I made a documentary style video in world record progressions for dead space so here it is
Putting the video here for people who might be interested let me know what you think.
I`ve done two investigations into X maverickhunter aka Sahailaway in dead space 1 and 2 and I have made a video about my evidence or proof to back up my claims just making this thread to warn people and other mods to watch out for him.
Not trying to sound like a dick but why are there 1st place runs that have no proof that they even done the run
You guys need to make some rules such as when the timer starts and when it ends and what else is allowed to be used during the speedrun.
Due to technical problems with the game the rules have been changed to timer starts when the flight lounge goes into lock down resulting in you being separated from Hammond and Kendra. The main reason for this is because of the bug within the game (for console users i believe) that when you unlock impossible mode and exit the game. The game will re-lock the mode so you cannot play it. However their is a way of playing it beat the game on any difficulty then play impossible and save the game in the flight lounge when Hammond and Kendra stop talking and the game prompts you with a tutorial hologram using the save station behind of Hammond. If there is any problems or questions with or about this change then please ask me or tell me in this forum.
After my run of dead space 3 NG+ i will be working on a guide for dead space to hopefully get some people interested in running this as i have heard of the excuses i cant do the skips and well im going to show people how i got better at this game just thought id help out
Just need to ask how to know if you have 100% logs and nodes as there arent any 100% records within the game itself so you cant cross-reference but also another issue maybe instead of maximizing the inventory you need to get all schematics and instead of all nodes you need to get the maximum number of weapons upgraded fully aswell as your rig and stasis and kinesis