NetherlandsMETAL_DANNY_4203 months ago

That is amazingly efficient movement!

NetherlandsMETAL_DANNY_4201 year ago

Amazing landing!!!

NetherlandsMETAL_DANNY_4202 years ago

Yeah I get that, but it's kind of part of the game. I'm not sure what the best solution for this issue is. A preset time for 1-0 would be a bit cheesy since the whole Akrid fight length could vary. For the same reason skipping 1-0 is also not a good option.

Th gatling guys I haven't had any real issues with. Only the specific guys I kill usually cause me trouble. Invisible...I've tested that ability for quite a bit and I've gotta say that it doesn't seem to do much if anything on Easy difficulty, because the AI accuracy is already very low. So I discarded that ability as a viable option for Easy runs. There's much better ones. I didn't even need a grenade ability, because I always got the grenades I needed in my routes. Sometimes Gum isn't what you need at all so having a bunch of Gum at spawn only hinders you in some chapters. I tested all grenade type abilities as options and none of them were consistently efficient in all chapters. So I opted for more damage via Firepower I instead of a grenade ability, because that's most useful against enemies in general which in the end saves the most time. Quick Return handles the annoying Data Posts.

Dude, add me on Discord! It will be a lot easier to talk about these things. Also check my YT channel, because 10min ago I published my full-game segmented speedrun video with all the individual world records!

NetherlandsMETAL_DANNY_4202 years ago

IGT because of 1-0 is indeed a problem, but nothing an extra rule can't fix. This would still require a new category to not invalidate existing runs with current rules. Kind of a tricky situation, I know. We need moderator help for this kind of stuff. By the way, quite considerate of you for console players since your WR is on PC. Respect. Although from my experience on Xbox One with external SSD I've had basically the same length of loading screens in general with LP2. It's been years since I've used any Xbox so I can't tell for sure though.

Ah yes, the strats for Area 1 of 2-2. That Area is quite a pain in general, because RNG plays quite a big factor there. That record time of mine is probably try #200+. So much can go wrong even with perfect dodges, kills and grapples. For a full-game run this is probably one of the more dangerous Areas to run through. Biggest consistent problems are the rocket guy and flamethrower guy. I'm honestly dying to see your next WR and how you implemented my strats. Too many people keep saying LP2 is dead, but I will NOT accept that.

Since I compared all my record times to your times for each Area when I was doing my chapter runs I'm sure you can cut off like at least 15min off of your current WR. I beat every single Area time I could find on the internet to ensure that my strats are currently the best. Your WR was a great reference for me to use for practicing strats. Now you can do the same with my strats. I definitely recommend using the description to show your full loadout since this can make a big impact to the results. Like the Injection Gun...damn that thing is so useful and I've never seen people use it like I do. The blue buff also gives you the knockback protection of a Battle Armor which is amazing for these runs. Most people don't know about this extra buff stat. This strat dominates the use of a Battle Armor or killing in multiple chapters and hence saves time.

NetherlandsMETAL_DANNY_4202 years ago

IGT only applies to the individual Basic Training levels. RTA for everything campaign is I'm guessing because of the speed of which you can skip cutscenes even though that difference often comes down to just milliseconds. Even for all my individual chapters the rule is RTA. Changing the current rules would invalidate existing runs so I guess a new full game category should be made for other rules. Moderator Ultronimus is currently busy moving to another house so he's not available here for some time. We'll have to be patient. The rest of the Moderators have not been active in years and are not responding to any messages on multiple platforms. I still have the rest of all my chapter records in pending verification. Are you interested in using my strats for a new full game wold record? It's one of the reasons I made them all. To inspire people and use all those strats. I spent months finding strats and mastering them. I hope they'll be of use to other people. Thanks to your current record I learned a lot and tried to improve each chapter as much as possible, but all with the same loadout as if I were doing a full run. Just to show what times my loadout can achieve.

TOGTNK bunu beğeniyor
NetherlandsMETAL_DANNY_4202 years ago

I hope I resurrected this category for you with all the new strats I found. I'm currently uploading and submitting my runs for every separate chapter in the Level Leaderboard. You should check it out. I bet you'll be amazed with a lot of the times I achieved. Tons of my new strats should help breaking sub 2h30m easily for a full game run. My total segmented time is around 1h50m so you can imagine the many improvements I made to the existing strats. Your YT speedrun was helpful for sure since it's the only speedrun with commentary. Some of your commentary really helped me understand certain encounters better so thanks for that.

NetherlandsMETAL_DANNY_4202 years ago

Hey Ultronimus, Is there no way to split up the Training leaderboard from the Campaign leaderboard? Because as you said it's wonky how it is now. If I were to submit my runs now then almost nobody would ever see it on this site since the campaign runs are kind of hidden away via a scrollbar. I've been doing segmented runs for months now and I'm near completion to mastering every chapter and getting my best possible times. I'm planning on soon submitting ALL of them, but in the current state of the Level Leaderboard that would kinda suck as mentioned before. I hope there's a way to change/improve the Level Leaderboard without breaking anything. People should be able to see chapter times without any "trickery" instead of how you can currently only see the Training runs properly. Oh and another thing... The rules for the Campaign sections in Individual Levels are incorrect regarding the end time. The rules currently state: 'Timer ends when the screen fades to black after the "Area Complete" countdown.' This does not imply to all chapters. Some chapters don't have such an end counter because of cutscenes and such. Even if there is such a counter in a chapter then it's called "Chapter complete" countdown. Since there's chapters without such a countdown we cannot use the current rule for the end timer. The rule should be changed to something like this: 'Timer ends when the screen fades to black before the "Mission Complete" endscreen.' That would solve the different chapters end time issue since every chapter has an endscreen. By the way the Prologue is the only chapter without an endscreen so for that the "Area Complete" countdown applies.

Besides that I'm going to make a segmented full-game run video of all my best chapter recordings to show the full potential of how fast you can run this game. So I'd like to request a new tab in the Full Game Leaderboard section called 'Segmented Any%'. This would go after Solo Any% and Co-op Any%. (Maybe even Segmented Solo Any% and Segmented Co-op Any% ?) Regarding the ruleset for Segmented Any% I have an idea. I think it's best to just combine all the separate chapters from Individual Levels leaderboard into 1 long video where the timer doesn't stop until the end of 6-4. So basically I'd cut out all the parts from my individual chapter videos where the timer isn't ticking. That way it can maintain the Individual Levels ruleset to not over complicate things. What do you think?

I'm hyped to show everyone my strats and record times. Sub 2 hours for a full game run should be quite consistent with my strats.

METAL_DANNY_420 Hakkında
I love playing games faster than intended. My YT channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/metaldanny420
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