konu: Mappy
PortugalRodr1go76 years ago

That is awesome, thanks for the input. I have indeed made a MAME subcat, have fun with future runs!

konu: Mappy
PortugalRodr1go76 years ago

NES and MAME versions handle a bit different thats why I think a sub cat would be better. Also what is the category in question? How many rounds Mame version has to complete a loop? I just need a bit of info

Yinghuochong4913 bunu beğeniyor
konu: Mappy
PortugalRodr1go76 years ago

This always was a NES only mappy leaderboard but I can add it as a subcat if you wish it that much

PortugalRodr1go77 years ago

I never felt that there was a reason to have 2 categories for this, however there is a technique to make the bonus end faster so its not "waiting"

AquaBlake bunu beğeniyor
PortugalRodr1go77 years ago

The game and timer were not in sync, there's a delay.

crazeyawesome bunu beğeniyor
PortugalRodr1go78 years ago

Yes I agree with jumpyluff, this particular run should not be removed since it was already following the old rules. 26 or 27 runs makes no difference whatsoever for me in having a video proof. If we had 100 sub 12 runs though it would be close to 50% of the leaderboard and that yes would be a different number so my opinion remains the same, I think sub 12 runs should have a video proof. For the under 11:25 runs to be streamed matter, I know what you mean, I also like to do offline attempts myself although I don't do it for KDL anymore because I wouldn't feel pretty happy to have a 11:1x offline without anyone watching my attempts (although I've proven myself legit by streaming dozens of attempts on twitch) and I still could show my offstream recordings, the thing is that its easier for cheaters to splice runs offstream (not saying its impossible to do it live but its harder if you have to commit on doing attempts) but upon watching someone play you could have a general idea of what's going on and if its cheating or not. I sure wouldn't like to see a WR submission from a player that has never submitted a run before nor has streamed any attempts of KDL. This has happen on some other game before and turned out to be a cheater. This is just a suggestion, but 11:1x is quite the accomplishment in KDL and I think we should completly make sure its a completly legit run from a legit player.

PortugalRodr1go78 years ago

So from my understanding, the only rule change is a video proof for sub 12 minute runs right? Currently there are 26 sub 12 runs on the leaderboard, 1 of them doesn't have a video proof. Will you remove it knowing its by thelevel99charmander? (Legit player to my knowledge). Also as far as I know, for console players, this game is not easy to capture nor every player has the chance to do it. This could give a whole other discussion topic but I think its also worth considering! Although I think its pretty easy to have a sub 12 run on KDL with proper grinding, there are only 26 sub 12 runs in a +200 players leaderboard, which is a low number that could very well justify a video proof for it indeed. Anyway, I do think that runs under 11:30 highly need a video evidence for sure since any time around that mark is a bit decent. In addition, any run under 11:25 should be streamed.

TrUShade bunu beğeniyor
PortugalRodr1go78 years ago

Hello there faulteroyy, I am unsure if there is a 5-2 wrong warp tutorial video, but on this one is actually possible to get the wrong warp without any bumps if you are really good. This is the fastest and also harder way of doing it. The easier ways may have 1 or even 2 bumps (In my case I learned with just 1 bump because it was easier and worked out better for me,its also the common way of doing it) I reccomend watching my pb to see or other video with the same setup to where the bumps are made. If you rather learn the setup with no bumps, check darbian's run. As for the inputs, while mario facing left, jump the right amount and hold down, he will clip and enter the pipe. You can also mash A as it makes it more easier to enter the pipe too

konu: The Site
PortugalRodr1go78 years ago

@Pac great job with the site new layout, looks more modern for sure. I only saw one "bug" so far, if you go into lost levels page, one of the moderators name is off the border.

kobepilgrim bunu beğeniyor
PortugalRodr1go78 years ago

I recommend bizhawk over anything, since you can play any version on it. If bizhawk is too much for your computer, check other options here: http://www.speedrun.com/smb1/resources

PortugalRodr1go78 years ago

Seems totally a good idea.

PortugalRodr1go78 years ago

Nope, leaderboards are fine as they are for me. The current miscs needs more attention anyway

konu: Mappy
PortugalRodr1go79 years ago

He is correct.

In case of confusion with the "Beat All Rounds" category, Round 16 is exactly same thing as round 1 with already faster enemies and different door spots, I decided to add the category "Beat All rounds" goal up to 15 (15 being a bonus) because 14 is the last legit different level of the game.

1 loop category can be considered as a new category, if so, I would like to hear opinions about it.

PortugalRodr1go79 years ago

Absolutely agreed Nick. Top runs timed to one hundredth of a sec, and the rest of the runs up to 5:05, just normal. As for warpless, I think from 19:25 might be a good example of a time boundary to be done the same aswell. Not only this cleans the leaderboards as it also organizes it to be more easy to read and understand.

Like bunu beğeniyor
PortugalRodr1go79 years ago

I agree for sure, levels would certainly be very helpful in some cases, even for routing. So my answer is yes I want it. This should be very handy on lost levels.

PortugalRodr1go79 years ago

I can see why people ask for this category, since it would give a longer category to the game and not leave 2nd quest obsolete, but the fact that is pretty repetitive and the same thing as a any%/warpless run makes it kinda pointless to run nor I do see enough runners that would like to run this. Because like pack said, the route is pretty much the same. We never know the future, or what the moderators can decide someday, but for now I don't see this category being a thing.

SuperGamer64 bunu beğeniyor
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