Not video no record, this rules.
Hello! I requested two months ago the entry of two new records in the Vigilante arcade and PC Engine and they have not been entered, could you help me? My Nick Name is CesarD
Please, this is the third time that I request the moderation of Vigilante, the moderator has been inactive for more than 3 months I have two world record events that have been sent more than a month ago, it does not cost anything to hand this responsibility to someone who is willing to moderate the game.
"Con mucho respeto quiero solicitar la moderación de Vigilante en todas sus categorías, 2 meses fuera de moderación el que estaba a cargo y dos nuevos récord mundiales de mi parte no han sido subidos, creo poder no solo estar al pendiente sino que muy calificado para detectar anomalías en videos ya que conozco a la perfección el juego en muchas mas de las categorías que acá existen, se agradecería esta oportunidad, de antemano muchísimas gracias."
"I want to request the moderation of Vigilante in all its categories, 2 months out of moderation the one in charge and two new world records on my part have not been raised, I think I can not only be aware but also very qualified to detect anomalies in videos since I know the game perfectly in many more of the categories that exist here, this opportunity would be appreciated, thank you very much in advance. "
Hi, there is a review request from Vigilante for PC engine a month ago and one from the same Game for Arcade, both requests break the record of the first place, what about the moderation of Vigilante?
Al moderador de Vigilante por favor actualizar los record enviados hace mas de dos semanas, gracias.
To the mod of Vigilante please update the records sent more than two weeks ago, thank you.