koşu: Tanks: The Crusades
You should join the discord, that way you can ping the speedrun.com moderators to get your wrs validated quicker than within 6 months...
koşu: Tanks: The Crusades
koşu: Tanks: The Crusades
Two things.
speedrun time is the sum of total time, not the sum of clear times. I will edit the rules to make this more clear.
You are allowed to use items in non-single level runs which could help improve your time!
nabhan7651 bunu beğeniyor
koşu: Tanks: The Crusades
If you skip to 1:43 on the WR video the time is correct.
konu: Tanks: The Crusades
If you have any ideas for new categories, please respond to this thread and I will add them!
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