Hey all
Just was thinking of a possible side category were you must collect all game collectibles (cards, wasps, gags) going from level to level in the fastest time.
Was just an idea I thought I'd share
Theres a Robot Wars Speed Runners Discord made, ill be posting a link to it https://discord.gg/PZVuW
im still here XD i released a run a few days ago for level 1 NG +
Hey Man
Do you think a record for completing all gauntlet challenges in a row could be made for this? so like Slalom bronze silver gold down to drop zone Bronze silver gold? just a thought
Hello all
Earlier today Mario Party 2 had, in my opinion, the best possible format for records. With original hardware n64, vc and 64 emulation all being separate categories. This has been changed again since then.
Going back to the way it was before, with emulation and OH n64 records all jumbled together muddles both WR's
Emulation is the great equaliser when it comes to speedrunning. It allows European players to play faster NTSC versions of the games and be able to compete with the world. Trying to just hide this section due to it being faster due to emulation is a bit unfair in the grand scheme of things. The fact it is a quicker game means that it is needed to be separate
In my opinion, there should be three WR's, OH, VC and emu. All three equally as valid as the next.
This is just my opinion but I think the current way should be reviewed
Happy to see that all world records are easy to find
Hey PurpleSunDeryl
Well, this looks like a much better game to test our robot wars selves against, since this game is easily emulated and recorded
also is there a chance you could make me a series moderator? if you'd like
Hey everyone
I had an idea, Basically since mario party 1 and 2 have mini game rush mode with the island and the coaster, do you think maybe we could do this for all mario party games with a mini game freeplay mode?
So lets take mario party 6. you would start at the start of the 4 player games and work your way through to the end of the 2 vs 2 or 1 vs 3 mini games and see how fast you can do so.
Just a thought I had
Hello PurpleSunDeryl
Originally the Tournament Categories were going to be in the level leaderboards but i couldn't find a good way for people to find them, not being as good with Speedrun.com as most. If this can be fixed then id happily put them in there
That could be an option, but that would have to be JPEARCE-less since then it would just be a level run.
i shall have a think about that, if you have any more suggestions then ill be happy to take them on board