Lincolnshire, EnglandUkzMadman2 years ago

In follow up to my previous thread, here are some suggestions I would like to make in regards to parameters that I feel would improve both ease of engagement and fairness across the various platforms available:

• Time With no internal game time, times of course have to be calculated externally. Due to load screen times varying significantly across the available platforms, I would make the suggestion of pausing the run time when they in play. All load screens in game, besides the first initial new game load screen, follow immediately after skipping a cutscene, knowingly activated through the action of holding a 2-3 second input. I feel this window gives great if but enough opportunity to allow for manual split interactions. Having then paused the time, the timer is reactivated after the load screens final frame or more comfortably the frame after skipping the cutscene that follows when the load screen completes, as is present with every load screen in game. In similar fashion, the start timer is activated after the first initial new game load screen, or again after skipping the cutscene that follows. Final run time is then attained as the in game credits activate.

• Categories In similar fashion to the any% category format, I would love to suggest expanding secret ending to mirror its sub categories (e.g Kensei Secret Ending) and possibly even adding 100% categories in the same manner, which would give a total of 10 runs, offering a lot of versatility for runners.

Thanks a lot, take care.

IE-Kevin ve Ladell bunu beğendi
Lincolnshire, EnglandUkzMadman2 years ago

I have decided with some encouragement, to open this thread in hopes of establishing some general run parameters, typically concerning time calculation and run validation. I am by no means associated with this games development, nor do I house any seat of notoriety in relation to the game or it’s community. I speak simply as a fan of the game and one of general speed running. So in recognising the potential this project offers from that said perspective, I would love to help contribute some ideas and or suggestions, open for welcomed debate, about the topics previously expressed in my opening sentence. I intend to follow up with a second thread upon and if receiving a green light from the games moderators, thereafter detailing my thoughts as well as allowing others to equally propose theirs, in the hope of building and expanding on a solid foundation that runners new and old will be able to engage with easily and comfortably. Thank you and take care.

Jaybeanysan bunu beğeniyor
UkzMadman Hakkında
5 years ago
5 months ago
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