konu: Google Snake
I could see this being added in category extensions, though it'd only be interesting with highscores and maybe peaceful 1a.
haberler: Google Snake Category Extensions
konu: Google Snake
Yes we already added the new mode to the game, and the reason why we're not adding the multi thing is because that would mean too many categories.
konu: Corvette (GBA)
I've noticed a significant difference in speed between some runs. The runs emulated on mobile play the game much faster and get better times than the runs emulated on PC.
konu: Google Snake
Must be a bug or corrupted files. You may have to reinstall livesplit
konu: Google Snake
have you turned on global hotkeys in the settings?
konu: Google Snake
The date has not been set yet, but it is planned to be some day near Wednesday
konu: Google Snake
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