This is completely my mistake and was avoidable if I had simply double checked before verifying the runs, I'm sorry for not realizing the format of the submission prior to verifying.
I know my ignorance led to this but I hope moving forward the other mods (and myself obviously) can learn from my example and not repeat this ;-;
I'll fix the runs when I get home in around an hour, once again I apologize for overlooking the IGT.
Edit: The runs have been fixed now.
Searching "Mikey Shorts apk" on Google worked for me way back when, it's worth a try since idk any other methods lol
It's definitely 100% possible, if you have the motivation to go for it then by all means, hopefully it shouldn't take you very long so you can spend your summer achieving other goals you have in mind as well :)
Some Cow advice:
-The window for timing the start boost is actually quite large, it's just a bit later than one might think. Still, it's better to get a slightly delayed start boost than get none at all so keep that in mind -Never jump while the cow isn't already moving in a straight line, you can turn during the airtime -Fence boosting is more trouble than it's worth in a category so heavily dependent on billiards so try to avoid them at all costs
Hope this helps :)
I don't see why pausing wouldn't be allowed since times are measured in IGT, but I'm not a mod so it's really up to them to decide
Realistically, sub 2 isn't possible unless you grind super extensively. Even though technically wr loses a few tenths here and there, I can't see anyone who'd be crazy enough to go for it with current knowledge, but maybe a small timesave somewhere will push it into viability. As for who'd get it, I'm obviously a candidate, as well as sunshard, sxk and sukkaboy. Sukka hasn't gotten a 9 skip in any of his pbs yet, which makes his time even more impressive since it's extremely close to what the wr was before the skip was implemented! Excluding myself, he definitely is the most capable imo because his work on various ILs also can't go unnoticed. Doesn't seem like anyone's grinding for wr except for you though ramen, so sub 2 probably won't happen for another while unless you shock everyone :^)
Literally the most dedicated speedrunner I know <3
RTA timer wouldn't work because lag is also an issue, but separating the leaderboards wouldn't be by device, it'd be by the game version. I don't think the disparity caused by the timer pausing is substantial by any means, but that's just my opinion and others may think otherwise. I am, however advocating for the addition of the 4 new categories so people with access to them can compete on those here on the leaderboards.
With the recent friendly competition ariamelio and I have going on, we've noticed some differences between our versions of the game. I'm not quite sure it's an iOS vs Android situation but it seems most likely as I'm on an Android device and she's on an iOS device. Ariamentio's version not only has 4 additional categories to play as she's mentioned in the description of her runs, but the timer also pauses during the various checkpoints scattered throughout the levels. Meanwhile I only have access to the levels up to Tricky Treat and my timer keeps going continuously until the end of the level. The category thing can be resolved easily, but the timer pausing in checkpoints is a different issue. Personally, I'm not bothered by it much because many games have version differences that are advantageous to runners with that certain version of the game, and if you spam through the checkpoints it doesn't add up to much time saved if at all. But, I just thought I'd bring it to the mods' attention that this game doesn't seem to be the same for everyone.
Edit: it's probably just a version difference and not a device difference as getSlam's run on the Old School leaderboard doesn't pause in checkpoints either (and they played on iOS), but it's still important enough to make this forum thread lol
It's come to my attention that the game is no longer on the app store, so here's an apk that other people have used to download the game:
I haven't used it myself but I have no reason to doubt its validity and it shouldn't cause any problems with your device, so enjoy!
To my knowledge it's impossible, the platform is too far left for that to happen, you'd need it to be at least somewhat behind the 2 spike balls in the middle of that pit so you can jump to the trampoline. You're more than welcome to experiment with this but personally I think it's not happening. No harm in trying to find a way or continuing to develop possible new strats though!
Update: I've talked to the other mod about changing the timing method, and they agreed that it could be a good idea as well so I am officially changing the timing method!
I'll wait until another runner voices their opinion, for now the 2 runs pending are going to wait, and if it ends up changing I'll retime the current verified runs (except the obsolete ones, I dont think that's necessary lol)
I made this thread to ask what everyone's opinion is on the current method, namely ending time at the end of the forest cutscene after level 25/50. I feel bad having to change the time of submissions to be 3s slower than the runner thinks they are, even though we've timed that way since the game was accepted to So should we change the end time to when the green ball disappears after the arrows all disappear or stay with the current one?
Edit: Misremembered the colour of the ball and changed accordingly.
That looks tight, but it wouldn't save enough time to reset to since you're only going in as little as you can lol
Yep that's been known about already, it does indeed save time but it's inconsistent so we go with the alternative strat which is used in my current grass wr and many other former ones too. If the alternative strat saves/loses time compared to this one we haven't done a formal test, so who knows.