ArgentinaMrMonsh2 years ago

I noticed that there's a new Any% run that's been run on psX v1.13: https://www.speedrun.com/digimon_rumble_arena/run/zgqp72jy

Given that the current rules state explicitly that only ePSXe 1.9.0 is to be used, I was kinda wondering if this was overlooked or if it's now being accepted as a valid emulator.

It might not seem like much, but psX v1.13 does seem to have slightly shorter loads than ePSXe (which has also been my experience in other games) so I'd prefer have a explicit answer on this subject.

PS: Just to be perfectly clear, I'm not against using the emulator and it's still clearly slower than PS2 FDS, but if we're going to allow it I'd rather know so that I can start using it myself as well and enjoy the load time boost.

ManuAlejo17 bunu beğeniyor
ArgentinaMrMonsh3 years ago

Hello everyone! So, ever since we got help from some of the modders from the Toy Story 2 community for the framerate fix, they've actually went ahead and made a separate channel for BLoSC on their discord server, and since we've been using it to discuss strats and glitches quite often I thought it'd be a good idea to put an invitation link here in case you want to join in. :)

Here's the invitation link: https://discord.gg/2hahs9f

PS: I'm aware this is not exactly an official BLoSC discord server, but it's serviceable for our current needs I guess.

Yuukii bunu beğeniyor
ArgentinaMrMonsh3 years ago

Watch my first run done on Windows 10, then my second run on Windows 7. For the first run, I start moving on Jo-Ad 1 at around 16 seconds after starting the run, while on the second run I start moving at 13 seconds.

You might be thinking "surely this would be due to hardware differences in the rigs used for both runs, right?". Well, I'll tell you that both runs were performed using the exact same PC, since I have it setup with a win7/win10 dual boot, which means the differences are indeed coming solely from the difference in OS.

I'm actually not entirely sure if the gameplay sections are actually running faster too, but at first glance that'd seem to be the same speed.

Anyways, do with this information what you will. :)

ArgentinaMrMonsh3 years ago

So, during a run I got kinda clipped into the floor during the tunnel section of Bathyos. Since it was during a run, I didn't want to delve deeper out of bounds (since I don't have the faintest idea if it was going to kill my run or not), so I wasn't able to explore much.

...which is really unfortunate, since I haven't been able to replicate it at all ever since. I still have it recorded, so I thought I'd share it here for anyone to give it a try (and/or share your experiences in case you've happened to come across it before):

ArgentinaMrMonsh3 years ago

Hello everyone!

So I've been toying with the idea of running this game, and lately I've been itching to replay it so I decided to finally get around to installing it.

However, when I was about to install it, I found out that the disney setup launcher no longer works for me (it just pops up, I press setup and nothing happens).

So, my question here would be for you PC runners: how did you manage to install the game? Did you play on windows 10 or was it a previous version? Do I need to do some workaround to get it to install?

Thanks in advance!

PS: Bonus points if you could also tell me if I need something like DxWnd to cap the framerate or some other third party tool to run it properly.

EDIT: After some time, I've managed to compile all the info to setup the game into this guide: https://www.speedrun.com/blosc/guide/l4rx5

ArgentinaMrMonsh3 years ago

So, I once had the opportunity to witness (what I hope is) a rather uncommon ocurrence on speedrun.com which I had a formed opinion about, but I realised it'd be rather interesting to see what takes other people have around the issue.

To avoid possible drama and tensions I'll keep names about the game and users involved vague because it's not my main point of interest. ;)

Anyways, there was this runner (hereafter called "Mr. X") that currently had WR for the Any% category for this game. However, for whatever reason (not pertaining cheating or any foul play, mind you), Mr. X. decided to delete the vod for this run (as well as runs for other categories, but I digress), which later prompted the run's removal from the leaderboard. So far, so good.

Months come and go, and it's now been 6 months since the incident, with the runs long gone. Mr. X decided to show up again on the discord and the mods didn't outright tell them off, so all seemed good. Much to their dismay however, when Mr. X re-uploaded their old run a few days later, it got rejected.

Turns out, the rules had changed during the 6 month period Mr. X was inactive, removing one of the allowed emulators from the rules (and this change was done way before they came back), and it is this specific emulator that was used for their old run.

So here's the issue: given that it's an old run, Mr. X thought they could just re-upload it and all would be good. My personal take was that, given that they deleted it themselves (i.e. not the mods) and then later re-submitted it, I was of the idea that it was perfectly fine for the run to be held to the new rules.

As I previously mentioned though, I realised that perhaps this may not be the same conclusion everyone would reach, so I got curious and thus made this thread. What are your thoughts and would you have handled the situation differently?

PS: Just to clarify, I have no hand moderating this particular game and the situation has been a cold case for quite a while now, I'm just interested in learning about other points of view :)

EDIT: I forgot to clarify this, but other runs that were performed with this particular emulator have indeed been grandfathered in, pending a re-timing of said runs to avoid unfairness to future runners.

Ivory, Pear ve 4 diğerleri bunu beğendi
ArgentinaMrMonsh3 years ago

Hello everyone!

Monsters, Inc. Scream Team is personally one of the games from my childhood and one I have fond memories of, so I might attempt to start doing runs in the near future for it.

With that in mind, I wanted to ask if there was a list of specific allowed emulators (and possibly what version in particular) or if it's open for the runner to decide, so as to avoid issues in that regard. I normally use ePSXe 1.9.0, but if that's not allowed I could adapt.

Thanks in advance!

ArgentinaMrMonsh3 years ago

Anyone remember this?


'Cos if you do you just lost it

You dun goofed boi

PS: But in all seriousness, I'm actually interested in knowing whether people have heard from this ancient meme (and if so, when and where), given that I suspect that it'll be unknown for quite a few people.

Zanum, grntsz ve 9 diğerleri bunu beğendi
ArgentinaMrMonsh4 years ago

Hello everyone! So like the title reads, I've been busy preparing new custom trophy icons for the game's leaderboard, as well as a new Game Icon.

For the custom trophy icons, I basically took the Super Karoshi gem pickup you can find throughout the game and recolored it to fit with the current trophies' color scheme. You can see them here:

For the custom game icon, I figured I should use the Super Karoshi sprite given how iconic it is amongst the Karoshi series, so I did just that:

Anyway, feel free to comment on these and use as you see fit!

RSW, MsTruffles, ve Kelborn bunu beğendi
ArgentinaMrMonsh4 years ago

As the title says, I'd like to suggest to swap the current leaderboard colors with each other, so that the blue color is used for the background of the leaderboard and the yellow for the words.

As it currently stands, it's extremely hard to read the leaderboard menu to the left and the category names, and I feel a simple swap would keep the current palette of colors while making the readability much better.

FuzzBug bunu beğeniyor
ArgentinaMrMonsh4 years ago

Hello everyone!

First off: Yes, this is real life. It's possible to save time on Subway, an auto-scroller level. Let me give you some context first:

So while I was watching @WillNForce 's WR run on PS, I noticed that he was finishing his Subway level quite a bit earlier than me (10 seconds of difference, give or take), and this was pretty intriguing to me, considering this is an auto-scroller level we're talking about.

To put it simply, while on the PC and DC versions of the game Subway ends as soon as the Subway reaches the end of it's tracks on the timer at the bottom of the screen, in the case of the PS and N64 versions of the game this is not the case. In fact, if you do the glitch to avoid getting hit and do nothing for the duration of the level, once the timer reaches the end it just disappears, and the level lingers on for about 10 seconds.

In the case of @WillNForce 's run however, the level ends as soon as the timer reaches the end (reminiscing of how it works for PC/DC runs).

With this in mind, I decided to talk about it with him, and after chatting for a bit he informed me what he had found:

  • Basically, at around the end of the level (but before the timer reaches the end), the lizards stop spawning even if you kill them, and if the game detects that there's no lizards on the Subway, the level will end approximately 3-4 seconds after the last lizard died.

What this means is that, provided you kill the last lizard with the correct timing, you can actually finish Subway earlier than the conventional glitch method, with some cases finishing before the timer even reaches the end.

To demonstrate my point, here's two test runs of Subway done by yours truly:

This does not seem to affect PC runs (as tested by @inkblowout ), and so far it's only known to work for PS. My personal prediction is that DC will probably work similar to PC (and not be affected at all by the killing of lizards), while N64 will probably benefit from this as well, considering they have the same issue of the level lingering on after the timer at the bottom of the screen disappears.

Personal predictions aside, if you're an N64/DC runner, I highly encourage you to test this out on your respective platform, since there's a possibility that you can get an easy 5-10 second time save by doing minimal work. Best of luck to all!

tl;dr: If you're on PS, you can finish Subway early by killing all the lizards with the correct timing. It's been proven to not affect PC runs at all, but N64/DC still require testing.

PS: Big props to @WillNForce for being the first to find out about this :D

WillNForce ve InprisonedShadow bunu beğendi
ArgentinaMrMonsh4 years ago

Hello everyone! So while I was checking the leaderboard, I noticed the custom speedrun.com banner we currently have is pretty hard to read, on account that the letters are colored black and that they're over a dark blue background.

With this in mind, I decided to try taking the exact same banner and recoloring it white to improve readability. It's not much, but it really does make quite the difference in my humble opinion.

Here's both the original (black) banner and the recolored (white) banner so that you can compare them:

https://i.imgur.com/U3FiXyu.png https://i.imgur.com/mm5EPuR.png

If you're wondering how this'd look when used on the leaderboard, you can see for yourself on this photo here.

Anyway, feel free to use as you see fit!

Rebound ve AugusTitan bunu beğendi
ArgentinaMrMonsh4 years ago

Hello everyone! As the title says, I took the liberty of preparing a new custom icon for the game (which is basically the rumble arena 2 logo), and you can see it here:


Feel free to use as you see fit!

PS: If you're wondering where would this "Game Icon" appear, you can see it in your profile settings in your followed games list, to the left of the game's title. You can see a preview of how it'd look on this photo here.

FarmingSim ve Brisken bunu beğendi
ArgentinaMrMonsh4 years ago

Hey guys! As the title says, I prepared a new custom icon for the game (which is basically the spinning tarzan head you can see next to your health bar in-game), which you can see for yourself here:


Feel free to use as you see fit!

PS: If you're wondering where would this "Game Icon" appear, you can see it in your profile settings in your followed games list, to the left of the game's title. You can see a preview of how it'd look on this photo here.

TheGreatestRoman bunu beğeniyor
ArgentinaMrMonsh4 years ago

Hey guys! As the title says, I prepared a new custom icon for the game (which is basically the small veemon you can see on the cover art for the game), which you can see for yourself here:


Feel free to use as you see fit!

PS: If you're wondering where would this "Game Icon" appear, you can see it in your profile settings in your followed games list, to the left of the game's title. You can see a preview of how it'd look on this photo here.

The-Wavy-Commander bunu beğeniyor
ArgentinaMrMonsh4 years ago

Hey guys! As the title says, I prepared a new custom icon for the game (which is basically the Karoshi sprite), which you can see for yourself here:


Given how iconic it is, it'd almost be criminal to not have it as the icon for the game here. Feel free to comment on it and use as you see fit!

PS: If you're wondering where would this "Game Icon" appear, you can see it in your profile settings in your followed games list, to the left of the game's title.

Kelborn bunu beğeniyor
ArgentinaMrMonsh4 years ago

Hello everyone! As the title says, I prepared new custom alternatives for the trophy icons for the leaderboard (the ones you get for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place).

I basically took the medal icons directly from the game and adapted them to become trophy icons, using the Knocked Out of Stadium medal as 1st place, Stopped Spinning medal as 2nd place and Missed Stadium as 3rd place.

In the particular case of the 3rd medal I had to re-color it to look more like the 3rd place copper trophy to avoid confusions, but I also provided the icon for the medal with the original color should you prefer that one.

You can see them here on these links: • 1st place2nd place3rd place with copper coloring3rd place with original color

If you'd like to see how they'd look on the leaderboard, you can see this photo here to give you a rough idea.

Anyways, feel free to check them out and use them as you see fit!

PS: If you guys find them a bit lacking still and someone else would like to elaborate on the idea, I wouldn't mind either.

ArgentinaMrMonsh4 years ago

Hello everyone! As the title says, I prepared new custom alternatives for the trophy icons for the leaderboard (the ones you get for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place).

In short, I just took the different pickups you get throughout the game and converted them into trophy icons according to their colors: Spidey-Armor Pickup for 1st, Health Pickup for 2nd and Fire Cartridge Pickup for 3rd. Given that they mimic the original icons' color palette almost perfectly, I was hoping for these to look quite nice, but I'm afraid they might end up being too small when seen on the leaderboard to notice the details.

With that in mind, I decided to post the links to the icons here anyway so that you can see them and tell me your opinion: • 1st place2nd place3rd place

If you'd like to see how they'd look on the leaderboard, you can see this photo here to give you a rough idea.

Anyways, feel free to check them out and use them as you see fit!

PS: If someone else would like to elaborate on the idea, I wouldn't mind either.

Ezze bunu beğeniyor
ArgentinaMrMonsh4 years ago

Hello everyone! As the title says, I prepared new custom alternatives for the trophy icons for the leaderboard (the ones you get for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place).

I basically just took the official dot agumon sprite to be the 1st place trophy and then recolored it for the 2nd and 3rd place icons, trying to mimic the color palette of the originals. This is a very simplistic approach, but I think they turned out to be pretty good.

You can see them here on these links: • 1st place2nd place3rd place

If you'd like to see how they'd look on the leaderboard, you can see this photo here to give you a rough idea.

Anyways, feel free to check them out and use them as you see fit!

PS: If you guys find them a bit lacking still and someone else would like to elaborate on the idea, I wouldn't mind either.

Mentro ve StupidHair bunu beğendi
ArgentinaMrMonsh4 years ago

Hello everyone! As the title says, I prepared new custom alternatives for the trophy icons for the leaderboard (the ones you get for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place).

I basically just extracted the lamp you see on the loading screen between levels and adapted it a bit to be the 1st place trophy, while the 2nd and 3rd are merely recolors of the 1st, trying to mimic the color palette of the originals. I don't consider myself even as much as an image editting amateur, but I think the end result was still pretty good.

You can see them here on these links:

If you'd like to see how they'd look on the leaderboard, you can see this photo here to give you a rough idea.

Anyways, feel free to check them out and use them as you see fit!

PS: If you guys find them a bit lacking still and someone else would like to elaborate on the idea, I wouldn't mind either.

The_Pionner bunu beğeniyor
MrMonsh Hakkında
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