Florida, USADr4gonBlitz1 year ago

Hey I have been wanting to learn the Juste Any% run and was having trouble recreating the dive-kick launch shown here below:

Are there any resources for learning this trick and maybe perhaps the rest of the run? I couldn't find anything in the "Guides" or "Resources" section on this leaderboard and the link to the discord server doesn't work otherwise I would ask there.

Florida, USADr4gonBlitz1 year ago

Something I have brought up other places but not here yet is that the "standard" way to speedrun this game has been a replay playthrough after getting a clear file which changes the game dramatically compared to a first playthrough. The same arguments being made against luck mode's legality in any% NSC can be made against "replay" speedruns. Other things to think about: if someone were to submit a non replay speedrun to the leaderboard would they be rejected? If non replay speedruns were somehow found to be faster would we still feel like it shouldn't be allowed in any% NSC? We already have decided that replay is fine for any% NSC even though it changes the game significantly compared to a normal playthrough without a clear file, so why would there be any difference if another playthrough method is found to be faster but still follows the definition of any% no save corruption?

Florida, USADr4gonBlitz1 year ago

I'm not the biggest fan of splitting the categories myself but I could be convinced if it makes more sense to do so. I just don't see it being that different. After doing a few runs with luck mode I don't think its different enough to warrant a new category just because of gameplay changes. The run plays out almost the same as sub 8 any% runs of the past just with a different death skip, exp route and very minor strat differences after that in a few rooms. Its similar to how psx handles the clock rush very differently to sub 8 xbox runs imo.

Florida, USADr4gonBlitz1 year ago

Axe armor has 1 potential benefit for any main leaderboard category that I'm aware of. I explain it in detail in my clock rush video here: But tl:dr you can kill doppleganger a little faster IGT if you equip the axe armor for that fight, meaning sub 7 might be a little easier in axe armor mode.

Florida, USADr4gonBlitz1 year ago

I wanted to open up a thread to see if the community is open to changing the ruling on special name codes being allowed for main leaderboard categories. With Sub 7 Clockrush being humanly achievable in luck mode it is possible that the fastest way to complete any% NoSC will be with luck mode. And I personally would find it strange if the fastest speedrun for the xbox version of the game wouldn't be allowed on the leaderboard. Maybe each run could have a distinction of which name code was used similar to how the leaderboard distinguishes between xbox and psx without making separate categories?

Sestren bunu beğeniyor
Florida, USADr4gonBlitz2 years ago

LOL I just put the milliseconds as 696 because I thought it was funny, I didn't frame count this shit

Dr4gonBlitz Hakkında
10 years ago
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