Наш слоняра
I think that the video (albeit with meaning) was superfluous, but close this topic already, if the moderator does not accept the mileage from the player, then let him write directly to support, and there the admins will already draw conclusions about what to do with moderators who do not comply their duties as they can no longer meet the deadlines under SRK rules.
You can always answer normally and not make excuses that you can’t accept the races, your problems. Let's see how further the deadlines will fit in connection with the expansion of the moderator, if this continues, then there are not enough moderators.
(google translate)
Ты уже определись по какой теме пишешь. За нестопию, или то что забег удален? И от куда у тебя информация чтобы он был удален не за читы?
4 moderators cannot accept a race for a week, or let them admit faster or give me a moderator, has a white hat, more than 50 games in moderation, why so many if not modet to follow everything? https://www.speedrun.com/jackie_chans_action_kung_fu (google translate)
Игра и так мертвая))) коды игры у ng и американки совпадают, игра не мега популярна, негативный просто забей) ты же не критик жёсткий))
check takes 5-15 days, WhiteHat94 ignored my message:(
please give me a moderator https://www.speedrun.com/btdd 6 days this is unacceptable, I think you need more moderators for games
Why can't my race be accepted? Battletoads And Double Dragon (nes) coop do something....
SEGA Genesis/mega drive is an Genesis[emu], i can not contact the moderator, just upload a video and specify Genesis [Emu]
hey, Can I get super mod? https://www.speedrun.com/Comix_Zone I want to add a new category (google translate) thank
Hey, no moderator 1 month (Edenal) https://www.speedrun.com/battletoads_genesis - do something please(
hey guys,why checkers do not check my wounds, how to become a moderator to follow the races (sry for my english) google translate