konu: The Site
Pac10 years ago

[quote=tduva]should I only request the game I have times for and maybe turn it into a series later (if that is even possible) or request a series right now.[/quote]Either way is fine (y)

YUMmy_Bacon5, Gaming_64, ve Noice bunu beğendi
konu: The Site
Pac10 years ago

What do you prefer about it over speedrun.com?

YUMmy_Bacon5, Gaming_64, ve Noice bunu beğendi
konu: The Site
Pac10 years ago

There's a timing update coming soon, wherein that'll be fixed.

YUMmy_Bacon5, Gaming_64, ve Noice bunu beğendi
konu: The Site
Pac10 years ago

Can you give a little more detail on what you need? Like, a list.

YUMmy_Bacon5, Gaming_64, ve Noice bunu beğendi
konu: The Site
Pac10 years ago

Resources: • There's a Resources link in the navigation bar with some basic tools. • The Splits, Saves, Tools and Modifications pages for games have been merged into a single Resources page. • Modifications has been renamed to Patches, to avoid confusion with ROM hacks (which is also due a rename as soon as I decide on a better one). • A glitch causing uploaded resources to go missing has been fixed, and all missing resources have been re-attached.

About: • Removed my name from the bottom of the site and replaced it with an About page.

Logo: • I changed the site's logo (on the default and Night themes). You can find a link to the new promotion banners for your stream / bio in About > Promotion.

Game covers: • Upload function has been adjusted to allow a much smaller file size, at the cost of an extra second of processing, but no loss of quality. Applies to images uploaded as of now, so feel free to re-upload to get a much faster-loading image for your game. • They can now be any shape! Example.. They do look slightly awkward when varying sizes are grouped together, but at least there isn't as much emphasis on Series views anymore. Again, re-upload.

Next, I'll be tackling a few smaller bugs that people have reported (yes, including that annoying one causing threads to open in two tabs upon middle-clicking).

YUMmy_Bacon5, Gaming_64 ve 6 diğerleri bunu beğendi
konu: The Site
Pac10 years ago

You mean comments? Yeah, that's something I definitely want to add soon.

I was also thinking of allowing people to "Like" runs, but that might be a little too... Facebooky? I don't know, I'll have a think about it.

YUMmy_Bacon5, Gaming_64 ve 5 diğerleri bunu beğendi
konu: The Site
Pac10 years ago

Bismuth, that happens because, as I'm sure you've guessed, the site reads from an API to get the Twitch emoticons, global and subscriber.

Unfortunately, though, whoever is in charge of approving sub emoticons at Twitch thought it would be a good idea to approve ones with codes like "double", "US", and "Win" FailFish

I have a short array of blocked Twitch emoticons, so I just added "Win" to it. Let me know if you find any others.

To everybody else, thanks for your comments so far; I will be taking them all on board.

YUMmy_Bacon5, Gaming_64 ve 2 diğerleri bunu beğendi
konu: The Site
Pac10 years ago

I'll be sure to have that possible with the timing update.

YUMmy_Bacon5, Gaming_64, ve Noice bunu beğendi
konu: The Site
Pac10 years ago

I mean, if you enable ms for IGT (as I suggested above) it should work now.

YUMmy_Bacon5, Gaming_64, ve Noice bunu beğendi
konu: The Site
Pac10 years ago

Ah, silly me - in the runs table, I had the data type of IGT set to INT instead of DOUBLE.

Milliseconds should work fine now (y)

YUMmy_Bacon5, Gaming_64, ve Noice bunu beğendi
konu: The Site
Pac10 years ago

[quote=Bismuth]My question is: how can I make it so the in-game time uses milliseconds and the real time does not?[/quote]That will be possible in the timing update I'm planning - it will have much better support for various timing methods. For the time being, you can just enable ms for both, and when the update is ready, you can disable it for RTA and the ms will be clipped off.

[quote=Bismuth]it says "No rules" when I click to show rules[/quote]Fixed - level rules will now show up above the category rules.

YUMmy_Bacon5, Gaming_64, ve Noice bunu beğendi
konu: The Site
Pac10 years ago


In case Time reference is not clear, Relative means 2 days ago, and Absolute means 2014-11-16.

If you want any date formats and stuff, let me know.

YUMmy_Bacon5, Gaming_64, ve Noice bunu beğendi
konu: The Site
Pac10 years ago

The hover menu for series worked when we had like 16 series, but lately the site's really been growing and that menu got extremely bloated. Navigating to games in Other was also kind of a pain.

The Games menu is now its own page, and you can view games under 5 different lists. It sets a cookie, so next time you open it, you'll go straight to your list of choice. Opening a link with a # will also take you straight to the right tab.

I guess this won't be used that much since the search bar is better for quick navigation, but I hope someone'll get some use out of it, and I certainly hope nobody will miss the old hover menu too much.

Thanks guys (y)

YUMmy_Bacon5, Gaming_64 ve 6 diğerleri bunu beğendi
konu: The Site
Pac10 years ago

You can use it to search for anything on the site.

It also searches by multiple fields, so you can search for games by either their full name, or by their abbreviation (eg, smb2, if it's actually been specified), and you can search users by their name (with or without special characters - you're welcome Gaël ;)), or by their Twitter, Twitch, Hitbox or YouTube usernames.

I'll make it work a little better over time, such as allowing pressing down to select your choice.

YUMmy_Bacon5, Gaming_64 ve 7 diğerleri bunu beğendi
konu: The Site
Pac10 years ago

Serhef, that feature did actually exist when I first launched it, but as SgtKabukiman pointed out, it does open up a security flaw, so I restricted it to admins.

Sorry :(

YUMmy_Bacon5, Gaming_64, ve Noice bunu beğendi
konu: The Site
Pac10 years ago

ADMIN UPDATE 4/14/2021: With the release of the Support Hub, all feedback should now be submitted here - https://www.speedrun.com/knowledgebase/supporthub/give-feedback

PREVIOUS MESSAGE: Or in other words, what do you hate about the site?

Be brutal. :slight_smile:

YUMmy_Bacon5, Gaming_64 ve 15 diğerleri bunu beğendi
Pac10 years ago

Forgot to say, welcome (y)

YUMmy_Bacon5, Gaming_64, ve Noice bunu beğendi
konu: The Site
Pac10 years ago

This feature was half-finished for months and I just decided to complete it this evening. There are now three types of colour themes available to you:

• New themes for browsing the site (see Settings), more of those will be added soon. • You can create a theme for your profile. I hope you know what hex colour codes are. You can then select that theme in Settings. • Moderators can create themes for any games they moderate. (A side note to the mods, you can now also upload a mini icon for any series that you moderate in Edit series.)

There are a lot of options when creating a theme, so I'm trusting you guys not to make anything hideously ugly, or else I'll have to start looking into simplifying it to selecting a single colour :P

YUMmy_Bacon5, Gaming_64 ve 15 diğerleri bunu beğendi
Pac10 years ago

Welcome (y)

YUMmy_Bacon5, Gaming_64, ve Noice bunu beğendi
Pac Hakkında
11 years ago
4 years ago