United StatesFatMan9224 years ago

In light of my making of a TAS for this, I created a discord channel to help me work on it. Now that I have finished the TAS, I am converting it to a general speedrunning discord, for anyone who ever plans to run in the (probably distant) future.

Discord link: https://discord.gg/ZDm63RA

Tmob bunu beğeniyor
United StatesFatMan9226 years ago

A week after the last decision, we have made some decisions with regards to a new category set for Singleplayer.

As a result, as of today, SS is changed to no SLA. In this category, save/loading is allowed but you are not allowed to use any glitches which require it. Basically, it's SS with save-loading.

As well, Any% is now a main category again! At the moment, the Wrong Warp glitch is a variable, but that is bound to change as that is simply due to really close poll results.


Imaproshaman ve BSSDRVN bunu beğendi
United StatesFatMan9226 years ago

For those who aren't in the discord, recently the mod team and community in general has discussed a lot of rules for Portal 2 speedrunning. The following rule changes are an aftermath of the recent discussion:

  • Container Ride Save is now a variable for Single Segment! Make sure to read the rules to understand the process necessary to have the run count.

  • Hub 5 Skip is now allowed for All Main Courses. As well, you are allowed to use restart_level for Hub 5 Skip.

  • mat_ambient_light is now allowed in all singleplayer runs

Imaproshaman bunu beğeniyor
United StatesFatMan9226 years ago

Been looking into this trick for a little bit. Thus far this is the only trick in the speedrun which I have no idea how it's done. Can someone explain it to me?

United StatesFatMan9226 years ago

Over the past couple of weeks, there has been a lot of debate in the Portal 2 Community regarding Out of Bounds tricks in Single Segment. A while ago, users Krzyhau and Sunsetbear realized some ways to get out and back in bounds without saveloading, allowing for up to 2 minutes and 30 seconds of timesave, in maps such Column Blocker and Wall Button.

As a result of the debate, we have made the decision to make it a variable at this moment. When submitting a run, there will be an extra option that says "Out of Bounds". If you go out of bounds (this doesn't include pseudo-oob such as going above the ceiling in Secret Panel, you must be completely outside of the level), you must check this as "yes" (and we will check).

We will also allow the command "r_portal_use_pvs_optimization 0", which allows you to see out of bounds.

If you have any questions about this change, please feel free to ask, but I do not recommend arguing against this. Enough discussion has gone into this and this idea was near unanimously tolerated. However, if it seems that one category begins to overshadow the other, we may consider changing them into separate categories in the future.

SovietPropaganda, PackSciences ve 5 diğerleri bunu beğendi
United StatesFatMan9227 years ago

Since the last run submission was late September and all

United StatesFatMan9227 years ago

I don't have anything else to say. I really just got sick and tired of this community as a whole. Trust has become an impossibility and I am sick of dealing with it. I hope Craftain and tac are able make this community more honest rather than less.

I forgot to sticky this before I resigned but then I realized it doesn't matter. With the reason for my leave I don't really even need to be stickied

ThermalGodlike, WindMark ve 2 diğerleri bunu beğendi
United StatesFatMan9227 years ago

As tiggz have resigned and I would like to, I have asked and gotten successfully runners CraftainJulius and tac23tac23 added as moderators for Dragon Escape.

My plan is I will tell them what to do over the next week or so. tac will likely be more for verifying runs while Craftain will be more for doing mod decision making (Although he'll probably verify runs too since tac is awake at fucking midnight). Within the next couple weeks I will be quitting myself, and I probably will not be coming back.

Do not complain about these choices as these are the two people in the community I trust the most (ButWhyMrManFTW I'm looking at you). If you seriously have a complaint with one of the mods, complain to Izraill (but it needs to be REALLY serious and not just based on opinion of the people)

old_account_benush, Maximus ve 5 diğerleri bunu beğendi
United StatesFatMan9227 years ago

As a result of lack of worry about him being a cheater anymore and the circumstances of the ban, we've decided to lift the ban on CapainPhoenix

Do not ask about Jesse or Razor because they are both 100%

tiggz16, Maax ve 3 diğerleri bunu beğendi
United StatesFatMan9227 years ago

As of now they will be only for leap and disruptor unless it can be shown as significant in other categories (which I doubt)

On the leaderboard it is now: tac has Leap E; Thunder has Leap NE; Maax has Dis E; tac has Dis NE

tac23tac23 ve tiggz16 bunu beğendi
United StatesFatMan9227 years ago

Since the poll we've concluded that

  1. Noone has a really strong opinion, but many have an opinion.
  2. Many people seem to want single categories along the list of single-player categories to be disallowed waiting, and noone can decide which one that is
  3. Everyone is fine with disallowance for warper and kitless

My verdict is that we stick with the rules I made. There were valid reasons for the disallowance of some of the categories (Disruptor, Digger) but the reasoning doesn't seem enough to justify disallowance. Therefore, these are the rules in place as of now:

  1. For all single-player categories, spawn-waiting is permitted as it is difficult to enforce and we've accepted parts of it in the past. This includes Disruptor and Digger, as well as the less useful Helpless, and Jumper

  2. As a result of arbitrary times based on how long you can wait at the start, for 2 player categories (Kitless and Warper), we will disallow spawn-waiting; that means you need to sprint-start. If you end up waiting due to forgetfulness I would say make the timer start when your lower timer reaches 0.0

United StatesFatMan9227 years ago

After someone made it apparent, we have realized that a significant flaw with our previous rule set is that for Warper and Kitless it would create runs that would start based on one point of view and end based on another, which would create obvious errors, as a result, we realized we need to either outright allow or disallow it for those 2 categories. This is the set we've decided:

  1. For all single-player categories, spawn-waiting is permitted as it is difficult to enforce and we've accepted parts of it in the past. This includes Disruptor and Digger, as well as the less useful Helpless, and Jumper

  2. As a result of arbitrary times based on how long you can wait at the start, for 2 player categories (Kitless and Warper), we will disallow spawn-waiting; that means you need to sprint-start. If you end up waiting due to forgetfulness I would say make the timer start when your lower timer reaches 0.0

Poll link: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/TMZ87NR

(Note for the third question: Don't try to fill up as much space as possible; just answer concisely and honestly. The reason the third question is there is to prevent unjustified votes / votes which are persuaded by other parties)

Maax ve tac23tac23 bunu beğendi
United StatesFatMan9227 years ago

Close poll on Wednesday 3 PM EST I reckon

tac23tac23 bunu beğeniyor
United StatesFatMan9227 years ago

Me and tiggz have decided to remove the Fungi Galore times as a result of a change in the map's design, making it longer in all categories. Sorry for the inconvenience (if this somehow inconvenienced anyone)

tac23tac23, tiggz16, ve Paris_Labrador bunu beğendi
United StatesFatMan9227 years ago


(Note I'm fucking garbage at talking so it's gonna be cringefest)

United StatesFatMan9227 years ago

Some of you may have noticed I deleted the top 3 in Sandstorm Kitless. The reason for that is the fact that a strat in the middle has been anticheated almost a month ago, and no-one has beaten the WR yet. Just want to point that out before people start complaining. If you think I should have deleted only the top 1, or deleted all of them, feel free to debate below

tac23tac23 ve tiggz16 bunu beğendi
United StatesFatMan9227 years ago

As a result of confliction and the results of out latest polling, we have decided that we would ban Maxx's finishing strat on the map Sandstorm

If you haven't seen the strat before, here is a video with it:

There are two primary reasons that we're banning it:

  1. It doesn't really count as finishing the run. While it does give you the "Course Complete" at the end, it doesn't feel to most like an actual completion, and this dispute may cause issue in terms of what people think wrs are. We would have went for the E / NE route if more people voted for it, but the majority voted no.

  2. It presents a ping bias, something that many of us have tried to avoid for since 2014. (While I may personally not see this as an issue to be banned), it is certainly an issue, especially considering Maxx's apparent super-advantage in terms of the leaderboard timing.

Here is proof of the survey: https://gyazo.com/8d781af83dd6e898f53bf868f9e5dc32

AS A SIDE NOTE WHILE I HAVE YOU HERE, all surveys from now on will require you answer a "why" question in order for it to count as a vote. We except well-thought out answered, because anything less we'd assume you don't care that much.

tiggz16 bunu beğeniyor
United StatesFatMan9227 years ago

I apologize about the issues regarding the other strawpoll that was created for autojump. An answer will be determined for that soon.

Due to the apparent unanimous vote, the "All Maps" full game category has been added. There is 1 for each kit-category (The kits, Kitless, and Helpless). The timer starts when the first run is begun, and ends when the last run is ended. This will be ran in rta (it includes the time in between games) so you may use livesplit.

tac23tac23 ve tiggz16 bunu beğendi
United StatesFatMan9227 years ago

The reference strawpoll is here, but it itself is not the focus of this particular thread:


I went to bed with the strawpoll on 7/1 in favor of allowing it. When I woke up 8 hours later, the vote was 20/8 in favor of banning it. I was told later that Thunder apparently "publicly advertised" it. I am not going to directly claim that he rocked the vote in his favor with it.

That being said, out of curiosity, if there are apparently 18 unknown runners who think autojump should be banned (This is besides tac and Thunder), I would like to see at least 4 of these people respond to this thread with a valid reason as to why autojump should not be allowed.

Invalid reasons include: You have to play on 1.10 and up

"It makes the game take less skill" is a debatable reason but I strongly disagree with it

I'll give until the 22nd

(If the number of asked-for commenters goes up it's because the amount of people who voted "no" on the strawpoll went up. I probably won't make it go up though unless a significant increase occurs)

tiggz16 bunu beğeniyor
FatMan922 Hakkında
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