konu: Deeeep.io
barely anything in old versions is different besides the map, if we made a different category after every map change, there would end up being more categories than runs eventually
konu: Deeeep.io
there's not really a reason to now, it's not like you can play on the old version
konu: Deeeep.io
yes, it's literally borderline impossible. if you had an average ratio of 75k a minute which is average, it would take you like 22 hours of holding up that ratio and not dying to large teams that are going to snipe, and yes there WILL be snipers.
konu: Deeeep.io
100m is literally never going to happen, 50 legit has never even happened. tier 1 to tier 10 should be the main category period.
koşu: Deeeep.io
u literally started with xp.... how did this run get verified?
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