United StatesFloppaTheGuy21 days ago

So I noticed that some records for glitched level speedruns were kind of... dumb. Levels like level 2 had the WR be where you just jump into the end area behind the end door and that was the whole speedrun, and I mean where is the "speedrun" part of that? So I came up with a solution:

Glitched level speedrun now must start in the level you are intending to speedrun, on level 2 for example: you can't jump from an area above level 2 to enter the exit room, and you must click the level 2 button or get killed to spawn out of bounds to begin the speedrun. You can also use inbound glitches if they happen to be faster (for more in-depth explanation on how to do glitched lvl speedruns, you can look at the Rules in the Leaderboards tab)

Jmerkzu bunu beğeniyor
United StatesFloppaTheGuy1 month ago

Totally should've did this earlier, but yeah I added Level 21 and it's now available to speedrun!

You can read the rules in the "leaderboards" section :)

Jmerkzu bunu beğeniyor
United StatesFloppaTheGuy1 month ago

So for level 4 of big scary, speedruns usually began the moment you touched the ground after clicking the level 4 button. Well before clicking on that level 4 button: if you just walked forward in your play space (on accident or on purpose) and then proceeded to click the level 4 button, then you would begin farther forward than other players meaning you get an unfair advantage. (if you don't understand, then ask for me to record an example) There isn't an easy way to know if someone did this or not, so we decided to change the start location of level 4.

Level 4 now starts with your player body touching the back wall and your hands off the ground, time starts the moment your hand touches the ground (please try not to move IRL before touching ground) with the end being where it was before (the tunnel infront of that pool area). Sadly, current level 4 speedruns will now be invalid and be forced to be rejected.

Megacharlielincoln ve Jmerkzu bunu beğendi
United StatesFloppaTheGuy2 months ago

Like seriously, how do I know if they sped up the video by a tiny bit or doing some other shenanigans don't know about

United StatesFloppaTheGuy2 months ago
  1. Full Game Speedruns are now categorized as "100% Completed"

turns out: "100% Complete" is what normal completion of speedruns are, as I guess that is what they are suppose to mean. "Any%" are actually runs where you open the door with key, buttons, etc.; and then complete the game/level by literally just running through all the open doors. (I find that to be useless, but I don't make the rules)

  1. $25 MetaQuest Giftcard for the first Sub 30-minute speedrun of a 20 Levels full game run

this is exactly what it sounds, whoever uploads video proof on YouTube (NO CHEATS expect for doing the double keypad press on levels 11 and 14) of a 20-Level full game bigscary speedrun will be rewarded the code of a $25 metaquest card that I have (you just have to take my word for it, I don't scam). Please try to have discord so I can send the giftcard code (discord user: floppathegorilla) :D

LostChips, CaptainReborn, ve Jmerkzu bunu beğendi
United StatesFloppaTheGuy5 months ago

If the leaderboard looks weird or kinda empty right now, well that's because the moderators are resubmitting/fixing the level speed runs as a sub catergory was adding. To add this sub catergory, we had to put the speedruns in a "re-pending" state.

All the speedruns should be back up soon :D

United StatesFloppaTheGuy6 months ago

I think glitches should be allowed in the Full Game speedruns of Big Scary (EXCEPT for escaping the map, obviously). Why? Well I got two good reasons

  1. Almost every other videogame has glitches incorporated, which makes it truly fun to speedrun. The point of speedrunning is seeing how fast it is to beat a game by any means.

  2. It's hard NOT to do glitches. I had to restart quite a few runs because the monsters we're "stuck" or I accidently did the keypad glitch. Like just imagine you're on level 14 in a full game run, and you accidently do the keypad glitch, that's like 30 minutes WASTED on accident.

The point of speedrunning is to try to beat the game as quick as possible, that includes glitches. I think we should have them.

For level speedruns, I think non-escaping map glitches also would make sense, but I can understand why you moderators wouldn't allow that. Anyway, that's all :)

United StatesFloppaTheGuy8 months ago

The Level 1 World Record has a time of 12.069, but he actually got a 12.690 BIG DIFFERENCE.

The Level 1 - Second place, Third place, and some others also have incorrect/deleted times, those need to be fixed too.

Also, I think the Level 4 World Record was stopped early. The record guy stops his time the moment he touches the ground, but usually you are suppose to go through the entrance of the at the end.


TOPHATTIMMY bunu beğeniyor
United StatesFloppaTheGuy1 year ago

So I recently did a speedrun on Level 9 of Big Scary. I based my run off of WillPet's run. Note: WillPet ended his time when he got the last pot of candy, which I also did. Anyway, I managed to get the World Record after an amazing death warp, so I submitted it... and it got REJECTED. It got rejected because I needed to go through the end door, even though WillPet didn't! (Willpet has Level 9 Record btw)

So please: "DefinetlyNotCosmo" or any other moderator, please either:

  1. Submit my run and call it good.


  1. Reject/Get rid off all Level 9 Speedruns that don't go through the door
FloppaTheGuy Hakkında
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