Reminder of the first post (for those that havent read it) (
Please keep in mind that using this thread is a last resort, in case the current moderators are not responding or refusing your help without justification. You should always start by asking the Super mods of a game/series as they are also able to add mods. Twitch messages to mods are probably best for now. Also try the game forums, many users get notifications when threads are created for games they follow.
Moderator inactivity doesn't apply until around 3 weeks, depending on other circumstances, and it is expected that you try to contact them (exceptions may be made if they have been offline ~3+ months.)
An admin or full mod will respond to your post when they review it; if there is no response, it hasn't been reviewed yet.
keep it and wait till the value is raising for collectors Kappa
@Crockey that is something for content mods to check and change :p nice find there. also theme editing says: "Must say """. And they are lenient as long as it says as it is linking back to the mainpage.
@cheeseandcereal Pac disabled favicons. I dont know when he will enable it again but for now they are off a long time already.
This update is in the make. Many other people have asked for it already. also there is an pm button already, just no system behind it. (y)
@srwatcher you should qoute the first post and not me (as i am just a reposter) ;) something seems fishy here
@RealBonner have you tried contacting him over the social links provided?
Is there no DLC tag? that might fit better for those, right @mh?
@gael -As per master thread: Venue again fortnox (
-As per feedback reply from 2016: Showers We were happy for you to lock yourself in to shower and change, but many people were unaware that they had to latch the door after they left, leaving rooms out of order for hours until someone told the kiosk. We will put a warning up on every door next year to make sure people don’t do this again. (
-Good question
-I think G4G will not be used again as Pac's donation tracker was succesfully tested during ESAWH.
Also my own question: Will trackerlinks be used again? (the, I liked it as it was easy to make links for things with it and to remember for linking in chat)
Little tip for those wanting to change their name and are not sure if it is already taken: Type the name you want in the searchbar. If no user pops up. it should be okay