for some reason when i enter a FF ill play the ocarina and the ''Puzzle solved'' Jingle but the fairy doesnt show up and now the game is softlocked. this happened while i was practicing glitchless and can someone explain? thank you
I Think i found out why the bullet bill glitch softlocks on all-stars. What happens in bbg is Mario clips into the base of the flagpole but clips low enough to get pushed but he still triggers the end of the level. The Game requires you to after the level starts counting down, to touch a block and it can be any block. That is why when you jump over the flagpole there is an invisible block next to the door. My point is that many things were fixed in the all stars version such as better Hitboxes and various despawns. My theory is that they changed it so the block that needs to be touched is the wall tile and not the stair texture. One time i triggered it by accident lol in a warpless run
by exiting The last pipe while holding certain buttons you can get consistent patterns ex up right b a to bet a forwards jump
Whoever first gets 4:54 on console will recieve 50 dollars
This is so infuriating. When i capture The game it is extremely choppy and when i capture other games it works perfectly Then i tried it on SNES all stars and it still happened When i stop the recording it says it stops and then when i upload it it records what happens after i stop