If you could force yourself into the zone, it's a 2 minute save.
It's because you probably don't have any splits set up. You need to manually MAKE the splits. And the splitter will split for you in order when you hit certain points in the game if you're running PC. Easy way to make the splits is "edit splits" and hit Add segment or whatever. I think you'll need 36? or so of them if you use all the auto splits. (might be a couple off) then name your splits whatever you want. If you start up ffx after having the enable. on after selecting the game and stuff. It should work. any questions can be asked in the discord where people are much more active. The forums here are looked at but not as often as you can see. Sorry for the delay.
the only thing not done is gui. the rest is 100% done and pretty safe. it's basically a lot of no mix% in general.
esg would just be any% probably. tho never hurts to ask in the discord or message cereth if you really want a answer.
It should be noted that NO Overdrive is only fight away from being routed. (Gui) I'm trying to find the actual best way to do it.
I also just happen to be routing on ps2 as I can't do pc runs lately. and theres only 3-4 battles to route for left. The rest becomes really simple. (No Mix% route basically). Theres just Gui, Spherimoph, crawler and issaru left to route for basically. the rest is already set in stone basically. and those won't take me long.
I got a lot of it routed yeah. Not fully
As due to a rule and asking by a mod. I am posting this. I am wanting to add No Overdrive% as a thing on the boards. I have started to route this and get ideas and such flowing. I would say this would be a good edition due to challenge runs be healthy imo. I want to know who agrees this is either a good idea or a whatever idea and should be added and such. Or if you don't care. or if you think it just shouldn't be a thing.
If there is interest and or people saying it's probably a good idea or that they don't mind it probably could be added. I would even go as far as to saying I have thought of the rules already etc. at least for the ps2 route. which is what I'm routing for.
This would challenge people to get around certain things. IE:Issaru,Gui.(just to name two) that typically rely on Overdrives from different people. This would be fun IMO. so yeah. let's see if you people care or not.
my rules that I thought of are this(Stole most of this obviously)
• Al Bhed compilation sphere must not be used • When submitting a run, please only fill the 'Time Without Loads' field with your time.
• Must be ran on a PS2 Console • Turbo is banned • Everyone's overdrive is banned, except for the compulsory tutorials. (Auron's, And Rikku's) • Start timer upon hitting New Game • End timer when camera shifts to Yu Yevon death animation
same rules. flee is permitted. also fyi, cheer is only in tutorial. it doesn't carry. so once you get flee. that's it. I mean...i guess youcould go to the sphere grid and move characters...for some reason. but as long as you don't activate anything. it's cool.
You can load a save that was made during the run. the timer just can't stop. Hell one time, I had such a bad migraine while learning nemesis I took a 3 hour nap. then came back to it. my timer just never stopped so it was cool. though that won't ever happen again obviously. but yeah. any save during the run is okay. though none of the top players make saves obviously. unless you're talking nemesis%. that shit is risky. LUL
only way it becomes a thing is if you make a thing. I've been doing it on and off. I'll send it
I have notes for you guys if you'd like. but you'd also need to know Luke's any% route that they're based off of.
I'm currently doing some NSG pc stuff. I would think if 2 or 3 people get a run done soon. It could be added.
this is set up at the end of the third fmv hitting start, but not skipping it. you have to wait until the camera shifts in the third fmv. to where the tail is spewing off the sin scales. count to 2 or 3 and hit start to bring up the skip menu. after this, let it go. don't skip etc. this will skip store, the skip. allowing you to use it on the vortex scene
That's kinda mind blowing you got that in real time...any set up you used? to be consistent? I've tried to find a set up for it. but I've also not spent to much time into it either
Ah. Thankyou. I thought if you failed it, it was just instant not get 100. I was misinformed on my information then. I'm glad I understand now.
Final Fantasy IX I want to be your canary fight. I somehow, got 100 out of 100 without impressing Brahe. even after messing up the first input by accident....what the fuck happened? I mean, IDK if this has happened before. I'm sure it may have...But wtf?
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