konu: The Site
SwedenAlbiTheShroom3 years ago

The game "The Enchanted Cave 2" currently only has two categories, and somebody has just submitted a clip for a glitched run that would suit as it's own category. I'm the moderator, however, I don't know if I'm able to add categories myself, of if I have to ask for permisson.

If I do have to request this, the suggestion would be to rename "Floor 100 any%" to "Floor 100 (Glitchless), and add a new category that's called "Floor 101 (Glitched)".

This might be the wrong place to ask, so if anybody would be able to redirect me to the right place to request this, please let me know.

SwedenAlbiTheShroom3 years ago

Will try to look through this in due time. Before I do that, I'd like to how this was executed.

konu: The Site
SwedenAlbiTheShroom4 years ago

Email authentication toggle should now be on. If it's still not enabled, then I'm not sure where exactly I'm supposed to go to enable the correct setting.

ShadowDraft bunu beğeniyor
konu: The Site
SwedenAlbiTheShroom4 years ago

Posting a new thread now that it's past Dec 16th (My account is older than 30 days now)

As requested previously, the current moderator for The Enchanted Cave 2 has been inactive for several years, and any attempt of contacting them through their media links were impossible.

I have a run submitted, and is awaiting approval, and since the current moderator is no longer available, I request for a new moderator to take place.

SwedenAlbiTheShroom4 years ago

A category for reaching floor 10 seems questionable. People can reach floor 10 in less than a minute. Though I wouldn't say that's my own decision.

konu: The Site
SwedenAlbiTheShroom4 years ago

'The Enchanted Cave 2' has only one moderator, and they have been offline for over 3 years, making submissions to the game seemingly impossible. Me and my friend have tried submitting a run, but we're fairly certain that the runs won't be verified by the current moderator until a new moderator is added, or until the current moderator somehow returns. The moderator has only one social media link on their account, but is now outdated, and the link to the social media does not exist anymore.

(Edit: I did not read the Moderation Requests before posting this, and some criterias of mine are not met, so this post may he ignored until said criterias are met.)

AlbiTheShroom Hakkında
4 years ago
3 days ago
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