GermanyMolotok6 years ago

Np, I forgot to add that it only calculates total times up to 9:59.99 mins. I could still modify it so it accepts higher times, but normally no one who submits some runs should have a time that bad. I hope, lol.

Tenka bunu beğeniyor
GermanyMolotok6 years ago

Hey, I made an easy calculator for Virtua FIghter to minimize any additional typing. https://www.dropbox.com/s/vjiwn9xh24072c2/VF2calculator.jar?dl=0

You can type in the round times as you see them on screen and the Akira time. The program calculates the time that was needed for Dural and adds it up to the Akira time for the total. Btw for a round not to count you need to have it as 00.00.

Tenka bunu beğeniyor
GermanyMolotok6 years ago

Yes, the whole ingame timer that is displayed on the bottom right is based on the round time (the time just adds up after each round, but mostly 0.01 less than is displayed probably because of some rounding or a more precise total time being tracked internally who knows).

What I´m not sure of is if different versions have the same movement speed compared to ingame time.

Tenka bunu beğeniyor
GermanyMolotok6 years ago

I just compared the ingame time to real time in your and makankas 100% runs and looks that the real time runs about 1.1 times faster. Also looked into some other playthrough of the arcade version on the xbox and the real time was between 1.07-08 times faster than ingame. Didn´t look into the Saturn and other versions.

Then I checked the ingame timer and the round time that is displayed. If you substract it from 30 it is always the time that adds into total ingame time, well in fact mostly with 0.01 secs less than is displayed but it doesn´t really matter.

Tenka bunu beğeniyor
GermanyMolotok6 years ago

Regarding timing of 100% runs: The ingame time can be calculated by subtracting the displayed time in the round after a fight from the 30 seconds available per round. The maximum rounding mistake per round is at 0.01 seconds when you don´t have the overall timer displayed. So in the last fight you could have a maximum error of 0.03 seconds if you lose one round to Dural. It still would be more precise than any manual timing and consistent with the timing method in the other categories. So question is why is real time preferred instead of using ingame time? Nevertheless it is great to see some runs for this game, I was wondering since long time ago why this game doesn´t have any runs despite it being a pretty good game considering its age. :P

Btw you guys should ask site admins to create a Virtual Fighter series section, so that all the games are not scattered around.

GermanyMolotok6 years ago

Congratz dude, I hope you will also do some runs for the other levels too!

Also someone should give you the mod for this game tbh, you have done a lot of research for this game and you are the only active runner. The other two weren´t online since over 9 months. lol

And about timing, if you have a 0:37.999s it is still a 0:37.

Dick_Assman bunu beğeniyor
GermanyMolotok6 years ago

Small update for the PC rules:

1.) Individual level and full-game runs need the ingame framecount to be visible. Framerate display by external software doesn´t count since it could capture at a different rate than the game is running. You enable the ingame fps count by pressing F10 and then typing framerate. It persists even if you reload other levels.

2.) The framerate needs to be capped at 60 fps since it was found that this game has issues with collision detection and starts to break at very high fps. Some rolling glitches also behave differently under various fps. The actual "intended" framerate seemed to be 20 fps, see point 3.

Updated on 11.04.2021 3.) It is not allowed to use Taklits and Azerims part beyond their limit since they normally damage you at 20 fps or below. So they need to be deactivated for cooldown if you reach the limit. Other glitches are allowed as long as they can be reproduced with 60 fps or below.

GermanyMolotok6 years ago

I found a pretty nice Indy-morph to get up to the ledge at the start of Babylon which should make it feasible even for single segment runs: https://www.dropbox.com/s/ipx70qnug34qhat/indy3d_morph.avi?dl=0

As you can see in the video I could do it like three times in about 40 seconds.. all you need to press is: Right+Ctrl, then Left+y(or z if you have an english keyboard) while letting go the first two and then Up. I could even produce a similiar morph without any weapon equiped, but it didn´t work here for me.

GermanyMolotok6 years ago

There isn´t one yet, but I just created one. You can join here: https://discord.gg/rhQfrWB :)

GermanyMolotok6 years ago

Route update for mission #14 "Distraction Action": Instead of the flying glitch you can destroy the generator with the rocket launcher from the top of the stairs. Then run back to your car and drive through the main entrance because it is open now.

GermanyMolotok7 years ago

Updated the first post with the new route. It is more flexible now and the improvements come from doing the Yakuza mission fast as in the old any% strats and having the cop car or other fast cars for the long drives. Also you have more possibilities to grab the darned Ice Cream Van, plus a little trick with the A-Type blocking the Bank Van in the Zaibatsu missions. Sub 41 is possible with it.

GermanyMolotok7 years ago

Currently it says in the N64 rules: "Using quicksave is not allowed. Timing starts when the first scene after the loading screen begins to fade in and ends when the scene faded out at the end of the level (before the IQ window or final credits appear)." N64 doesn´t have any quicksave as far as I know and it doesn´t say anything about gaining control of Indy right now, so you need to adjust them for N64.

The PC version starts timing after the loading screen and ends it before the IQ window appears. Because in some levels you can get a long cutscene at the start or at the end, it is reasonable to use that to get the correct level time. But it is up to you to decide what you want to use for the N64 version.

GermanyMolotok7 years ago

Emulator, I don´t have a GBC. Works nicely on Virtual Boy Advance, the controls are surprisingly not that bad. And apparently the FAQ was wrong since it appears that I get 50 IQ points anyway. Need to play to the end to see how it works though.

GermanyMolotok7 years ago

I´m not sure either, it is up to the N64 version mods to decide the timing for the version they run. From what it looks they time it when you gain control and stop when you lose control of Indy. So they need to update the N64 rules if it is the timing they want to use. GBC rules probably also needs a change since there are no cutscenes or quicksaves and such, I will look up some youtube videos and then update them.

*Updated the PC rules and added that the game should run @60fps. Also updated the GBC rules. Timing starts when the health bar becomes visible and ends when it disappears at the end of the (last) level.

Also looking at some videos I am not certain anymore if the IQ system that was explained in a FAQ i read is correct for the GBC version. Maybe I will just play through it myself for fun. :p*

GermanyMolotok7 years ago

This topic discusses the differences between different platform versions (not looking at the obvious gameplay differences). This should also help clarify some (potential) differences in rules used for each category.


  • contains 17 levels with 10 treasures per level
  • the "Peru" level unlocks automatically after "Aetherium" if you don´t buy the secret map for 2500$
  • the ending credits roll either after "Peru" if you didn´t buy the secret map or after "Aetherium" if you did and completed "Peru" before that
  • IQ system is irrelevant since it doesn´t affect anything


  • contains 17 levels with 10 tresures per level
  • the "Peru" level unlocks when reaching at least 1500 IQ points after "Aetherium"
  • IQ System: Each treasure gives 10 points with exception of the last level where you get 40 points per treasure. A maximum of 2000 IQ points is possible (160x10=1600 + 10x40=400).


  • contains 15 levels with 10 treasures in most of the levels. "Teotihuacan" has 11 treasures and "Tian Shan River" and "Aetherium" don´t have any.
  • has an extra level after "Babylon" called "Russian Border"
  • the levels "Palawan Temple", "Jeep Trek" and "King Sol's Mines" don´t exist
  • the "Peru" level unlocks when reaching at least 1900 IQ points after "Aetherium"
  • IQ System: You get 50 points for level completion with a 50 point bonus if you find all treasures in the level. Each treasure gives additionally 5 points and trading health packs at the trade station gives 25 points each. In total you can earn the required 1900 points for the bonus stage by collecting all treasures in all levels where they are available or selling health packs if needed.

So this being said I can see the following differences for the categories:

  1. "Full-game Any%(Glitchless)" on PC ends after 17 levels while on the N64 and GBC after 16 levels.
  2. "All Treasures" category does not exist for the GBC ILs "Tian Shan River" and "Aetherium". "Full-game All Treasures" should still include all levels regardless of the game version.
GermanyMolotok7 years ago

It`s weird you can see them on the overview but when you click on the level it is not displayed there. It must be a bug.

@Jesse_Porter: Apparently you can access a harder difficulty with the "REALHARD" passcode, so there are two difficulties according to the gamefaq. But still not 6 like in the PC version. The GBC version doesn´t seem to have any, while it has less levels. I guess I will make a research on the differences of the versions and make a new topic. Then later we can adjust the leaderboard properly I hope.

*Edit: I restructered the leaderboard, removed a few variables and added new ones. Now the main categories are the different platforms instead of the actual categories like any%. Hope it is better now.

@Brendon_Meares: Resubmitted your runs, they seem to appear now. Still not sure why it didn´t before.*

Jesse_Lee ve Brendon_Meares bunu beğendi
GermanyMolotok7 years ago

The standard category doesn´t have many runs anyway, so adding more empty categories is probably not neccessary. Unless somebody does actually a run of it.

About the resolution it of course depends on what the community thinks and it isn´t particularly big. Those two people who did the first runs and are mods here don´t seem to be active at all anymore. I agree with Dick_Assman that using 1024x768 MAX is a good compromise.

Another question: What to do with the two runs that don´t fit the suggested rules. The one from Dead Shot had more than 20fps and now his video is not available anymore and gltz has one run in widescreen mode... I kinda don´t want to remove them, unless we would get some a reply from them.

GermanyMolotok7 years ago

Not sure who gave me the mod rights for this game, but I used them to update the rules because of the problems discussed in the "game/speedrunning related questions" topic.

This game has problems with inconsistent fps which results in different game speeds. The user Dick_Assman made different comparison videos of different versions (GoG, Steam, Retail and Legacy), which demonstrated that every version besides the Retail version (basically) runs on 20 fps. The GoG and Legacy versions might require the steam app to run in the background to get the right fps in case it doesn´t have consistent 20 fps for some reason.

So for now the game should run at 20 fps in order to have comparable speedruns for a fair competition. Open questions are:

  1. Should widescreen be allowed which is availabe (only?) on the Steam version? It gives some advantages since you don´t need to scroll as much.

  2. Should there be a seperate category for the Retail version with maybe a max 30 fps? Some retail runs on youtube by the user Soda88 did run on this speed and it looked consistent. Maybe it is even possible to limit the fps consistently with another program, so that it shouldn´t be a problem to run it at 20 fps?

GermanyMolotok7 years ago

I tried to reach the upper part by a long jump to the right and also the rolling glitch from this position, still I can´t reach it. It is not much that is missing, but still nothing.. annoying :/

GermanyMolotok7 years ago

I tried your savegame and it doesn´t work either, but I went to the end of the level in my game and can verify that trick with the fish statue. Edit: It also works with a long jump, should be slightly faster because no need to wait for Indy to holster the weapon.

Unfortunately I wasn´t able to do this extended long jump, not back then when it was mentioned and not now. No clue what he pressed to do it, the input he posted doesn´t seem to be correct since indy just kinda rolls on the same spot for me (also tried it with macros back then or I did something wrong). Besides what you already mentioned this trick would shorten Olmec Valley by a few minutes since we probably could skip activating the bridges! Hope someone finds a way to do it..

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