North KoreaMysteriousdewd6 years ago

We're fine when it comes to modding. We are attempting to figure out what can be speedran with this game due to the embargo which limits uploading close to 90% of the material.

Thanks for the interest.

North KoreaMysteriousdewd6 years ago

Thank you for posting the proof and I apologize for me being a nag but would rather be safe than sorry. Everything seems good to go on your part so I see no reason for your records to stay.

Now I am just waiting on Jakato to reply.

North KoreaMysteriousdewd6 years ago

I apologize I don't know why this got posted here as well as the other forum? Either the site bungled or I accidentally posted it twice. Feel free to ignore this.

North KoreaMysteriousdewd6 years ago

So due to the issue that emulation is not a good representation for hardware on a fighting game I am going to have to ask @PikaRice and @JakatoXtra to please provide proof you are using a capture card with your runs if you are going to use a PSP.

Since there is no way to accurately emulate a ps3, xbox 360, ps4 or xbox one which some of the titles are on also and most people agree that for a fighting game to allow a fair and unbiased run to commence it should be on original hardware.

I will give you both 1 week to provide proof but your current runs will most likely be invalidated due to some worries over legitimacy.


North KoreaMysteriousdewd6 years ago

So due to the issue that emulation is not a good representation for hardware on a fighting game I am going to have to ask @PikaRice and @JakatoXtra to please provide proof you are using a capture card with your runs if you are going to use a PSP.

Since there is no way to accurately emulate a ps3, xbox 360, ps4 or xbox one which some of the titles are on also and most people agree that for a fighting game to allow a fair and unbiased run to commence it should be on original hardware.

I will give you both 1 week to provide proof but your current runs will most likely be invalidated due to some worries over legitimacy.


konu: Blazblue
North KoreaMysteriousdewd6 years ago

To address your issue and desire of more moderation I have added 2 people to the series. One of whom is knowledgeable in Blazblue as a fandom and understands the protocol of speedrunning and another that is a prominent speedrunner with a vast knowledge base.

I hope this will help ease some of your worries and your friends from your convention. Would also love to see a website for these events so I could become more informed of your community.

konu: Blazblue
North KoreaMysteriousdewd6 years ago

Also I am confused to why your competitors are worried about uploading, youtube and other sites provide a means to archive things. This site is not an end all be all for claiming of world records. There are plenty of speedrunners in the community who refuse to use this site. A good example is Calebhart42. He gets plenty of world records without submitting to this site.

If you have any concerns or requests you can easily contact me thru a plethora of means. You can pop into my twitch channel and send me a whisper, my whispers are ALWAYS turned on. You can use @ with my username to catch my attention on twitter, my phone notifies me when I get tweets to my account.

There are many ways to draw my attention to here that admins and global mods have done in the past for speedrun.com when things need to be resolved since they understand I have a life outside of checking this website every second and that I run a very busy twitch channel. I am more than willing to help people if they want to be helped tho :)

konu: Blazblue
North KoreaMysteriousdewd6 years ago

@Liv Thank you for all the help so far.

I still would like an official name of these 2 said events. If you can provide me with a legitimate website like how Speedyfists advertises that would be appreciated. @PikaRice


konu: Blazblue
North KoreaMysteriousdewd6 years ago

No word has been brought to me about ANY desire for the previous iterations to be added as categories. If there were any desire such as when someone wanted Crosstag to be added, I would've added the other iterations. But the majority of the community plays the modern adaptations. The only major reason a person could want to play the previous iterations is to fish for easy WR since there won't be many people going for it.

I am with @Liv with this. Can you provide any proof of others wanting to submit runs to these categories?

Also @JakatoXtra I have responded to you in more than a fair enough time frame. If you had any major desire for me to deal with problems sooner you could've easily tweeted at me or come into my streams which are all consistent. Also it was @Liv who sent me the message about you wanting Crosstag added and then not even 2 days later you sent me a message on both Twitter and the Forums.

I have responded in more than enough time. I have a life and with you being the only person to have posted in every forum in the past 8 days AND THE ONLY PERSON TO SUBMIT A RUN in the past 8 days. You can see how small this community is.

You have made no attempts to contact me about adding the other categories and from what I was told you were suppose to contact me but managed to get a mod to bypass the approvals and add you as the moderator which is both rude, and unacceptable.

North KoreaMysteriousdewd6 years ago

Updated it to Mar, 2nd 2016 as per the recent PC release. Thanks for pointing that out. Originally set to just 2015 as speedrun.com was only using years and not month and day.

North KoreaMysteriousdewd6 years ago

That is due to speedrun.com formatting containing errors. I have attempted to fix it several times and it breaks days later.

North KoreaMysteriousdewd6 years ago

Please specify what these categories are as if there are ones special to the PSP version of the game that you wish to be the only record holder for I will be more than happy to add them for you if it will make you happy :D

North KoreaMysteriousdewd6 years ago

I appreciate your interest, but I see no real reason to bring in extra help at this point. Your own series section UNIEL has only a single run. P4 Arena is practically dead also. I feel at this point I can easily handle this alone as this is ultimately a BlazBlue overarching game despite the inclusions of the other games and with how little traction this will probably get I do not think we need to clutter this with more politics.

In regards to your rules comment. These rules have been certified by a Speedrun.com admin as acceptable and the preferred choice of the community albeit against what I wished but the admins of Speedrun.com required that I remove any conditioners as a timer mandatory in vods like the rules in UNIEL and Ultimax set out. I personally would've liked to have timers be mandatory but the admins and runners argued that not everyone has capture cards or the equipment to put timers into their videos if they upload directly from their consoles or computers too weak to do video processing. Secondly your games vary VASTLY differently to Blazblue and how the story modes and arcade modes are set out typically and there are plans to add those categories along with time attack which not all ArcSys games have and the mechanics vary.

If we need more mods, I will choose people interested and ultimately active in the Blazblue community before bringing in others from other series as their commitment has been shown with multiple run submissions.

Again I appreciate your interest but unless this blows up where we are getting hundreds upon hundreds of submissions I see no need to bring other people in as it is more than handled.

konu: The Site
North KoreaMysteriousdewd7 years ago

Hello, I am the moderator for the series Blazblue and I have been waiting for two runs for games that are moderated by two others for games within my series and I have had no response from either of them regarding the runs I submitted back in December. I am active with my series and would like to have the games transferred over to me as there are others who have/want to submit runs for these games but nothing has been placed in the games for over a year.

The games I am talking about are: Blazblue Chronophantasma Extend https://www.speedrun.com/bbcpe And Blazblue: Calamity Trigger https://www.speedrun.com/BlazBlue_Calamity_Trigger

I have contacted both moderators thru various forms of social media and have gotten no response from either of them and despite me being the supermod for the series in general I cannot simply fix the issue that way. Any help in regards to this issue would be appreciated.

YUMmy_Bacon5 ve KekleAlex bunu beğendi
Mysteriousdewd Hakkında
7 years ago
22 days ago
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