GIRL_7 years ago

I think you're probably right. I did leave the other save files. Strange, I knew FWG could overwrite other save files but not that other save files could cause FWG to not work. Thanks! I'll try that when I can or get my friend to try it.

GIRL_7 years ago

Hey all, recently got into speedrunning DK64 with a friend, and naturally we started learning a beginner route (CFox7's tutorial). We first attempted this on my friend's game cart/N64 and I completed several runs.

Later, I found a tutorial from 2dos (). I tried this method on my N64 / DK64 cart for a while, and completed a few runs with it.

Well, trying this on my friend's cart... it doesn't work. DK doesn't get his gun nor simian slam, yet the method CFox uses does.

The method in 2dos's video is:

  • ISG
  • Enter game, exit game after cutscene
  • Rambi Arena or Jungle Boss, kicked out
  • Multiplayer, kicked out
  • Cancel ISG

The only difference in these tutorials is that CFox waits out the ~50s after ISG before entering Rambi, rather than entering and exiting the game immediately after.

There are no noticeable differences between our games: we both use an NTSC cart, everything is set up the same way, to my knowledge. We tested this many, many times. It works every single time on mine, and it has never worked once on his.

Not a big deal, as it is a beginner route, but any ideas? I am genuinely curious as to what could be happening.

GIRL_ Hakkında
7 years ago
7 years ago