Rochester, NY, USABlueCrystal0045 years ago

Use Wine to get it on Mac, that's what I did for a long time. Otherwise you can time it afterward in a video editing program

JamIsNotJelly bunu beğeniyor
Rochester, NY, USABlueCrystal0045 years ago

I think there's only IGT on Livesplit for 1.6.4? No one uses Livesplit for the in-game timer.

Imaproshaman ve EdenH2568 bunu beğendi
Rochester, NY, USABlueCrystal0046 years ago

Anyone who reads this:

I've noticed some inconsistencies with how runs have been timed for this map. Any% rules state that timing starts on hitting the pressure plates, while 100% rules state that timing starts on "moving from spawn." However, not all the runs have been consistently timed properly. So, since these runs are coming down to margins within a second, I felt it necessary to make a revision.

For both categories, timing will start when you hit the pressure plates (to be precise, time will start on the frame that the "Given speed" message appears). Timing will still end upon "Completed parkour" message for both categories. These are extremely clear frames to identify, which should make timing runs much easier and consistent. I will retime all current runs according to these new guidelines, and will do a precise frame count for each of the top 3 runs in both categories.

If you have any questions or concerns, you can ask in this thread or in the general Minecraft speedrunning Discord, which you can find under the Minecraft: Java Edition resources page (ping me @BlueCrystal004 or @Moderator).

P.S. I am a general mod for Minecraft: JE and most custom maps. I have never run this map, nor did I set up this leaderboard.

Zanum bunu beğeniyor
Rochester, NY, USABlueCrystal0046 years ago

You may go ahead and run it. Nothing's stopping you. It won't be added to the leaderboards, though.

Rochester, NY, USABlueCrystal0046 years ago

There are confirmed effects that Optifine settings have on world generation, so some people think it could potentially be banned/restricted, but it's in ongoing discussion. You may use it right now, as long as you don't use the zoom function.

Rochester, NY, USABlueCrystal0046 years ago

My two cents:

Server-side timers are unreliable and subject to lag. See this video for an extreme example:

Imaproshaman bunu beğeniyor
Rochester, NY, USABlueCrystal0046 years ago

Hey, glad you're addressing this. I agree that my run broke Rule 3, I must have missed that rule while reading the file. I was unaware that you were supposed to change to Easy before entering that area. That also makes sense to me. And since the rule says any version after beta 1.9 pre-release, I think literally any version after that should be allowed, and I think the route would just involve going through broken doors.

Rochester, NY, USABlueCrystal0047 years ago

There was discussion of a "No Generated Structures" distinction, but we'll get back to you on that

Rochester, NY, USABlueCrystal0047 years ago

No, no one has made one to the best of my knowledge. I imagine it would be a bit tricky, but I invite people to try if they want.

Awesomecuber bunu beğeniyor
Rochester, NY, USABlueCrystal0047 years ago

Hi, I believe this is a known Minecraft bug with the new launcher. You can use the alternative old launcher here: https://minecraft.net/en-us/download/alternative

If I recall correctly, this bug does not occur in certain 1.7 versions (1.7.5 is functional, I believe). You can give those a go if you want.

storm849 bunu beğeniyor
Rochester, NY, USABlueCrystal0047 years ago

You can reopen the launcher manually, but there's also a setting to reopen the launcher automatically after closing the game. At least, there was on the old launcher, I've never used the new one.

MinecraftGaming bunu beğeniyor
Rochester, NY, USABlueCrystal0047 years ago

I don't think there's any runs of Set Seed Glitchless Peaceful yet, so it won't be added

Rochester, NY, USABlueCrystal0047 years ago

@cal and anyone who's having trouble with the dupe. The problem I see in Cal's video is they immediately force quit the game. You should wait about 2 seconds after picking up the item before ALT+F4. This is longer than you might think, so I always just count to myself "1 Mississippi, 2 Mississippi" and then quit.

MinecraftGaming bunu beğeniyor
Rochester, NY, USABlueCrystal0047 years ago

I'm assuming this is for random seed glitchless. Well make sure you get 7 or 8 blaze rods. This will let you get 14-16 Eyes, if you have enough pearls. Make sure you spend the nights getting pearls and spend the days doing other things to maximize efficiency. It might be 40-50 minutes until you have the Eyes to locate the stronghold, so use the daytime to get there and mark the location. Dig down and get to the portal room and take note of how many eyes you need. Don't be discouraged or reset if you need like 11 more pearls, it's all about luck. Build a Nether portal in the stronghold and use it to warp back to the first portal you made, where you can farm for more Endermen. One point of marking your path to the portal is so that you can get back to the stronghold after you warp back. Runs shouldn't be "dead" just because you can't find enough pearls at first. Finishing a sub 1 run is hard, sub 2 isn't bad by any stretch of the imagination. Also look at runs to see the strat for killing Endermen. Good luck!

lucatoni1102 bunu beğeniyor
Rochester, NY, USABlueCrystal0049 years ago

this is a great idea and i fully support this happening in the near future

Hardrocker bunu beğeniyor
BlueCrystal004 Hakkında
10 years ago
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