Does the emulator have to be DeSmuME. I tried downloading the visual studio community 2015 which is needed to run DeSmuME according to the wiki. I started downloading the visual studio and all of the packets were missing. I installed a different emulator No$gba and it works without having to download visual studio. Thanks.
Many people suggested it in the discord. There was a vote and Mobile Paper Minecraft was added. griffpatch did not make it, someone just made controls. It still has the same functions as the original.
Is it required to use the items in a bonus chest? Or can you just open, close it and then count it as a Starter Chest speedrun.
Mobs% Kill all existing mobs, and there should be Passive Mobs (Kill all passive mobs, Cow, Chicken, Pig ,Sheep) Or you could change that to: All Animals, if so it shall include Wolf. Hostile Mobs (Kill all hostile mobs, Zombie, Skeleton, Creeper, Spider, Enderman, Zombie Pigman, Wolf) Perhaps without the wolf since it doesen't fit in with the other mobs. Then you can add the Glitched, Glitchless, Starter Chest.