfro9 years ago


Spongebob Squarepants: Battle for Bikini Bottom is not only a great speedgame but also a great game in general that more people should take interest in.

konu: The Site
frogyfro9 years ago

Is there any chance we can get the ability to hide certain runs on our runs page? I'd like to submit times for some meme games I've run in the past, but I don't want those clogging up my runs page.

konu: The Site
frogyfro10 years ago


It appears that custom themes are getting corrupted for me.

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