I wanna know lmao, it would be fun to do a 1 star run on omm
konu: Shotgun Mario 64
just hold Z, R and B until the tutorial starts and thats all lol
Nah dude, new dead category lol
Oh xd
Okey, this run is really good, but, wth the anti-colbyrayz mod XD
ChainChomp5040 bunu beğeniyor
This is what im talking about
What the f- Man that was insane xD
Upa, buena run causas, pero a lo mejor llegan colby o meganexe con skeltan o Isaac para robarles el wrz aún así, juegan bien xd
I just wanna know that cause _diyar have one run (acepted) on phone, and thats all xD
Nice try bro, but i recomend doing cannonless, its faster :D
19 toplamın 1 ile 19 arasındaki gösteriliyor
Roetgy Hakkında
hola, soy roetgy, un tipo bastante noob en cuanto a speedruns :v, pero, minimo lo intenta :D
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