Hey! I just responded to your post in the discord. It's much easier to discuss over there
hi there! https://discord.gg/mpwNWZ5 Come join the speedrunning discord, its much easier to chat with everyone over there. As far as your run goes, all collectibles runs generally take longer to verify because we have to make sure you got everything. I will say however, knowingly submitting a run to the wrong category generally isn't the best way to go about things. Hop in the discord and you can ask about potentially getting all achievements category added.
Hi, so loads arent always 20 seconds, depending on what level is being loaded, the load time itself can vary quite a bit. Load time will also vary based on what system (console/pc) someone is using and it can even vary from console to console, pc to pc. In addition, people make saves/loads and quicksaves/quickloads throughout their run and this will add to the load time as well.
Also, don't worry about messing something up and pissing a mod off. We are here to help, you will never get in trouble or banned for making one small mistake.
I would like to mod the game "Only If" I have tried to contact the current mod and he has not responded. He also has never submitted any run of his own in the game. The last (and only run of the game) was 2 years ago. Several friends of mine are currently running the game and we have discovered glitchess that merit New Game and New Game Plus categories (right now is just Any% and Both Pawns [which is like 100%]). These new glitches involve going into the game and preloading super jumps and items that you would have to collect during the run if not preloading them. Thanks for your time
If anyone wanted to learn this game, i made a new tut with all the updated strats