konu: Cosmoteer
New ZealandUltranova-014 years ago

@jannik323 lmao only 27 days to go!

konu: Cosmoteer
New ZealandUltranova-014 years ago

Btw in terms of new moderation I'd be happy to help or if there's too many mods I'd also be happy to be a verifier (see the bottom of https://www.speedrun.com/moderationrules).

konu: Cosmoteer
New ZealandUltranova-014 years ago

The Discord link in the sidebar is broken and leads to a random message in #off-topic, and isn't a server invite. It should be changed to discord.gg/cosmoteer, which is the actual invite to the main Cosmoteer server.

0neye bunu beğeniyor
konu: Cosmoteer
New ZealandUltranova-014 years ago

In terms of the game cover and the Speedrun.com logo, I saw (and others are probably aware of this too) that some people have made new ones that look better than the current ones, which can be found in #general of the Cosmoteer server.

It looks like tselis has linked his discord to his mod page, so I'll try find him and get in touch with him today, if possible. EDIT: looks like his discord name linked on his profile is inactive, so someone will have to find some other way to contact him (maybe sending him a message through speedrun.coms message system?).

Also the discord link in the sidebar goes to an invite link in #off-topic, which should probably be fixed.

konu: Cosmoteer
New ZealandUltranova-014 years ago

Should be alright to remove it I reckon.

jannik323 bunu beğeniyor
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