New South Wales, AustraliaDarkViperAU7 years ago

Hello everyone It is possible in GTA V to taxi to a place despite having insufficient funds. You just get the cops on you when you arrive. In the 'All Letters' miscellaneous category, you only have a very limited amount of money to use so you can only taxi a few times. It would therefore be beneficial to do this.

Unfortunately, if you have the pre-order bonus money you will arrive without the cops (simply using some of the bonus money).

The ban on the pre-order bonus money is insufficient because:

  1. You can not know how much money each taxi drive will require. A person with the pre-order bonus will be gambling each time whether they go under. A person without the pre-order bonus could just throw caution to the wind, gaining an advantage, as the worst thing that could happen is getting the cops.
  2. A person without the pre-order bonus can just take a taxi at $0 and get the cops on them when they arrive due to lack of payment. A person with the pre-order bonus would be restricted in being able to take a taxi at 500k as they would go below 500k. The person without the pre-order bonus would have an advantage.

There needs to be a resolution to this problem. Banning taxis would seem the best approach.

New South Wales, AustraliaDarkViperAU7 years ago

For 100% submission that isn't a problem ¤shrug¤ and if you know you need to submit using ingame time then you will press enter to find out what it is.

New South Wales, AustraliaDarkViperAU7 years ago

Being off by 1 second is fine but if you think its 4:30 you should change it as the effort is effectively nothing. I am not disturbed by the idea that occasionally a misjudgement might be made where a 4:29 is actually a 4:30 or vice versa, but an honest attempt to check the time of the run and to edit the submission where you think there is an error is all that is asked.

There will be times where a person will end of 0:39.97. Just look at the start, does it seem like the time started a tad late and split on time? If so, its a 0:40. Does it seem like they split late and started a tad late? Odds are its a 0:39. Its only a fraction of runs where you are left wondering if a few frames make it one or the other. Just a reasonable attempt at discerning the correct time is all that is asked.

Unhallowed bunu beğeniyor
New South Wales, AustraliaDarkViperAU7 years ago

Ok then, resolved.

New South Wales, AustraliaDarkViperAU7 years ago

Its an old thread, but a similar problem occurs for me when I use Franklin's power when leaving Simeon's lot. I guess the car is just not programmed well?

New South Wales, AustraliaDarkViperAU7 years ago

Hmm the advantage of using in-game time is a lack of human error and the removal of loading times I guess. The rate of error is like <1 sec so not a huge deal and only a handful of the missions have loading.

Currently all the races use in-game timing along with masks and boiler suits. At this point, it might be beneficial to keep things as is...I could go either way. See what others say.

Unhallowed bunu beğeniyor
New South Wales, AustraliaDarkViperAU7 years ago

I was under the impression that some mission replays didn't show the mission time (in-game time). Which one's don't?

I have noted that many of the submitted individual levels give an in-game time at the end, but it is timed on RTA anyway. Was there any justification given previously why more individual levels are not timed with in-game time if it is given at the end?

Looking at the runs submitted, it appears that many more runs give in-game time than is listed in the rules. Any thoughts?

Vinewood Souvenirs - Tyler doesn't showin-game time: Long Stretch does (Isn't timed with in-game time though): https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=415&v=NhOcjlVZupA

New South Wales, AustraliaDarkViperAU7 years ago

I did not consider the actual mission markers when I made my suggestions because they...disappear... and they would require even more time to go into and leave to make another attempt. You would even lose items in attempts, wouldn't you?

The attempts made with mission replays would be done with maxed out characters and fully upgraded cars (using the 100% save file). If you wanted to do half the ILs with mission markers it would require the attempt be made at particular times in the game (before the markers disappear). For most of the ILs, a mission marker attempt would be far less able to achieve a good time or be competitive. Is it therefore still important to complicate matters and allow it?

People removed the missions that are not available from the mission replay menu. Would we have to add them back? I believe the initial view was that we were competing for the best times in the mission replays. Would we need to add everything available from the mission markers? There is a lot of random stuff that have mission markers right?

Zachoholic, there was a comment made about limiting the fastest strats. The category is literally Classic% rules thus it restricts many aspects of the game that would make individual levels faster. To take the comment at face value, it advocates for the inclusion of everything classic% restricts on the ground that they are 'faster'. That includes mission skips. The rule set is literally based on restricting stuff to make things more competitive and fun.

¤Edit: The races should at least be fine in terms of using mission markers. They always exist and use in-game time.

New South Wales, AustraliaDarkViperAU7 years ago

I think that is likely Havi. Toriks disagreed.

New South Wales, AustraliaDarkViperAU7 years ago

I stand corrected with your 5 month ago Trevor% run. I am unsure how I missed your.... unwavering tenacity... Consider me a San Andreas runner while you are at it.

We don't need everyone to be happy, it wasn't even close with the voting. The replay menu just provides an easy start and end for ILs with the least ability to cheat or alter aspects of the run that would be hard to catch. Its fair and simple as the start is clear.

At the very least, all the runs in a category need to be judged by the same standard. That is the most important thing. Perhaps people voted hastily. A consensus was reached but I did ask for other suggestions so maybe we should revote with additional options?

I believe the primary purpose of preferring the replay menu was to avoid people starting from mission fails as this did change how the timing worked. Starting from the actual mission marker would achieve this as well but I don't really see the benefit from doing so.

The attempts made with mission replays would be done with maxed out characters and fully upgraded car (using the 100% save file). However, if you wanted to do half the ILs with mission markers it would require the attempt be made at particular times in the game (before the markers disappear). For most of the ILs, a mission marker attempt would be far less able to achieve a good time. I just don't see the benefit in this secondary way to do runs that complicates the boards and their rules.

Additionally, people removed the missions that are not available from the mission replay menu. Would we have to add them back? I believe the initial view was that we were competing for the best times in the mission replays. Would we need to add everything available from the mission markers? There is a lot of random stuff that have mission markers, right?

¤Edit: The races should at least be fine in terms of using mission markers. They always exist and use in-game time.

New South Wales, AustraliaDarkViperAU7 years ago

Derpeth advocating that all runs use mission skips EleGiggle

New South Wales, AustraliaDarkViperAU7 years ago

When people who don't run the game complain about the rules of the speedrun EleGiggle

It is what the people voted for, as always, I don't vote. http://www.speedrun.com/gtav/thread/kf11d

New South Wales, AustraliaDarkViperAU7 years ago

It would then be the case that I could submit literally every part of my classic% run to the individual level board times. That isn't what they are for.

Unhallowed bunu beğeniyor
New South Wales, AustraliaDarkViperAU7 years ago

I don't understand...why would you need a jet?

New South Wales, AustraliaDarkViperAU7 years ago

There are runs on the leaderboards done from inside the game? Not from the replay menu..at all? Fuck me. Yes they should be removed.

New South Wales, AustraliaDarkViperAU7 years ago

Option 3 is a clear winner. I will update the rules to reflect this.

Unhallowed bunu beğeniyor
New South Wales, AustraliaDarkViperAU7 years ago

@Unhallowed I will leave the others unverified until this is resolved. I am pretty sure I can verify that one even after it was rejected. If not, I will message you. Don't resubmit it until then.

Unhallowed bunu beğeniyor
New South Wales, AustraliaDarkViperAU7 years ago

I will hopefully make it. I will give some scales to 1st/2nd.3rd with my bot, or even just some to everyone who participates.

TKM bunu beğeniyor
New South Wales, AustraliaDarkViperAU7 years ago

Hello Unhallowed submitted this run:

This is Cheeselover's run done 6 months ago:

You will notice that there is a difference in time due to one being done after a death and the other being done directly from the replay menu. This problem has arisen due to the individual level timings being somewhat undefined. For levels with in-game time shown at the end (maybe 1/3rd) this isn't an issue as the time is unambiguously shown. For the rest, the rules are largely non-existent. It was essentially the previous runner that defined where the timing should take place.

I propose a few possibilities (feel free to suggest more):

  1. Timing on the non-ingame time missions should be done after a mission fail. You start the run, fail the mission, and timing starts after loading back in (Unhallow's method).
  2. I will go through and type individual timing rules for each mission (this will take awhile). I will decide what is best for each. I will do this somewhat regardless of what is chosen.
  3. All runs must start from the replay menu itself. If you fail, you must leave the mission and choose replay again. This will be annoying for retries but it will be the least ambiguous (Cheese's method and the unwritten method).

What do you think?

New South Wales, AustraliaDarkViperAU7 years ago

It was not in the rules before except for in the individual level rules. It was mentioned there to say you could use cheats only to set up things for the actual runs, which is redundant now as 100% is done with the Havii save file.

Cheats, by definition, are of course 'cheating'. There is nothing saying you can't mod the game and make your characters able to teleport to the ends of the missions either ha.

No worries Sunnyy.

TKM, Sunnyy, ve Derpeth bunu beğendi
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