And here is a update on powders and ammo (in route order): 1º RPD: Small Powder - C4 room Yellow Powder - East Office 4 rounds - Shotgun locker 6 rounds - 2 lockers on shower room Small Powder - Locker before stars office 2 rounds - Bench before Stars Office 2 rounds - Stars Office Yellow Powder - Stars Office 3 rounds - Secret room before g1 Small Powder - Secret room before g1
2º RPD: Yellow Powder - Kennel 2 Rounds - Outside break room Yellow Powder - Inside locker in break room 4 Rounds - At large gear room Small Powder - Table before club key 4 Rounds - Long barrel at kendo shop
Sewers: 2 Rounds - Control room Yellow Powder - Rubble after opening the sewage gate 3 Rounds - Before lift going for the rook
Labs: Large Powder - Kitchen 3 Rounds - Right next to wristband 4 Rounds - Sherry room Yellow Powder - Ivys room Large Powder - Cartridge puzzle room Large Powder - Table down the ladder after shooting the ivy 4 Rounds - MURF room Yellow Powder - At modulator room Small Powder - Frezzer room Yellow Powder - Going to g3 Large Powder - Right before g3 Yellow Powder - Right before g3
Since this category actually became a thing, here's some update based on recent runs:
Info on heals: Leave rpd with at least a spray and 70%-100% health; Take a herb on sewers(downstairs with the 3 zombies or coming back from king and queen pieces); Combine the RGB herbs right before g2; During g2 fight, take damage till danger 2x using the herb, and finish with spray to leave the fight full health. Save the RGB for the 2 lickers plus 3 zombies aka orgy room in labs.
Info on ammo: 1º RPD: Total of 23 rounds (expected to use 22-23 rounds on g1) 2º RPD: Total of 16 rounds (1 shot on croc) Sewers: Total of 5 rounds (expected 5 shots, 3 on g mutants + 2 on g2 for fast claw) Labs: Total of 37 rounds (expected 3 shots on ivys)
At g3 ammo is around 50 rounds, average fight take 38 shots. (for one cycle strat is mandatory have both upgrade parts) Around 12 shots to spend. Before Tyrant is expected to shoot 2 ivys, and tyrant fight takes about 4-5 shots. Leaving 5-6 shots for the final wave of zombies.
i like the commentary during this run
120fps makes the whole game faster: inventory, stairskate, puzzles, etc
i would say something like: Movement > Medallions > Triggers/Discard
- movement obviously is the key to any category so that is priority.
- medallions can only get you so far, a good timesave on lion for example can quickly vanish if u mess up the discard at boltcutters followed by having to shoot callahan.
- and since rpd1 is the most inventory heavy place, u can lose alot of time just by missing some interacts, missing discards or simply selecting a wrong item
So anyone had the experience of these two programs stopped working for no reason? My livesplit is not starting at all, even pressing the hotkey and srt seems to not recognize the hp or inventory. feel like the game isn't running. Any tips welcome