Iowa, USADangerless4 years ago

Since group messaging is not enabled on the site yet, I will create a forum post to get the attention of the moderators here.

Out of a curiosity, I recently discovered this game exists on the site although I didn't expect it to be mostly tracking PvP related activities from the game. We have an on site policy about PvP activities that we do not accept them onto the site, this game is doing mostly that and changes need to be taken into effect. These rules were strictly put into effect of spring of 2018, games prior to this date were not affected by the change due to legacy reasons and previous staff. This game however does not get a slide by with this.

We want these particular categories removed as it makes absolutely no sense in tracking times for them, those being the PvP related categories.

Series moderators are to abide to the rules as we have set here; https://www.speedrun.com/requestgame

We would strongly prefer that the moderators here adapt the proper changes without site staff having to interfere and apply changes ourselves. In the meantime, we will be watching this thread expecting responses to be made to this thread.

Iowa, USADangerless4 years ago

We've been told there have been runs pending since October (an insane amount), I'm not sure who to begin to contact for this leaderboard but I need to bring this to attention that they need to start being verified. I've already looked into as much as I can and I would highly suggest replacing moderators that can start re-assisting with the verifying process.

I know the stress and headache it is with a large amount of pending runs (this is how our game request queue tends to look at a faster rate) but these can't be left alone as it is because it means I'll have to manually make adjustments to the moderation here.

Again, I'm not sure who I should begin to contact and I'm trying to make this aware.

Lul_ecks_dee, KilleDragon ve 5 diğerleri bunu beğendi
Iowa, USADangerless4 years ago

Making this thread so that it can be made apparent that we want communication to be more open, we also are aware that when a game is rejected there is generally a miscommunication and things sometimes get taken out of context. There have also been a handful of questions regarding the process or why something was accepted/rejected from awhile ago so we aim for this channel to be directly related for game requests discussion and support.

However, because of its nature we actually want to attempt to open those doors through the speedrun.com discord here: https://discord.gg/bhrhmFr

Since we all on staff handle situations personally for every person it makes more sense to be able to actively engage with users in actual real-time and it makes life easier for us to know who is handling or doing what for someone. I have made a post highlighting the purpose of the channel, so if my post becomes lost after sometime, please review the pinned messages.

Cohri, Ivory ve 13 diğerleri bunu beğendi
Iowa, USADangerless4 years ago

This is just for fun, I decided for a couple or so weeks to run a realms server. I also want to make it clear this is NOT an official SRC server, just one that is ran by myself and another Fmod on the site here.

If you are interested in playing on this, please leave your gamertag (or simply DM me on the SRC discord). Below are a couple of simple rules which I'm sure everyone will be capable of following (I hope). Please keep in mind I have zero tolerance for people breaking the rules below, they are pretty much common sense stuff.

  1. No hacking of any kind
  2. No griefing (Stealing, Burning, Destroying houses, etc)
  3. No harassment of any kind
  4. Please do not attempt to use duplication exploits

Realms Invite (Spectator): https://realms.gg/Og9FOGuj1vU

Currently, I have PVP disabled but may change it and the server is a Survival server on Hard mode.

MASH, Hako ve 6 diğerleri bunu beğendi
Iowa, USADangerless4 years ago

The previous moderators were proven to be inactive as per speedrun.com policy and have been removed. At this time, I am currently maintaining this leaderboard as I currently assist Super Mario Maker 2 however I was not a fan of how the leaderboard was entirely being maintained to a large degree.

Before the moderator removal there were numerous runs that were in a world record position that did not include video proof or any proof whatsoever, it seemed as though the previous moderators didn't keep true to their rules provided and simply verified anything. Which, this also brings me to the attention of more than 70% of the entire leaderboard were runs that included not only no video proof for world record but an extreme lack of any proof on ANY category/game mode type that also includes a lack of picture proof (via screenshot/photograph proof) for personal best times. It is impossible to verify your time when there is zero way to do so aside of word-of-mouth which is heavily frown down upon and an old staple that has long since been removed across many game communities, it should not be any different here.

As such all runs that did not include video or image/photograph have been manually removed from all categories. Again there is no way to verify your time with nothing provided, and as far as we know anyone could of simply lied about their submitted time.

Other changes; in the full-game leaderboard the "New 3DS / 3DS" subcategories have been removed and merged to "New 3DS". The reason for this change is simply due to the leaderboard already tracking both platforms via a fliter, and while some may not like it, it is always recommended to play on the fastest hardware for any given game unless stated otherwise. Some runs were also already mixed into both subcategories thus making it more pointless, all runs have been moved and your fastest time will be listed (and all old runs under your account are merged along behind it). The "Level Leaderboard" has a new jolted in rule about providing video/images when submitting your time.

The discord invite has been manually changed to the official Super Mario Maker series discord which is meant for all games within the series.

There may be more changes coming that need to still be modified and changed.

Edit: The 100 Mario Challenge categories will likely get merged as well this way all the difficulty modes become subcategories and it is much simpler and easier to navigate through the leaderboard.

Edit 2: The 100 Mario Challenge is now the main category as it has the most runs overall and what seems to be that most people tend to run for the game thus making the leaderboard appear much larger. The difficulty modes are now subcategories for it and all runs should be properly moved towards them.

Edit 3: "World ILs" have been removed for being overly redundant along with a couple of other minor issues with it, regular ILs for all levels in the main game are still in the IL board however. We've also adjusted the rules just a tad further to make things a bit more clear and easier to read.

I also made it so "Super Mario Challenge" has any% and 100% percent subcategories, which while I know its a tad weird from the norm since this is the main game category it has only one run at this time and it doesn't appear to be something most people prefer to run.

At this moment, I believe I have done everything I can there may still be a few runs I skipped over while doing all of this but I hope the changes are welcoming.

grnts, phénixcrow, ve R0main bunu beğendi
Iowa, USADangerless5 years ago

The game is nearing release, I have had some minor trouble figuring out which moderators from the other games should be added here as I feel this is high priority to prevent sniping from game requests. I highly likely will not be running this game, I would like to get everything in order by no longer than a week after release.

Summary • I would like to get 3-4 moderators added to this game that qualify to do so. • Categories/etc will not be added right away until after the games release on June 28th. • I would also like to get those moderators setup in the discord. • We will not be adding series moderators at this time.

Discord for this game - https://discord.gg/99SkAgQ A series page now exists - https://www.speedrun.com/super_mario_maker

Iowa, USADangerless5 years ago

ADMIN UPDATE 4/14/2021 With the release of the Support Hub, all request should now be submitted through the Support Hub.

Adjusting Game Information (Game Type, To Be Part of Series, Other) - https://www.speedrun.com/knowledgebase/supporthub/game-adjustment

Platform Request - https://www.speedrun.com/knowledgebase/supporthub/request-platform

PREVIOUS MESSAGE: Requesting platforms

If there are any platforms not currently in the list on the site that you would like to add games for, let us know in this thread so we can add them. For a full list of supported platforms, check out the sidebar on the Games page when sorted by platform.

As of now, platforms that are used by less than 2% of the games on the site, will be considered obscure. This means that they will hidden on the Edit Game page by default.

Showing obscure platforms can be toggled using the Show/Hide obscure button on the Edit Game page.

Requesting "to be part of series" game

You may also post here to report/request a game to be part of a game series as long as you have contacted and have approval of/from a game leaderboard/series moderator. If you cannot provide evidence of approval please have these moderators of the game and/or series post here. If you are a game or series moderator you may request here without going through this process, and as such when doing so please provide a reliable source so that we can verify that it belongs within that series. For new series requests, please send them to the game request form and mark them as "series".

Requesting Game Types

These can be found within "Edit Game" if you are moderator of the board, however they can only be set by site staff; Content Mods, Full-Mods and Admins. Generally we try to set the game type after accepting a leaderboard request.

ROM Hack - This type indicates the original game has been modified. • Modification - This type indicates that PC games have been modified of its original game. • Fangame - This type indicates that it is a game that was created using another IP. (Psycho Waluigi for example) • Webgame - This type generally indicates browser/web/flash games. • Prerelease - This type generally indicates that the game has been released early, usually demos/betas. • Mobile - This type indicates phone games; Android, Apple, etc. • Expansion/DLC - This type indicates downloadable content, addons or something that extends the game with new content. • Category Extension - This type indicates secondary game leaderboards meant to have categories that do not fit within the main games leaderboard. • Multi-game - This type indicates that multiple games are being played. • Minigame/Gamemode - This type indicates that a mode in the game is played and focused on as opposed to the entire game. • Server/Map - This type indicates that it is a custom server or map that has been modified or user-created.

Adjusting Game Title If you require the title of a game you moderate be adjusted, that can be done here. NOTE: If you are requesting a game's title be changed to something else, please explain why this is required and link to any relevant sources to backup any information you provide to us.

Adjusting Series Details If a series is without moderation and requires changes to any details (new Discord invite, theme needs an update) you may request it in this topic.

SuperAL1, victu ve 17 diğerleri bunu beğendi
Iowa, USADangerless5 years ago

Time and again I have considered setting up a score based tournament of the mode because I don't think scarescraper ever gets enough love and there's quite a lot you can actually do to make it quite fun, this being one of them.

Basically you would have three objectives

(For the sake of variety Surprise mode would be used and all games would be Solo mode only, likely keeping it within 10 floors, you would have an X amount of time to submit your scoring and after which time you are no longer allowed to keep trying to get a better score).

Collect the most weight Collect the most gold In case of a tie, IGT would then be used.

You would want to collect as much as possible of the two objectives, if your opponent managed to collect more gold than weight compared to you then it would end up being rounded with weight. I realize this isn't quite clear but it is just an idea I have played with in my head for a couple of years.

My question is that is there interest from the community to want to participate if the goals/rules are ironed out?

StarlightKick bunu beğeniyor
Iowa, USADangerless5 years ago

All mini-games that are capable of having a "new record" done within it are now added here; https://www.speedrun.com/marioparty6/individual_levels

They are tracked by IGT (In-game time).

Iowa, USADangerless5 years ago

It was brought to my attention (and this is my fault for never noticing) that you can setup specific minigames for "Solo Mode, All Boards". This means its possible setup minigames for the mode to get a time edge, now I originally never intended the category to be ran like this but I see as being unfair for those who were running for the sake of running.

To remedy this issue I decided to split the category and officially add a real "Any%" category for Solo Mode, All Boards and marking the old category as "CF" which means "Completed File" or "Custom File" as you are allowed to setup your settings ahead of time for your run. The "Any%" category is more of how I envisioned the game to be run a very long time ago, basically you will start your runs from the file selection screen (default settings ONLY), you must at least complete all three boards once and collect 100 stars to unlock and play the credits. This means there is a real end-goal now, and to keep true to the mode I feel playing on the three boards is ideal.

I also made a few other adjustments; difficulty modes are no longer subcategories, they are now filtered instead. Basically, your fastest overall run will always be displayed as the default and you can fliter out runs that have done "Weak, Normal, etc" to compare their times against yours.

I have also adjusted the game rules a little players are now able to play the game on any device or third party software as they see fit however to keep them still restricted you cannot compete with top 3 competitive times it is hard to define a penalty with these so I think this is the best solution at this time. I have also made the rules a little bit more clear.

Have fun.

Pear bunu beğeniyor
Iowa, USADangerless5 years ago

First, I used cheats on NTR to figure out how to trigger King Boo at the end of the game to fight him and end the game.

Second, its not currently possible to OoB anywhere in this game and even if you could it does not work the same as the original game.

It has been known for awhile that if you could reach King Boo early you can't fight him, the event never triggers so all you can do is explore his room and admire the Mario painting. However, I recently devoted nearly four hours deciding to look into this and what the requirements exactly are if you could actually trigger his event and fight him and so below are the requirements of what it would take to make it occur;

-You MUST complete Area 3- This updates the flags for Area 4 (King Boo's door and Van Gore's Key)

-You MUST have Van Gore's key- You need to have this to make the barrier appear and then make it disappear on King Boo's door. The problem you'll have is getting close enough to the door to disable the barrier because King Boo will send you out to the foyer.

-You MUST disable the barrier on King Boo's door- This updates King Boo's event trigger to approach him and battle. This is the security measure they decided to take to fix the original games problems.

-You DO NOT NEED 40 boos- As long as you can disable the barrier, boos don't matter.

-You DO NOT NEED to finish Area 1 or 2- Flags don't get updated for Area 4's door, only completing Area 3 causes this.

If its needed, I can create a video on this at a later time but if you have a 3DS and can use NTR, you can follow these steps and get this to occur. I feel while you can't do anything currently to get to the end of the game early that this information is important into figuring out another method into doing so if it one day becomes possible.

xDrHellx bunu beğeniyor
Iowa, USADangerless5 years ago


Rules use the standard Any% rules for Time Attack

  • Collect all 4 keys and clear the course.
  • Show the "Clear" screen with provided time.
  • Times are tracked by IGT, when submitting your run please use the "Clear" screen time that is provided.

If there are any issues or questions post here. Once Wario has opened all 100 Chests, Time Attack mode is activated.

Tron_Javolta bunu beğeniyor
Iowa, USADangerless5 years ago

When release is here, please let me know so I can remove the "Prerelease" tag. Prerelease tag are given to demos / early released games (set before their release date) as I had seen in another submission that beta keys were being given out so I applied it where necessary.

Bregermann bunu beğeniyor
Iowa, USADangerless5 years ago

While I can't really confirm this but I do not believe these matter, they seem to only affect the rank you start out as and doesn't appear to alter wind conditions.

If I am wrong about this, I will add these as subcategories

Iowa, USADangerless5 years ago

All runs that were doing IL courses have now been moved to the Level Leaderboard, the rules have also been very slightly updated to make things more clear.

Time with loads / without loads has been removed. Emulator runs now show by default as I currently do not see a difference between the two, however if evidence surfaces then the rules will be updated to reflect this.

Discord has been created here; https://discord.gg/zfbH5AV

Iowa, USADangerless5 years ago

(Read second updated post)

As we all know NTR tends to make loading screens faster by 1-1.5 seconds and this game is filled with them sadly. However, I am going to be personally timing these out and until then I ask to those who stream on NTR to hold on submitting runs until this is done.

We don't want to create unfairness on the boards but we don't want to exclude anyone either because video proof is a good thing to have. This will take awhile since I need a fairly large sample size. If you happen to submit a run, it will be rejected and your rejection notice will come to this thread to understand further as to why. Once this is all done you will be able to submit to the boards just fine, I am getting started with this extremely soon and take me a few days to get it finished so expect next weekend for the okay.

As for emulator, not a lot of known about it but it seems to emulate fairly well but currently like NTR we ask not to submit these at this moment. Assuming it is okay, I will likely ask everyone to use Nightly builds of citra.

In the meantime to catch up on any other information or updates along the way, head to the Luigi's Mansion discord which is linked on the panel to the left.

Wookis ve Razorflame bunu beğendi
Iowa, USADangerless5 years ago

This category is not glitchless, everything is still allowed excluding Super Jumps. This was the simplest solution to adding a new category to the game without it being overly memey and tedious. Without Super Jumps you will be pushed into using old strats and tricks to complete the run (that makes Shivering Mountains and Mirror Mansions arena skips harder again).

That also means the Japanese version is the fastest version as well but nonetheless this should be a fun category to inspire runners to do if they are afraid of doing frame perfect tricks.

This was something I talked to some other mods about since it is almost impossible to come up with more categories for the game to make them somewhat interesting.

NOTE: The only other category that could be added as misc is coinless which is probably the hardest category in the entire game but maybe another day I'll add that.

EDIT: I'll just add Coinless into the misc category. Good luck with those who do it.

Waxy ve meowmix_fan bunu beğendi
Iowa, USADangerless6 years ago


Applies for all Wario games and has been around for quite awhile although it should appear for all the Wario boards.

Dangerless Hakkında
9 years ago
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