Kumamoto, JapanDBcade2 days ago

Ok, thank you for the response, will try to run off a different instance and install of DOSBox and let you know if there is still issues.

Kumamoto, JapanDBcade6 days ago

I totally forgot I routed Bill at Oe Game Center and then ran home to do some recordings. Outside of Shingen, this Football Player really has potential.

Kumamoto, JapanDBcade6 days ago

Was going through the twitch vods during this youtube backup and found this default% run that I did. This was done at a local arcade near me at the end of 2021. It's not a top spot on the board but I thought it a waste to not put this run up for anyone who wanted to try routes with other characters.

Kumamoto, JapanDBcade7 days ago

Decided to go ahead and update some things this week, and will continuing writing the rules, and testing the game further through gaming sessions.

Unfortunately @OMEGACOMA has stepped down from mod and speedrunning. Still looking for another moderator at this time. If you have a suggestion, question, or feedback please post below, or join the discord.

Here are the new updates

Renamed Categories - Any% is now Single Player. Renamed Categories - Any % Co Op is Co-Op (Unrestricted) Added Category - Co-Op (Restricted) Online Added the variable - 2 Player option to the Co-Op Restricted Online. Double Checked all runs.

Explanation of Single Player

Story Mode - Allows the use of points, and is where you can play with multiple players, It seems 5 is the limit on Steam, 4 on Playstation and 6 for Switch.

Speedrun mode - this mode is restricted to 1 player, points are unavailable.

Explanation of Online

Online Mode - this mode is also restricted, some consoles like switch and xbox are only able to invite 1 other person to a lobby. Points are unavailable to all players. You can not leave mid match, and sometimes random people can join your game because lobbies are not set to private (this issue is prevalent on Playstation more but also happens on Switch. ) Some stages like the Dragonzord stage, losing even once on the boss forces a game over.

I have posted and shared a lot more of the information on the discord. All old runs are still staying even after the update. There is no reason to archive them since the time to beat the game has gone down, especially with addition of the Power Blast moves (Attack + Special) , and the current state of the game feels more complete and less buggy then previously.

I hope this helps some people with understanding the modes. Points are also transferable between difficulties, you only need to level to max once on one file. Good Luck Rangers!

Butch_Magnum bunu beğeniyor
Kumamoto, JapanDBcade7 days ago

@TheTeneb @AlbertHamik Is there a way to remap the controls? By default it seems to be set to the keyboard.

Kumamoto, JapanDBcade10 days ago

Took the time today to make some changes.

  • Typed out the rules
  • Added the icons to the slots
  • Duplicate board has been known about for sometime but because of the twitch update informed src about it.
  • Ported AlphaNerd's run. (Great watch btw)
  • Submitted my own run from a while back now on youtube.
  • Added the sudden death mode.

If for some reason you stumble upon this game, have fun, its one of the better Simple Character 2000 Entries.

Kumamoto, JapanDBcade13 days ago

So I was playing game today, went and watched the SGDQ run by @tbcr after, they mentioned their was clipping by strafing, however never really explained how to do it.

I can't seem to get the same speed or clip at any of the spots. This definitely a game that would be fun to learn this in, but I tried holding ALT for strafe, and using the SHIFT key to build up speed, but I am not able to do anything like in the video.

Do I need specific cycle settings for the game? Am I supposed to be holding a specific key? Would someone be willing to share more info and an explanation of the various clips in the game?

Kumamoto, JapanDBcade23 days ago

This game has two endings you can get throughout playing,

2nd place ending, which requires you to accumulate 1500 points or more through video games, usually this requires still doing very well in most stages, but intentionally failing when you have the required points. This ending sees you get the 2nd place prize which is a dress that doesn't fit Maruko chan.

And of course the 1st place ending, which requires you a accumulate 2000 points or higher to see the true ending. However this is rather difficult, because you must get perfect scores in nearly every event.

When you are not able to reach either score you wont see either ending or staff roll.

konu: Shanghai
Kumamoto, JapanDBcade28 days ago

Thanks for the comments everyone, I haven't uploaded my own vids because of the whole twitch change. Ill have some categories and stuff up by the end of the week.

@RadManFromMars @MasterSystemMarceau

Kumamoto, JapanDBcade1 month ago

Discord link was added up top to the Momodora community in addition.

Runs were double checked, I think after the twitch update some will be lost to time.

The leaderboard and names were backed up.

Keep playing Momodora, its very cool to see where the series roots came from!

Kumamoto, JapanDBcade1 month ago

Odd thing with Twitch Vods and Legend of Princess

This was something I found out before the announcement that twitch was forcing Highlights and Uploads to be backed up because of space.

But all vods for this game on twitch have been removed, mine seemingly went corrupt overtime.

When I went to back the ones up that I had played a long while ago. The video wouldn't play. I deleted my video because it wont even download anymore either.

Just thought that the information should be put out there, it seems the others who also ran this game and have twitch vods linked most likely had the same issue.

I thought it was pretty mysterious and no other game I played had encountered this issue. In fact all 5 videos I had on this game got corrupted. Maybe there's nothing to this, but just thought it was odd was all. Maybe someone had some insight out there.

Kumamoto, JapanDBcade1 month ago

Just responding to this but @nicj Speedrun mode has different timing, is only available for single player. In addition, there are some minor stage load / interim differences.

Thank you for all the interest, we currently are at 53 runs and 19 players.

A lot of tech has been found so if you haven't yet please join the discord if you have anything to contribute or just want to see the new strategies that have been implemented.

Kumamoto, JapanDBcade1 month ago

@coldrampage is that a Wii only bug? Also nice run @Smul3

Smul3 bunu beğeniyor
Kumamoto, JapanDBcade3 months ago

I would like to second this. I have had runs for this game for quite some time as well and not been able to submit. Duskstation should be allowed.

sleepywitch bunu beğeniyor
DBcade Hakkında
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