PortugalLifion7 months ago

Hello! What exactly do you think is the problem with the IL leaderboards? We would be happy to understand.

konu: The Site
PortugalLifion3 years ago

Hey, So I´ve ran into this issue where I accidently added the same game twice to a game series and, with this new layout I just can´t figure out a way to remove one of them. Any ideas?

Thanks in advance.

YUMmy_Bacon5 bunu beğeniyor
PortugalLifion3 years ago

Since regular Any% is dedicated to one controller runs, I would like to point out that any sort of trick that would require more than 1 controller would be under the Any% Co-op category. Sorry for any confusion regarding this and I will add this rule right away.

louddudek bunu beğeniyor
PortugalLifion4 years ago

Rules are already existing for all categories.

PortugalLifion4 years ago

Wii is the better port for the reasons @Potatoshot126 already mentioned

PortugalLifion6 years ago

Hey! Sorry for not messaging about it earlier, my mistake, but the reason as to why we need both screen is in order to see stats of the characters during the run because there are cheats that change the stats, hp, damage, level and special attacks and since this game´s any% category does NOT allow any cheats we need to make sure you are in fact not using any. After watching your run the reason I still submitted it was because I could clearly see that this run did not use any cheats whatsoever! Sorry for the misunderstanding and if this happens again I will be sure to DM you before verifying the run.

PortugalLifion6 years ago

You can run the game on the 3DS and when submitting I will see the differences between the two consoles so for now don´t worry about what console you are running on! Good luck and have fun with your runs :D

PortugalLifion7 years ago

Once we get the timing down for each lever sure but until then not really

Seydie bunu beğeniyor
PortugalLifion7 years ago

This is the server you can use to get in touch with other runners for races, help on your speedgame or if you just want to chat about something avatar related :D

Server - https://discord.gg/FweM8Xv

PortugalLifion7 years ago

As for the route and tips, I will be doing that while progressing with Pb´s on this game, will try and get a few route changes in before I start running as well

PortugalLifion7 years ago

Give me a bit of time to get my goal times on Into the Inferno and you will get competition don´t worry ;)

PortugalLifion7 years ago

So far there have been no runs of the this game except for the GBA version.

The quality of the video really does not matter but if possible try and include a timer to help mods verify your run.

Gl with the runs, and if you ever need more help contact any of the mods on the ATLA discord: https://discord.gg/FweM8Xv

Seydie bunu beğeniyor
PortugalLifion7 years ago

Running this game requires an actual proper route which no other game actually needs, if its any consolation im currently working on a Any% route for the PSP that should be finished in the next few weeks and maybe, you yourself can start routing the games as well.


PortugalLifion7 years ago

I mean you can create your own save states for the category you want to run and go from there really and the guide for the PS4 is the same as for the PS3 one except for some movement tech and just a few other things. As for the discord I think you can find it in the series leaderboards. Gl on runs

PortugalLifion7 years ago

This ideia is amazing from both Hobz and Rebel, but I think I agree more with Rebel tho it gives you a bit more time to be creative do different attempts with different habbilities / items and see which one is the fastest and by doing this you can add certain limitations (following the example of Riku 2): imagine you tell the players to follow the regular Any% Beginner route (no griding what so ever , no visiting other worls like OC or anything) and use the chest items that players are allowed to get in the regular Any% route specifically in the worls we usually visit (Wonderland, Neverland etc.).

Still this is an awesome idea and would showcase the players and maybe even future strats for fights who knows!

PortugalLifion7 years ago

First off if you click on the "Kingdom Hearts Series" "title" that will take you to the page containing all of the KH games and you will be provided with another Forum tab where you can ask this sort of question. As for your playthrough I find it hard to bealive that somebody has made something even related to this (not to sound rude) but if you are looking for a more specific answer maybe consult the Kingdom Hearts discord: https://discord.gg/0zkuwvE1U4TTu0rG

Good Luck on any future speedruns!

PortugalLifion7 years ago

Well gamecube and ps2 are the same game, but I assume its slower than PS2 + Unrouted, would be fun to see someone do it tho!

PortugalLifion7 years ago

Hey, soo I decided to chose this game as my first Ratchet speedgame! Aldo, been trying to decide if I should do Any% (No Major Glitches) like the Hoolefar skip etc. or If i should do Any%. The Problem is, I´ve been struggling with the Hoolefar Skip itself, I can´t seem to find the right setup for me to do it or if im doing it wrong. Anyway, Thanks! :D

PortugalLifion7 years ago

Well, to get in contact with the moderators I assume its better if you try and hit them up on discord, or if you want I can get in contact with them for you :D

PortugalLifion7 years ago

This is an amazing post Kasa, has well funded arguments, overall great, but the fact that people have to do one of these from time and time again is WHAT´S WRONG, this might seem like im part of the wrong side here but we have to come to a solution. If new people that are joining the community dont understand straight away that this is a community where people need to respect each other even if you dont like them we have to make those people change or make them leave, it is as simple as that. If they dont want to follow the most simple rule of them all, I say make them leave or make them feel "unwelcome" because we, as a community, have seen that being nice to some and being welcomming people has took has to no where. People need to see this as a familly again as a place where people can respect and understand each other and not have crap (sorry for the usage of the term) like this happening over and over again.

ElJefe99 ve ItsKasa bunu beğendi
Lifion Hakkında
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