You could always do that jump at the end lol.
When you stop speedrunning for 5 months...
legendary starline's setup
Framerate of all red ball games (except for RB1 which is 31) is 30. IL hack is showing the amount of frames spent to beat certain level. To count the exact time spent to beat a certain level, you need to divide frame amount by 30, and leftovers will count as a decimals.
In level 5, with enough x velocity from level 4, you can make two jumps (not double jump) and land on an upper wooden platform. It saves ~1 second, and it could've been used in Any% Glitchless.
Why It would be like a skipless 100%
Maybe you should first change a first place trophy to a gold sheep.
A few minutes ago, while casually playing A Man And His Pig, I got a softlock. I couldn't move the character anywhere after a cutscene. IS this really a softlock??
I don't think someone will ever be doing that. It's just too hard.