Just figured out it's patch based - what patch are you playing on?
Nice run! How are you moving during cutscenes? Is that something that just got patched in newer versions of the game?
Thanks! I have a new run that is pending that makes use of that strat and some other things!
Yeah - I’m not sure how someone would detect that either.
Thanks for letting me know, I’ll be sure not to use anything like that in the soldier and badass character runs
Fair enough - the way it would work would actually be to simply overlay it. Some monitors have a setting where the monitor itself will put a crosshair on screen and there are also external programs that are capable of doing it.
Good to know it is against the rules!
Now that there are separate categories for each character I think it would be smart to make a rules decision on whether or not crosshair overlays will be allowed in the FPS runs.
That overlay would make shooting enemies a lot easier with the soldier and badass characters so I was wondering if anyone else had any thoughts on whether or not that should be allowed.