California, USAFreezardB7 years ago

There wasn't anything compiled for this, so I thought I'd write up a quick thing.

General instructions for downpatching are here: https://www.reddit.com/r/Steam/comments/611h5e/guide_how_to_download_older_versions_of_a_game_on/

EDIT 04-Jan-19: Look below for the commands currently in use. -gribboro

Redist packages (if necessary, if the game runs without them you can skip these) download_depot 219990 228983 download_depot 219990 228984 download_depot 219990 228986 1499878012993136397 download_depot 219990 228990 download_depot 219990 229003

Quick note: If you're downpatching the game on Steam I would HIGHLY recommend setting the game to update only when launched. (Right click on game name in library, Properties, Updates tab, select "Only update this game when I launch it" in the topmost box) If you see that a patch is required, switch out the downpatched version for the current patch version you've surely saved as a backup before launching the game, otherwise you'll have to do this all over again.

gribboro ve Boarum bunu beğendi
California, USAFreezardB7 years ago

There's a new glitch that was discovered (not by me) where in a multiplayer game if you activate a duration buff item skill then unequip and reequip the item the skill becomes permanent (until you leave the game - it persists through deaths and zone transitions).

Thoughts on allowing it in the run? You have to be in a multiplayer game to use it, but nobody else has to be in the game with you (so the run would still be done alone) - you can just host a LAN game and close it off to anyone else. I personally vote yes, but I always vote yes and everyone knows this.

In any event this could be quite significant, Mana Infusion gives you +100% to all damage/effectively infinite mana and Blooddrinker gives you 20% lifesteal, and having both of those things on permanently opens the game extremely up.

California, USAFreezardB7 years ago

What are people's thoughts on adding a rule that says "Glitches that require the use of a previously cleared character are banned"?

I've been getting questions from a few viewers/commenters on why we don't use the early ultimate glitch since there's nothing in the rules that says we can't, and that would clear that up.

Boarum bunu beğeniyor
California, USAFreezardB7 years ago

I haven't been able to check for myself since I'm at work, but a commenter on one of my runs on Youtube said they patched out the lag spots, and I checked the patch notes and they seem to agree with that.

Anyone know more about this?

California, USAFreezardB8 years ago

I tried for a little bit tonight, and it could just be rust or the fact that I'm bad at video games but the overall changes in this patch are really rough. The big glaring thing is that boss fights are going to be a lot rougher with the nerfs to Devouring Swarm, and then there's also minor stuff like the fact that blood wagons can't be hit by enemies anymore so that adds time as well.

So basically what I'm getting at is: is anyone going to yell at me if I keep running on

I'm tired/been drinking or I'd make this more eloquent or funnier somehow.

California, USAFreezardB8 years ago

Like the title says. I'm curious to see if there are ways to exploit multiplayer latency like there were in Titan Quest.

Plus a co-op run would be cool anyway since AFAIK it's never been tried before.

California, USAFreezardB8 years ago

Hey y'all!

I just got done doing my first any% run and the process of getting set up to do it was kind of a pain so I figured I'd put up what I used so that anybody else who wants to do runs can use it as a starting point.

Here is a link to the Google Drive folder that has everything: (Old link was dead, use this one instead) https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B0AgvOZ8ZbbOdG9CeUkxZU9SalU?resourcekey=0-QvZPlbO_JPhXlTvIoS9k3Q&usp=sharing

In the folder there's a save data directory for any% and the spreadsheet I used for splits. The save data directory has adventure mode unlocked but no progress has been made on it yet. To use it, go to your %APPDATA%\Pac-man CE2<a bunch of numbers that are somehow connected to your Steam account> directory and replace the files in that directory with the files in the Google Drive. (Be sure to make a copy of your old files of course, unless you REALLY don't care about your game progress for some reason!)

The spreadsheet is kind of an ugly hacky thing but it works I guess. It has a column for elapsed time and a separate column for current run time, and the way it works is any time you hit the "add time" button at the bottom, any times that are in the current run time column get added to the times in the elapsed time column. I did it that way so that multiple runs of the same level (failures, re-runs, whatever) can be added up on the fly without needing a calculator or anything. (There's only one button and it does everything all at once, so make sure to zero out the run time after you add the time. I could probably make it so that it zeroes out automatically, but that'd be a V2 thing.)

Unfortunately the spreadsheet works off a VB macro so you're going to get continually griped at about security, and I've more or less hardcoded the rows into the macro so if you want to change the number of rows you'll have to redo the macro code, but... you know, it works.

So yeah, hope this helps.

Update - I changed the spreadsheet so that there's now variables in the macro that specify the beginning and ending rows for the splits and all you have to do to get it to work with different numbers of rows is to change those variables. It also now zeroes out the current run numbers when the add button is pressed.

lozplyr89 bunu beğeniyor
California, USAFreezardB8 years ago

I was thinking about this the other day and was wondering what people's thoughts on it were. There are certain categories where I could see a benefit to popping into Crucible mode during a run - mainly for quick(-ish) devotion points and access to an inventor without having to save the one in the campaign, but there could be others possibly.

Like a lot of things I only really see this as being an attractive option in an elite/ultimate run, but it could be fairly significant there.

California, USAFreezardB8 years ago

Long story short there was a leveling exploit found yesterday that basically instantly jumps you to around level 20. http://www.grimdawn.com/forums/showthread.php?p=442926

E: It sounds like we're not going to use it in the any% run, but it could still be a good idea to copy the current patch in case something else comes up with it later.

California, USAFreezardB8 years ago

I haven't seen this addressed anywhere, but I just want to toss in my support for community translations being okay to use.

I was watching mrtiger's run during his 12 hour challenge (unfortunately I was only able to catch the VOD, time zone issues) and maybe I got the wrong impression but it seemed like he was struggling with the English text and that there was some doubt as to whether applying the translations would be a legal modification. In the absence of there being "official" translations into other languages, I don't see a reason why we shouldn't allow runs to be submitted using the community translations.

edit: There's an in-game menu for translations but it's fairly out of date. The official Grim Dawn forums has a translation forum that has more current versions and instructions for installing them. My position is that modifying the game files solely to add a new localization should be okay.

Link to forum: http://www.grimdawn.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?f=33

California, USAFreezardB8 years ago

Hey y'all!

On the level leaderboards only act 1 has any runs right now, and I think that's kind of because it's not the easiest thing to define what a level run of the other acts would entail. I stumbled upon a guy on Twitch doing runs of acts 1+2 all main quests though, and I feel like that would be a decent use of the act 2 level run leaderboard if there's no other use for it.

The rules are somewhat similar to the act 1 any% run:

  • Timing starts when you gain control
  • Timing ends when you hand in the final main quest of act 2 (the kill Cronley quest) to Mornay in Devil's Crossing
  • Act 1 must be completely finished and all main quests in act 2 (kill Shanks, talk to Quade, kill Cronley) must be done

Since you do all of act 1 first, the run actually ends up being fairly interesting mixture of act 1, any%, and new strats. My route also has a death warp in it which I don't do in any other category, so there's that.

Here's a video of a proof of concept run I did:

I figure even if people don't want to make this an act 2 category, maybe it can be added as a misc. category or something because I dunno, I find it interesting anyway.

California, USAFreezardB8 years ago

Hey everyone!

I don't know how people are coming along in their routing but I wanted to see if people had any thoughts on what an optimal leveling route might look like.

In the runs I've done I typically finish the game around level 26-27, so primarily I've been looking for skills that 1) don't require a lot of investment and 2) do a lot of damage without gear requirements (i.e., lots of fixed damage and not %weapon damage). I'm 99.9% certain that means devouring swarm at level 1 because nothing I've tested even comes close to that skill's damage/investment ratio, but then comes the matter of what to follow it up with.

In my most recent run I've started just pumping points into shadow strike and using that, especially because it has a ton of fixed damage and not only that it seems like if you throw a point into dual wield and equip a second weapon shadow strike hits twice. Before that I was using briarthorn but I've found my shadow strike runs are 7-8 minutes faster so.. yeah. I'm wondering if there aren't even better ways to go though. Full disclosure, the idea for using shadow strike as DPS came from a beta build run I saw a long time ago (although the run I saw didn't use two weapons, it used a weapon + a focus).

So yeah I dunno any thoughts?

Really hope a community behind this game builds, I find it really fun to run.

e: Oh and I should probably add, whatever the secondary skill tree is that's taken will have to have a movement skill. Nightblade is easy because shadow strike is your movement and your DPS both, but... yeah I dunno.

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