Hi, I'm trying to run this game on mac and Nestopia is allowed, but I also own OpenEmu which is far better to train myself at this game. In OpenEmu's settings, it's shown that the core used is Nestopia. So does this emulator count ? Or must I still use the Nestopia app itself ? (I'll prefer usin OpenEmu by far)
I'm trying to run again to get the WR but can't manage to find a consistent way to get the triple 7. Does anyone have a trick or something ?
I'm currently trying to get the WR on fire back, but I'm struggling on lv 30 Leka's strat :x just had a run .5 ahead his run, but this level always fucks my runs up :'(
Have algorithms ever been applied in Odyssey ? Using graphs we can use algorithms to find the apparently quicker route for every kingdom. Has this ever been done ? I doubt it would be efficient anyway but it could lead to surprising results I guess.
To make the game's page cleaner and more accurate, the miscellaneous runs have been deleted, and the individual level categories have been created. Now, no more modifications are necessary, everything is clean. Don't hesitate to post your IL runs in the correct categories now !
Please, could I be mod ? I am very active on this website and could verify runs, and I'm still playing this game as well :p
I did a homemade speedrun.com logo for SDD (check on your top-left corner <3) with the game's police, if you have a better idea please submit it at evilrokunderscoreatgmail.com and I'll see to change it, I made it very quickly so it may have imperfections :)