SomaliaUrinstein3 years ago

Before using the autosplitter, you need to change your comparison to Game Time. If you are familiar with Livesplit, you can that in your layout also, but the quick and easy way is as shown below: Right Click -> Compare Against -> Game Time


To activate the autosplitter just right click on Livesplit and go to Edit Splits... A window with your splits opens. Click Activate.


To configure the splitter click now on Settings. Another window opens with all available autosplitter settings. The standard setting at the top let you toggle whether you want to automatically split, start and reset the timer. The settings in the window below let you specify when exactly you want to split.

Importantly you can configure the splitter to split on specific CPs of specific maps. The following example will split when the runner reached Checkpoints 3, 7 and 10 on the first map of the run as well as the goal (of every map).


All in all you can choose from 99 Checkpoints on 9 different maps. That number is chosen arbitrarily, but I reckon that should be enough. You can do multi-map runs with more than 9 maps, but you cannot configure specific splits on maps 10 and onwards.

The multi-map functionality always runs in the background, but has no effect on single map runs, since all it does is pause the timer when you finish a map.

  • Resetting on the last CP of a map will cause a split as opposed to reset the timer. no idea how to fix this atm
  • The splitter only works in Single Map Local Games of Smoke's Obstacle TP (it does not work on servers or local networks).
  • The splitter only works in the 64 bit version of Maniaplanet and the Steam version has not been tested yet.
  • If Nadeo for some reason decides to push a patch to MP, it will likely break the splitter.
  • Going to the wrong map on a multi-lap run will ruin your splits. But that's on you tbh.
  • I am neither a programmer nor an obstacler, so if you believe the splitter requires improvements, you are invited to make them yourself. Here's the GitHub repository: https://github.com/Urinstein/SM-Obstacle-Autosplitter
  • If you wanna push your luck, you can contact me on Discord about any issues you might want addressed, but my reply might just be that I don't care.
sbv bunu beğeniyor
konu: The Site
SomaliaUrinstein4 years ago

Remember when "I'm reporting you to the speed police" used to be a joke?

RaggedDan, havrd ve 4 diğerleri bunu beğendi
SomaliaUrinstein4 years ago

And I won't do other categories, because these two are the only optimised ones. I won't do these for level splits, because no top runner even uses those.

Here is the google sheet.

ShineZ, Zachoholic, ve Lighten95 bunu beğendi
konu: The Site
SomaliaUrinstein4 years ago

The colour of links needs to be uncoupled from LB themes. Thankfully the design overhaul has made white the default colour for all plain text, however if you want a clean white font as your leaderboard's primary colour, you cannot distinguish links from plain text in forum posts or guides. The easiest solution would be to just give some distinguishable colour to all links globally on the site. Otherwise, one could add an extra setting on the LB themes to choose a colour for links in posts.

Imaproshaman ve Oxknifer bunu beğendi
konu: The Site
SomaliaUrinstein4 years ago

This is probably a rare scenario, but at this very moment I would like a way to move full game categories into ILs. The next bet thing would be to edit a submitted run from a full game category to an IL category, but that is also not possible.

WiiSuper, dha, ve Imaproshaman bunu beğendi
konu: The Site
SomaliaUrinstein4 years ago

The variables page in Edit game needs a complete overhaul, it's a usability nightmare right now, even more so than before the new layout.

First off, the binary choice between adding a variable to either all or only one category is nor very useful. If you want to add it to many, but not all categories, you end up having to make multiple copies of the same variable then add it individually to each category and the page just blows up and becomes hard to navigate.

Generally everything just takes up too much space. When you add a simple yes/no variable then the whole page from left to right is mostly empty. That empty space is meant to be occupied by the few variables that come with rulesets, however even in those cases it's fairly useless as it only shows you the first few words: https://puu.sh/Emp4T/f7ab146fe5.png Also a single variabale with 10 elements (for example anything you'd allow user defined for) will take up a most of the page already. Maybe it would be a good idea to be able to hide and fold out the list of variables, so as to allow to see more than 2 variables on screen at a time.

Sometimes the arrows to move an elements up and down the list don't work at all, instead just move it to some random position. I think optimally it would just be drag and drop instead, at least on desktop, and I don't know who would be daft enough to try and use this stuff on mobile.

While these aren't on the variables page, timing methods suffer from the same problem of not being able to choose what parts of the game they apply to. Often you want RTA for full-game and IGT for ILs. But you can only activate the for the whole game. You can write it into the rules as much as you want but people will keep submitting RTA to ILs and IGT to full-game runs even if none such things exist. I'm tired of doing constant janitor work for people who cannot read rules, when this problem would be solved by simply making timing methods category specific or at least putting it on the category tab and splitting it between full-game and ILs.

Lastly IL categories cannot be set as level specific AT ALL. If you happen to have two different types of ILs for your game and only one of them needs a split in categories, you're out of luck because every IL is gonna have it.

I don't know what else might be wrong with all of this, but it's hard to even find out as everything is such a mess. It would be nice if more focus could be given to leaderboard moderation features on a site than is presumably about making and moderating leaderboards. Nothing along these lines has changed in the 4 years i have used this site.

On an unrelated note, it would be nice to get a time frame filter for leaderboards, so you can get an impression of what the LB looked like 2 years ago, or maybe all runs that were posted in the last year.

skyweiss, Thorgaran, ve Imaproshaman bunu beğendi
konu: The Site
SomaliaUrinstein5 years ago

@HowDenKing I'd like to add that having links the exact same colour as normal text is pretty meh for forum posts and guides. The formatting options on this site are already underwhelming, so it would be nice if one could choose an extra colour for links in text posts, to add just a bit of readability to long guides and such.

Imaproshaman ve HowDenKing bunu beğendi
konu: The Site
SomaliaUrinstein5 years ago

The banner behaviour is peculiar. In widescreen the banner is really thin, but as you change the window size towards a portrait layout, it grows taller. On phones it's always taller in any orientation. I think the banner in a large window is generally too thin to make it look good in any way. For example Bowser falls victim to this in the SM64 banner. But if it's gonna change dimensions, that'll make it even harder to make look good.

Edit: I realise now that it just zooms in and out. Still meh. I'd prefer if the banner were just a tad taller to start with.

SomaliaUrinstein5 years ago

The events been great as always, arguably even greater thanks to the new location. Thank you to all the organisers. And an additional thank you to everyone who brought a PC for others to do practice on. It was no problem at all to find a free on. Hopefully no one had a differing impression due to me hugging them too much :'D

The minor complaints I have are about the stream setup.

Like last year, the stream PC had astronomical loading times, creating freezing where I did not even know there was any loading done. That can be simply a waste of time in some games but also very irritating in others.

I have grown to dislike the camera angle of the runner cam. It kinda fails to capture everyone's, uhh... "Schokoladenseite" (German > English) and it also fails to capture the crowd, whenever there is one. I suspect it would look better if it were placed lower.

I didn't do any hosting this year, but (and I know I've said this before, sorry) I suspect that a pair of closed headphones could still be handy for the hosts. However this year there were loudspeakers on the tech station so I assume it was better than last year.

And on the note of acquiring hardware, I would, once again, suggest to just slap an extra 5€ on the ticket price to allocate to hardware. Between all the other associated costs of attending no one will notice the difference.

BambooShadow, Z4T0X ve 3 diğerleri bunu beğendi
SomaliaUrinstein5 years ago

Whether I'm doing runs or practice, I like to have my list of IGTs nearby to see how well I'm doing. So just in case anyone might find it useful, I'll post it here.

Note that these are the fastest IGTs done during runs on kb&m and on some levels it is possible to go faster, while on all of them it is possible to go faster on controller. The All Levels times are all times that I have achieved in runs before, the any% times may be times I have seen from Jack or Pochtron.

NG+ All Levels

  • Metro - 37 video

  • No Talk - 27 video

  • Overdose - 29 video

  • Decadence - 42 video

  • Tension - 39 video

  • Full House - 35 video

  • Clean Hit - 31

  • Neighbors - 92

  • Push It - 42 video

  • Crackdown - 36 video

  • Hot & Heavy - 59 video

  • Deadline - 58

  • Assault - 102 video

  • Vengeance - 51 video

  • Safehouse - 84

  • Fun & Games - 32 video

Some clarifications:

Safehouse: This IGT includes your Showdown time.

NG any%

  • Metro - 32

  • No Talk - 19

  • Overdose - 17

  • Decadence - 9

  • Tension - 29

  • Full House - 26

  • Clean Hit - 21

  • Neighbors - 61

  • Push It - 10

  • Crackdown - 24

  • Hot & Heavy - 53

  • Deadline - 4

  • Assault - 8

  • Vengeance - 4

  • Safehouse - 84

  • Fun & Games - 23

Some clarifications:

Decadence: 9s without delaying mask selection.

Neighbors: 54s with the bathroom strat.

Vengeance: 8s if the idle AI spawns as a gunman.

Safehouse: This IGT includes your Showdown time.

ShineZ ve Cursed1701 bunu beğendi
konu: The Site
SomaliaUrinstein5 years ago

@Riekelt I pm'd Cryze on Twitter in September, didn't get an answer. I couldn't contact Voltrey on Twitter (something something phone number vericifaction?), but he should be in the Discord by now. Totally forgot that supermods can remove themselves tbh. Guess we'll send some pms.

YUMmy_Bacon5 bunu beğeniyor
SomaliaUrinstein5 years ago

Never forget the greats. For speedlore reasons I wanna compile all important/interesting videos that we have from Hotline speedrunning. I don't wanna add any Online Marathons. If you wanna do it go ahead, it'll be a list long enough to fill its own list.

The first runs to get a sub whatever.

Duke_Bilgewater - 2 Nov 2013 - NG+ All Levels - 24:46 link This is the first sub25 in NG+ All Levels.

Dingodrole - 23 Jun 2014 - NG any% - 20:54 link This is the first sub21 in NG any%.

snowfats - 28 Apr 2015 - NG+ All Levels - 23:55 link This is the first sub24 in NG+ All Levels. Unbeaten WR for 340 days (beaten by cookie).

snowfats - 3 Sep 2015 - NG any% - 19:54 link This is the first sub20 in NG any%. Note that this run does not use the oob skips.

snowfats - 8 Mar 2017 - NG+ All Levels - 22:58 link This is the first sub23 in NG+ All Levels. Sub22 is humanly impossible.

jackRite - 24 Nov 2017 - NG any% - 15:58 link This is the first sub16 in NG any%. This was pretty soon after the new skips were found.

Sub15 is soon.

mightyjoey - 21 Feb 2021 - NG+ All Levels - 22:46 link This is the first sub-keyboard run, which is to say it's the first ever controller WR. Improved to a 22:34 two hours later. link

Runs that used to be the shit and exhaustive rerouting was required to beat them.

cfb - 27 Dec 2013 - NG+ All Levels - 24:32 link This was the last time a Tony run was WR. For years this was also the longest standing WR of the category having taken 392 days to be beaten (by snowfats of course).

Dingodrole - 3 Mar 2015 - NG any% - 20:07 link Laying down one of the best gameplay performances in Hotline history Dingo has become synonymous with being a beast, but also with not using good strats. This run was beaten by snowfats after a great amount of rerouting and also actually doing Neighbors skip, which Dingo didn't want to do. Still the best pre-snowfats speedrun.

prokchor - 19 Aug 2017 - NG any% - 19:10 link This is essentially Dingo's pb but in 2017. Some of the best gameplay to date. If anyone were to get the sub19 it would have been prokchor. But that train left the station when the new skips were found.

jackRite - 5 Aug 2017 - NG+ All Levels - 22:55 link Longest undefeated NG+ All Levels WR (1279 days - beaten by Urinstein)

SGDQ 13 - Duke_Bilgewater - NG+ All Levels - 29:08 link

AGDQ 14 - Duke_Bilgewater vs cfb - NG+ All Levels - 27:06 vs. 25:46 link Follow my boy Cyberdemon531 on Twitter

[FR] Stunfest 14 - Dingodrole - NG any% - 24:51 link

[FR] Stunfest 15 - [Dingodrole - HM2 NG+ any% - 41:29 link

SGDQ 15 - Duke_Bilgewater - HM2 NG any% - 46:51 link

Calithon 16 - snowfats vs Duke_Bilgewater - NG+ All Levels - 25:30 vs 27:00 link*

AGDQ 16 - snowfats - NG+ All Levels - 25:48 link Hotline Miami 15.

Speedcon 17 - Urinstein - NG+ All Levels - 27:41 link

ESA 17 - jackRite - NG+ All Levels - 25:05 link

ESA 17 - jackRite - HM2 NG+ any% - 36:15 link

Speedcon 18 - Urinstein - NG any% - 17:23 link In which Urinstein shares his deepest secret.

[GER] Dokomi 18 - Urinstein - NG+ All Levels - 24:36 link

[FR] Stunfest 18 - Dingodrole - HM2 NG+ any% - 40:23 link

WASD 19 - Cursed - NG+ any% - 19:39 link

Speedcon 19 - Urinstein - NG+ All Levels - 31:00 link

ESA 19 - jackRite - NG+ All Levels - 24:42 link

GDQ 20 - snowfats - All Masks - 24:42 link

ESA Winter 20 - Cursed - NG any% - 18:08 link

WASD 20 - Cursed - NG any% - 20:17 link

WASD 20 - Cursed - All Masks - 33:14 link

[PL] GSPS 21 - JACK4L - NG+ All Levels - 25:14 link

[PL] GSPSD 22 - JACK4L - NG any% - 19:13 link

ESA Summer 22 - jackRite - All Masks - 25:08 link

[PL] GSPS 22 - JACK4L - Richard's Revenge - 24:51 link

[TAS] Buffet Time - NG+ any% - 16:36 link This is a segmented TAS using cheat engine to slow down the game. The new skips aren't included, so this should could be 3 minutes faster nowadays. Back in the day this was almost 3 minutes faster than WR. You should definitely watch the whole thing but if you only have one minute left to live then skip forward to H&H3.

NG any% Tutorial - by Duke_Bilgewater link This is an ancient Tutorial from July 2013. The current tutorials are probably better but it's fun to see that most of the important knowledge can be traced back to Duke (no locking onto the boss and hooker spin).

[Discussion] Sum of Best link A video produced by Moofin wherein Duke, cfb, cookie and snowfats review and discuss their pbs next to each other. This is from Dec 2015, so right about when cookie was going to beat snowy's 23:55 WR.

[FR] [Discussion] NES Blog / Speed Game A French Youtube Channel that interviewed Dingo three times to talk about his speedruns.

  • (12 Jul 2013) link RealMyop and Lestat Vampire give commentary on Duke's 26:50 NG+ All Levels run, back then WR and still called NG+ any%.

  • (5 Mar 2015) link Dingo gives commentary on his 20:07 Ng any% (WR at the time).

  • (13 Jul 2015) link Dingo talks about HM2 speedrunning, which was 4 months old at the time.

[Knowledge Dump] NASA 16 - cfb - Fortified Zone link Draculantern reads snowfats' "why hm2 is objectively worse than hm1" pastebin during cfb's Fortified Zone run at NASA. The doc is so long, that cfb has to go 5 minutes over estimate to get through the whole thing.

[Oldest recorded run] Lazerlong - NG+ All Levels - 44:33 link This run is from 19 Nov 2012, not even a month after release. It shows, but people submit worse times even today.

[FR] [Discussion] Mach 1 link A French Youtube channel commentates Pochtron's any% WR and interviews him about his Hotline exploits, hopes and dreams.

SomaliaUrinstein6 years ago

• Stream layout What Boomer said basically. Last year had all the stuff like system, release date, Twitch name and such. So last year the layout was a 10/10 imo. People have been asking for those missing infos all the time in chat..

• Chat in streaming room I asked for this before the marathon and the reason I was given for it to not appear was simply the lack of space and given the setup, I can see why it couldn't be done. Still would be great for next time. I enjoyed it the most as a runner at ESA, but Boomer has a good point since audience is often very visible at speedcon.

• Headset/headphones for donation reader Last year there were many mics, so there was even one for the donation reader. I wish it back if possible, since at times there was some talking going on in the stream room, especially around the tech that was nearby. And whenever I had to multitask I essentially ignored the runner completely, which was kinda bad one time during xoneris' run, sorry bout that. I understand that the hardware was not available this year, and might not even be next year, but perhaps when there is no couch commentator we can give the extra headset to the donation reader? Dunno how much work that might be.

• Practice room CRTs/PCs, space and plugs First of all thanks a lot to everyone who brought their powerful PCs to the event for people to practice as well as for races and some "special" games. This surely helped out a lot and we had 300% the practice PCs from last year. Wow! :o One thing I missed, just like last year, was a bit of free space for Laptops to be set up. Apparently the definition of practice room to most people is just CRTs all over the place, but I think people bringing their own laptops is very useful, to not overcrowd the practice PCs and simplify setups, so it would be a shame to not encourage that by giving them space and plugs. Speaking of plugs, I forgot about this myself tbh, but it would be a good idea to remind people before the event to bring a few power strips for when they need to plug in their console/laptop plus phone or whatever else.

• Splitting CRT and PC/HD practice rooms I can't quite see how this would help with the power plug issue. Both a console+TV setup and a PC+monitor stup use two plugs, so you guys have to go into detail for me as to how putting them in different rooms is helpful. I'm honestly more interested in PC runs in general so when I watched someone practice it was in the PC/HD end of practice room 1, but in principle I would prefer if things were generally more mixed up. Most people are there to meet all kinds of different people and I feel like PC and console communities are often already split in the online spheres.

• Floor layout, rules and trash There was a floor layout at the door entrances this year. :thumbs_up: Maybe you can upload that stuff the day before in the forum here so people actually know from the start, I'm not sure everyone saw the plans.It would also be nice to upload a plan of the complete Freiland area (crudely hand-drawn is totally fine) just so people know which building to walk into when they arrive for the first time and where the mass housings are. And to these infos that people will want to know, you can attach some rules as to how to get rid of trash and how to use the kitchen. Maybe also add the trash containers outside the floor plan so if anyone ever feels like taking out then pizza carton bag, they know where to take it (it's right at the entrance of the are iirc, so not even a big deal. people go to get food all the time). Oh and it would be nice to have example photos of the masshousing hall and what a bed in the 5 star legendary mass housing looks like. I sometime shave trouble explaining to people what a mass housing even is.

All in all I really enjoyed it again this year, thanks a lot to everyone.

Z4T0X, BambooShadow ve 2 diğerleri bunu beğendi
konu: CrossCode
SomaliaUrinstein6 years ago

Since the newer versions of the demo don't include the escape section in Story Mode, I'll go ahead and retime the existing runs of the old versions and add a ruleset to the category with the timing ending with the crab boss beaten.

Edit: .done

konu: CrossCode
SomaliaUrinstein6 years ago

It still works in the demo version 0.7.1 Hold the block/dash button and spam attack, this will perpetually stun the crab and it won't throw you off. If you use m&kb make sure that you keep your mouse over Lea, because when the camera moves by itself after clearing the first bar, it will make you shoot instead and end your combo.

SomaliaUrinstein6 years ago

We (the mods) will from now on require submissions over a certain speed limit to have video proof. Runs below the time threshold will be rejected if no VOD is included. The thresholds are as follows:

• NG+ All Levels - 28:00

• NG any% - 21:00

• NG+ any% - 21:00

• Maskless - 22:00

• All Masks - 28:00

Other and misc categories won't have strictly defined thresholds, but moderation for those will roughly align with the given ones.

This does not mean that outside of the VOD requirements no moderation will happening. If anything seems off, lower ranking submission might get rejected as well, so providing a VOD would benefit you in such a case. Generally we haven't had any such problems however.

These rules aren't set in stone so they might change in the future.

ShineZ ve Buffet_Time bunu beğendi
SomaliaUrinstein6 years ago

For the Momodora RutM run both me and my race partner will be bringing laptops, so unless disaster strikes, we won't need a pc.

SomaliaUrinstein7 years ago

"Sorry if my intentions seemed different!"

Ah no, I think it was me who misunderstood you. The idea a brainstorming thread kinda went over my head. I'm rather used to meme category ideas being thrown around on weekly basis from my other speedgame. >.>

Aneksuz bunu beğeniyor
SomaliaUrinstein7 years ago

"I wish this game had more categories"

I feel like it's worth pointing out, that no speedrun.com page is the ultimate authority on how to speedrun a game. Instead think of them as a communities business card: you go on there and the the most important info. And I think it's a reasonable logic that the most important info are the most popular categories of a game. It was just as reasonable to assume that any% and 100% would be fairly popular categories worth putting on here right away. That does not mean that you may only run any% or 100%. The site is not your mom and can't tell you what to do. Therefore one could make the case that every sort of category "exists" and it's just up to people to actually run them.

Now if you're more interested in the sr.com page having more categories, rather than "the game having more categories", then I can only recommend you to go out and find the one category that you think you'll have fun running, instead of waiting for it to have it's own leaderboard first. If you think other people might enjoy it too, you have both, this forum and the Discord, to advertise it. If tomorrow five people were to record runs of "All bugs arrows only while balancing a bowl of soup on their head% Insane" then it would already have more runs than all of the 100% categories together and it would hard to argue against adding "Abaowbbs% Insane" to the leaderboards. After all, at least to my undestanding, the page is supposed to represent the community and what people in it do.

The Momo4 community seems to be small fee of ego, so maybe if you're the first and only person to run a category but wish to have it included, then I'm sure people won't mind that. The worst that can happen, is that after a few months no one else has run it and it can be removed again. But in any way, actions speak louder than words. Now everyone might understand the idea of "Abaowbbs% Insane", but anyone can understand a VOD of it.

But that's all just my opinion anyway.

LunaArgenteus ve Aneksuz bunu beğendi
SomaliaUrinstein7 years ago

On Nov 5th and 6th (Saturday Sunday) we'll be having a Hotline Speed Tournament. We'll be playing NG+ All Levels and everyone interested is welcome to join.

On Saturday we'll play a few (5-6) rounds of Swiss format so everyone will get to have a few races. The top 8 runners move on to the elimination matches on Sunday, where the winner will be determined.

You can find more info and rules here: http://tinyurl.com/z4ptta8 The time table (estimatied) is here: http://tinyurl.com/zvynhdk

And if you decide to join you can register here: http://tinylink.net/V2ufk In that case please also join the tournament Discord at: https://discordapp.com/invite/cYuG27z

Buffet_Time bunu beğeniyor
Urinstein Hakkında
9 years ago
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