Ohio, USARemix2272 years ago

you can change difficulty and game speed

i don't think you can change damage level

konu: Kingsway
Ohio, USARemix2273 years ago

we use the main kingsway discord currently. there's a #speedruns section https://discord.gg/ZuTHkRh

Ohio, USARemix2273 years ago

i assume that would be fine. there's runs with a handful of different characters. it's not like akuma is overpowered or anything.

akuma could be a smart choice, you get a good drop pattern, and take more damage which technically can be good sometimes

i think most people go with ken though because getting your attack interrupted or countered harder is a potential drawback of akuma

worth noting ryu is the fastest character to pick if you time the run from a point earlier than when a character is selected

n0jn0j bunu beğeniyor
Ohio, USARemix2274 years ago

default settings are what it's supposed to be, but iirc there are several runs on this leaderboard that were not using default settings... i don't think the rules have ever been strictly enforced here tbh. most of the time difference in this game comes from skill... the settings and character u pick etc are pretty minor compared to just being good at the game

KattaTonik_ bunu beğeniyor
konu: The Site
Ohio, USARemix2275 years ago

when i have some time i'll go ahead and give that a try. hopefully that'll give me all 285 runs, but still, it'll take me a while to sift through the thousands of categories to find all 285 runs, so if anyone knows how to use the api for this, please help me out

konu: The Site
Ohio, USARemix2275 years ago

I'm aware.

I'm confident there are missing runs.

There are both full runs and I/L runs missing.

Any% NG+ is an example. Dawgup has a 1st place time of 1:38:30 listed in his profile (https://www.speedrun.com/user/Dawgup), but it doesn't show up on the leaderboard no matter what category or filters you use.

There are many runs like this that are "invisible" for this game, and I'm trying to find all 285.

konu: The Site
Ohio, USARemix2275 years ago

I think there's a lot of runs not showing up on this leaderboard: https://www.speedrun.com/bh2

The statistics page says there's 285 runs, but I can't find a lot of them, probably because the rules / categories have changed.

Is there a way to get a link to every run?

I tried using the API but my coding is bad so I'm having trouble. I found this link through the api, but it doesn't really help https://www.speedrun.com/bh2/run/y6we81z

Ohio, USARemix2275 years ago

ya that makes sense. it's not like skipping 1-1 is super interesting anyways.

i didn't really think about that since intuitively my brain told me resetting progress items and medals counts a a new file, and it's funny cause in NG+ selecting wave 1 is what felt natural lol

i don't think it should be allowed in either category. we can make the rule change now or in a couple days after i update my runs to follow the rule

i think there should probably be a line in the rules mentioning that you also need to select wave 1... do you have an idea on a good way to word that?

Ohio, USARemix2275 years ago

i've created a basic guide for anyone interested in getting up to speed with the current runs.


that includes most the new strategies i can think of (the important ones at least)

routing for this game is complex, and i will likely be working for quite a while before i'm happy with my routes

if anyone needs help with anything in regards to this game, feel free to contact me

konu: The Site
Ohio, USARemix2275 years ago

so like when is this gonna happen? seems like a no brainer to me to support it at least in some small way

IcKY, Tigame, ve Imaproshaman bunu beğendi
Ohio, USARemix2275 years ago

Speedrun.com is in limbo regarding whether they want to support high scores or not, so in the meantime, I've created a manual high score leaderboard here:


This leaderboard is completely curated by me. It specifically excludes players I believe cheated. If you want your scores on this leaderboard, you can PM me on discord (or really anywhere) and I will add them.

konu: The Site
Ohio, USARemix2275 years ago

specifically in the case of classic WoW, no matter what rules you try to impose, a leaderboard on a site like this is pretty much meaningless. a seperate site that votes on the quality of each run is probably better than a strictly time-based leaderboard.

the first level 60 in classic will likely be in the range of 40-70 hours real time, and nobody will be able to compete with that unless they are assisted by other players, and there's no way to be completely unassisted, even if you try. the closest you could get is a local server emulating the game, at which point everything can be messed with, so there would be no way to tell a legit run from a cheated one. on top of all that, the only way you could even kind of verify a run is to have the player stream the entire thing from start to finish. i'd guess that the first lvl 60 will be piloted by 2 skilled players living in the same household, who swap off play about 24 hours or halfway through (probably at like level 42), and it will be done off-stream because of that. classic wow speedruns are for fun, entertainment, and for advancing your character in the game quickly. a leaderboard does not make sense for this game.

as far as health concerns go, i think for most normal healthy people it's probably safe to go up to 30 hours given you eat and drink properly, and stand up and stretch occasionally. you just don't want to be seated the whole time, and in WoW there's plenty of time to go AFK on flights to take a quick walk irl

as far as the site goes, i think it would be smart to at least have some kind of blurb that shows up when viewing leaderboards of runs that are over 16 hours or so. it wouldn't need to be long, maybe just one line with a link to another page with a bit longer of a writeup regarding long run safety. in that page i'd probably mention caffeine safety, as well as reasoning for why caffeine is not recommended, and why water is better.

regardless of all that, any mod of a game with long runs can put their own long run disclaimers in the rules for the run

Imaproshaman bunu beğeniyor
Ohio, USARemix2276 years ago

I'm considering the idea of submitting this game for a GDQ, so do you guys have any thoughts on categories that could be good? Or any thoughts overall?

Here's some categories I've thought about:

Any% heavenly cheats - shortest run, fast paced, heavy on RNG, bosses are pretty much all skipped, many waves skipped with powerups

Any% heavenly no cheats - on the longer side, but has a lot of variety

Any% heavenly no cheats all bosses - similar to no cheats except with twice the bosses

NG+ boss rush no cheats - Arbitrary, only features bosses, short run

Any% heavenly no cheats no damage - Arbitrary, weird, adds suspense, longer run, not very marathon safe

Any% heavenly all 3 stars - IDK about this category, might be worth a test run to gather my thoughts

Overall, I'm concerned with length, repetitiveness, lack of unique situations, and potentially computer problems that could ruin the responsiveness of the game.

Still though, there's a number of reasons why it could work too, so I don't know if I'd rule it out without a bit of thought.

I'm not super happy with any of the categories in particular, but I'm still giving it some consideration

Ohio, USARemix2276 years ago

ok leaderboard looks much better now. i minorly adjusted the panel color to a slightly more gray color as well

konu: The Site
Ohio, USARemix2276 years ago

The youtube link in your profile is broken if you use a youtube.com/customname link... Youtube used to use youtube.com/user/customname but has since removed the /user/ part. Speedrun.com still forces the /user/ into the middle of the youtube link, breaking it.

Imaproshaman bunu beğeniyor
konu: The Site
Ohio, USARemix2276 years ago

Hi, I'd like to become a super a mod for Epic Battle Fantasy: Bullet Heaven 2 (https://www.speedrun.com/bh2). The current super mods are inactive, have out of date contact info, and they're not really a part of the game's community (looks like they're super mod by association to the EBF series as a whole). I have the fastest times for this game by a large margin, and I have the most experience out of probably anyone when it comes to this game. I have over 500 hours of experience with the game, and I have the rank 1 high score for 70/70 levels. I'm the most active player in the game's community and I'm sure I'd have the approval of many of the people who play the game (I could get approval if it's needed). I'd like to clarify rules, help verify runs, and clean up the leaderboard to improve readability. Also, should Speedrun.com decide they want to start supporting high scores on this site (there has been some discussion about this being a possibility), I'd like to be in a position to set up the leaderboards for that, the rules, and verification of runs. Runs of any kind for this game take a lot of work to verify, and I'm willing to do it.

YUMmy_Bacon5 bunu beğeniyor
konu: The Site
Ohio, USARemix2276 years ago

Don't you think there should be some decision making process for deciding mods?

Sure, choosing the first mod that way is fine, but what if that person doesn't do a good job moderating? What if they don't want any other mods so that they get to make all the rules regardless of what everyone else thinks?

This is a big concern I have with this site as a whole. Rules for games, leaderboard layout, and run verification all need to be done by the players that actually play the game, and be decided by the community as a whole, not by the person who creates the leaderboard first.

There should be some way a community can say "Hey, we don't want this person to be the only mod, instead we want this/these people to be a mod".

The "talk to the current moderator" system doesn't work well if that moderator doesn't agree with you / the community. If that's the case, then the leaderboard is run by a tyrant instead of a moderator.

There needs to be some kind of merit behind mods or democratic process to decide mods after the first.

Why is there still no thread / submission form for this to be done?

It could be based on run times, experience with the game, community vote, etc. Anything would be better than how it is now where it's solely up to the discretion of the first mod for that game

kwak1 bunu beğeniyor
Ohio, USARemix2276 years ago

that'd be very annoying and very difficult. beating the game at level 0 is hard enough.

here's something similar you might enjoy (i think this is the record without spending money):

nujumkey bunu beğeniyor
Ohio, USARemix2276 years ago

My goals for changing the leaderboard would be:

  1. Make it more obvious what the main categories for the game are
  2. Make it easier to find runs that actually exist

The I/L leaderboards are pretty much always going to be a mess in this, so I'd say just leave those how they are for now.

I'm going to suggest removing several things, and with all of them, keep in mind that if people express interest in running them, they could be brought back. They could also just be moved to the misc section if you think they still warrant being on the leaderboard.

Invincibility is easily the worst category, and it shows with no runs currently submitted. IMO it's just a worse version of cheats runs and NG+ runs. It doesn't really bring anything new and interesting to the table that those categories already do not. Removing this removes 12 categories from the leaderboard.

100% no heavenly requirements is a really weird category, but I guess it's not pointless as it's essentially the "hard" difficulty category for this game. Not sure if the title gets too long but maybe it could be changed to something like "100% hard (no heavenly medals)... Just something so that at a glance people recognize the purpose of the category is designed for hard difficulty.

I think the "unrestricted" and "heavenly" categories for both 100% and 100% no heavenly requirements should be removed. Both 100% and 100% no heavenly will have 95% of levels run on heavenly difficulty, or hard, respectively. The most significant distinction with these categories is the time trial levels, which can be replayed on hard if it is failed on heavenly, lowering the difficulty, but in my opinion, you're already losing time replaying the level on hard anyways, so I don't think there's a need for the distinction. A better run that features more difficult speedrun level completions will have a lower time anyways. It's the same thing for the "whatever" categories as well, it doesn't really change much, and what it does change, just loses time in almost all cases if you choose a lower difficulty. Plus, it's cool seeing the lower difficulties utilized at times to complete certain achievements to speed up the time. Removing these removes 4 categories from the leaderboard.

I'd also like to see the base game and expansion categories combined for any% and any% NG+. They could still be distinguished by the platform they're played on, Web/PC. If the only difference for those categories really is the available characters, it's probably worth combining them for any% and any% NG+. The expansion is the full version of the game and I don't see any reason to play the base game anymore now that the expansion exists, unless you don't yet own the expansion. Changing this would remove 8/12 categories from the leaderboard.

I'm not sure if it's possible, but it would also be nice if the heavenly runs could also show up in the unrestricted category.

I'd also like to see a few misc categories added. I'd like to see one for high scoring, such as an arbitrary goal of 150m total high score. I'd also like to see something that includes the bonus bosses, maybe an NG+ no invincibility boss rush going through all 19 bosses. I'd be interested in running those 2 categories.

As for changing "unrestricted" and "heavenly" classification, I think those are fine how they are, since you'd need 4 main categories for both any% and NG+ if they were added into the main category titles.

No cheats and cheats are both good runs I think, and keeping them how they are I think is fine.

Single/Multiplayer I think are fine how they are. They could be removed but I don't want people to think you need to play multiplayer to get a good time for the "main" category. Probably better to leave the Single/Multiplayer how it is.

For the rules, the updates look good. I think it should be clarified though that for any% and any% NG+, the bonus levels are not required. You could just add in a (not required) in the expansion explanation.

Outside of that stuff, can the theme on this page be changed at all? or maybe just slightly? This white text on nearly pure black background hurts my eyes. I think most games use a slightly gray background to make it not as bad.

Can a moderator make other people moderators? Or does it have to be a super mod? If it needs to be a super mod, there probably needs to be a new super mod here, the super mods are inactive and their contact info is out of date.

Remix227 Hakkında
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